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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki
    Not a self-insert! These are a collection of schizo ideas I think of.

    Zemi’no Nationalism is derived from the Taíno belief system of Zemism. Zemi’no are ancestral spirits and deities, and Zemi’no Nationalism interprets them as an ancestral race of people who do not originate from Earth. Zemi’no Nationalism believes that some groups of people have a certain amount of Zemi’no ancestry, specifically the people of the Americas, Siberia, and the peoples of the Mediterranean, due to their similar polytheistic beliefs.

    Empty Space Theory

    Atabey created the universe incomplete and empty. She was the only entity in existence. She realized there was no life or light; everything existed in a void. So, she created twins, Yucahu and Guacar. Atabey gave Yucahu the job of finishing his mother’s work. Yucahu first created the sun and moon. Then, he moved the Earth into orbit around the sun. He took rocks from Earth and put them into the sky, creating the Milky Way galaxy. Yucahu created plants and animals to live on the Earth. Then, he made his most impressive creation of all: he created the first man, named Locuo. Guacar was envious of his brother’s work, so he ran off and lived in exile for years until he came back as Juracan and created the very first hurricane. This hurricane was nothing like what we see in the modern day and was so strong it tore up the continents and flooded other parts of the world. Yucahu created the first Zemi’no to help the humans on Earth. There’s no oral tradition of Yucahu creating life Anywhere else in the universe besides the Milky Way.

    The Great End

    Yucahu will decide one day to send Sól to wipe human technology and modern agriculture off the face of the earth. The magnetic field is diminishing, and Sól is strong, so even a solar storm that regularly occurs could wipe out civilization, and there would be no comeback from this. Billions would starve, and millions would die. The only real survivors of the event would be those who can live off the land; the ones unaffected by the delusions of human supremacy and technology. There would be a spiritual awakening, and the old gods would return to gift humanity with enlightenment and organic biotechnology.

    Another type of life

    Expansion of the Zemi raza





    • CHROMATISM - Space is empty, so there’s no point in hating aliens that don’t exist. The "life" that does exist outside of Yucahu’s creation isn’t natural and has no merit whatsoever being thought of as "life." just ignore the planets with Zemi’no and demigods


    1. Seriously this guy is so schizophrenic and I love it! Go give it a read when you have the time
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