WilliamCapo19 Thought is an ideology used to represent the views of User WilliamCapo19.
The ideology is Centrist, Syncretic, Third Positionist, Culturally Center-Right (Altough somewhat opposing of the terms "left" and "right"), Democratic and Distributist.
Main article: Neo-Iberism
My beliefs are pretty much the same as Neo-Iberism in regards of economics, diplomacy and government (With the exception of me personally liking Monarchy), and the only change is that i am slightly more conservative culturally speaking.
User Test
Civic Axis
Type of Rule Axis
- If none above apply...
Economic Axis
- If none above apply...
Economic Freedom
- If none above apply...
Diplomatic Axis
- Autarchy (-100)
- Autarky (-25)
- (Alter-) Globalist (+15)
- World Federalist (-5)
- Cosmopolitan (+15)
- Internationalist (+50)
- Moderate (+75)
- Civic Nationalist (+30)
- Patriotic (+100)
- Nationalist (+5)
- Chauvinist (-75)
- Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-100)
- Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-100)
- If none above apply...
Cultural Axis
Technological Axis
- If none of the above apply...
Environmental Axis
Neurological Axis
War Axis
- If none above apply...
French Revolution
- WilliamCapo19 Thought - (965/965)
- Nileism - (405/965)
- CHROMATISM - (500/965)
- Rojoism - (-110/965)
- Neo-Kyaelism (930/965)
- Zelligism - (-730/965)
- Tsuteylnism - (350/965)
- Charlottism - (455/965)
- Energeneralism - (410/965)
- Innovativism - (455/965)
- Meowxism - (-330/965)
- Donutzism - (610/965)
How To Draw
My flag is a mashup of the flags of Uruguay and Distributism.
- Draw a ball
- Fill it with white
- Add an orange-yellow line at the left
- Add 4 blue lines on the right
- Draw a dog holding a torch on the orange-yellow part
- Add the eyes
- Give me a beret and you are done!
Color Name | HEX | RGB | |
White | #FFFFFF | 255, 255, 255 | |
Orange-Yellow | #FCC52B | 252, 197, 43 | |
Blue | #0038a8 | 0, 56, 168 | |
Grey | #B0B4BC | 176, 180, 188 | |
Slightly Darker Grey | #898E95 | 137, 142, 149 | |
Deep Red | #9D1D25 | 157, 29, 37 | |
Black | #121212 | 18, 18, 18 | |
Very Dark Grey | #1A1A1A | 26, 26, 26 |
The best of the best
- Catholic Theocracy (in the Vatican) - I'm loyal to the vicar of Christ in Rome.
- Distributism (my beloved) - What else can i ask for? You are literally what i was always searching for and never even realized! I promise that some day i will give you back all you gave me.
- Chestertonism - Based in almost every sense, thanks for everything you have made!
- Monarcho-Distributism - Belloc was based, and being honest i don't think it matters much wheter a country it's a Republic or a Monarchy as long as it works for the benefit of their citizens.
- Social Distributism - We have some differences in how to adapt the works of Chesterton and Belloc to the modern day, but overall i really like what you are doing.
- National Distributism - I'm not really a big fan of nationalism, but i have seen that you use it to promote social unity in a pacific way, so i think your heart is on the right place.
Even if your flag is the most fascist looking thing i have ever seen lmao. - Anarcho-Distributism - I never really liked anarchism, but Dorothy Day was amazing. The work she did along Peter Maurin it's still one of the best examples of the church and it's followers helping those that need it the most. Probably one of the few anarchist's i can get behind.
- Distributist Social Democracy - Two of the best existing idelogies combined. You truly bring back the "social" part of Social Democracy.
- Classical Liberal Distributism - Who said Distributists can't be liberals? Plus, Chesterton himself was a self-proclaimed liberal, so overall i really like you!
- Social Democracy - A little too soft, but a good start to eventually achieve distributism. Also, you were one of the ideologies that helped the workers the most historically.
- Social Liberalism - Very similar to Social Democracy, maybe a little less regulationist. Another good way of achieving a distributist society, afterall, i didn't call you "one of the best currently existing idelogies" for nothing. Even if i distanced myself a little from John Stuart Mill, i still owe him a lot of respect.
- Social Capitalism - A human approach through capitalism. Yeah i can get behind that.
- Patriotism -
URUGUAY NOMAAAAAAA!!!!1!!!1!!!!!ONE!!!I am proud of my country, it's culture, it's history and it's people, and i will try to do everything i can for it's well being and of it's citizens! - Christian Democracy and Christian Social Democracy - Very good ideas overall, combines a very good ideology with the teachings of the Church, and the American Solidarity Party particulary it's pretty based. Just make sure that you actually care about the faith and the well being of the people rather than the votes ok?
- Environmentalism - The Earth it's on a critical state, we really need to start to focus on preserving our planet and it's limited resources before it's too late. I will try to do what i can to help you.
- Eco-Conservatism - A fellow environmentalist and heritage enjoyer!
- Catholic Workerism - Another anarchist i can get behind. A friend of Dorothy it's a friend of mine.
- Communitarianism - The community it's the most important and primary social unit, it's well being always needs to be first thing to take into consideration when decision making.
- Localism - The principle of subsidiarity in practice. The people of a local community are the ones that know more about the day to day problems of say community, therfore if they can solve that problems themselves, i don't see any reason as to why a higher form of government should prevent them or make it difficult of doing it.
- Architectural Reactionarism - Best reactionary and the one i fully support, screw concrete blocks!
- Georgism - I'm just starting to know about you, but for now you seem very cool! A LVT alongside a Citizen's Dividend seem like a very good way to fund the state, while helping to solve problems like speculation of residential houses and the establishment of monopolies.
- Liberal Market Socialism - Literally just non-religious Distributism lol.
- Eco-Cooperativism - Literally just Green Distributism lol.
- Agrarianism - The rural work it's one of the most important parts of an economy and a country in general, specially here in Uruguay where the rural workers are some of the most important ones.
- Agrarian Social Democracy - MEGA BASED!
Good ideologies
- Distributist Libertarianism - Seriously? Austrian economics? I not sure about that, but overall besides that, you are pretty good, wanting people to have more freedom and all that.
- Right-Distributism - Hmmmm, i was somewhat skeptical about you at first, but now i think you are fine. You are basically a more "moderate" version of the above. While ESOPs are good, you should still promote Guilds and Cooperatives in some way, but overall i think you are fine.
- Ordo-Liberalism - German version of Social Liberalism. Also fought against those retards so even more based.
- Third Way - Not bad, pretty good overall actually, i would have put you with the other 3 but you are too close to him for my liking, try to focus more on making a change rather than staying in the status quo.
Yes, i am aware the other three are also close to him, but Third Way it's literally Social Neoliberalism. - Technoliberalism - The ONLY good technocrat. Being completely honest, i'm shocked of how cool you are. Not only do you realize the market needs regulations and protect the environment, you are a fellow trust buster! Togheter we shall defeat our common enemy to finally end the status quo.
- Moderatism - No need to go to the extremes, you are pretty fine where you are.
- Apoliticism - Also no need to get into this mess called politics lol.
- Religious Rejectionism - Completely understandable, one does not in fact need to get involved in politics to follow His message.
- Anti-Authoritarianism - These two without their problems, perfect synthesis! Altough, you could be less harsh on democratic forms of monarchism , but besides that you have my support.
- Conservative Feminism - Basically what my girlfriend is. I see it as a reasonable stance securing women's rights while letting them want a more traditional lifestyle.
Karens are annoying as fuck though. - Christian Feminism - Also what my girlfiend is. There seems to be no disagreements between us, very cool overall!
- Democratic Socialism - Clearly, we have different goals, but overall, i think i can work with you for the most part, as we both care for the well being of the worker class. Also, here in my country Tabaré Vázquez was based, may he rest in peace.
- Democratic Socialism (specifically in the USA) - There are some disagreements between us, and, let's be honest for a second, Bernie can hardly be considered a socialist. With that being said, he clearly cares about the workers of the US and it's people overall. A very good guy in general, i hope the US and it's citizens get him or someone like him in the near future.
Supremism - Forget what i said, THIS is who the american people need!- Libertarian Market Socialism - Pretty much her but less religious. Very good overall.
- Mutualism - Similar to the above.
Property isn't theft though. - Market Socialism - Implements similar policies to that of Distributism despite coming from a different theorical background. Pretty compatible if you ask me, but nothenless different.
- Guild Socialism - Same as the above.
- Social Credit - I haven't researched a lot about you, but doing a quick look you seem pretty good, similar to Distributism in some ways.
- Social Libertarianism - I have my doubts about the UBI, and in general i don't really like libertarians, but you seem to be quite different to the other members of your familiy as you care about the people. Very good in general.
- Coop Classical Liberalism - While i would reconsider Laissez-Faire, you seem mostly good and remind me of him, so i think you are fine. Also, fellow fan of John Stuart Mill.
- Pascism - RAMALLO GANG!
- Galacticism - While we disagree on things like Transhumanism, i have always found space very fascinating, and space exploration sure does sound cool!
- Christian Libertarianism - Please don't forget about helping those in need, positive rights are as important as negative ones, and please consider supporting a distributist economic system instead of unregulated capitalism. We do share the idea of not forcing religion onto people through the state and overall i think you are mostly fine, just remeber what i said before.
- Paternalistic Conservatism - One of the best conservatives and one of the few that actually conserves traditional values by caring for the people.
- Longism - Reminds me of him, a little too authoritarian if you ask me, but overall you had good intentions, and also, sueing those big corporations was based af.
- Bull Moose Progressivism - Fellow trust buster and environmentalist. Also, "I have always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand-in-hand." I couln't have said it better. Overall, one the best USA presidents if you ask me, so sad that he was an imperialist and supported eugenetics. Oh well, i suppouse he was a son of his time as they say, or some shit like that, i can't remember lmao.
- Jeffersonian Democracy - Jefferson was a Distributist before it was cool, another good US president. Overall very good model and one that can be used as an example for our modern times.
- Liberation Theology - Being from latin america, and understanding and knowing the horrible situation that we all lived during the second half of the XX century, i can completely understand why you came to be. In principle, there's nothing problematic about you, and yes, God does have a preference for the poor, but please stay away from those rascals that want nothing but the destruction of our Church and the complete extinction of religion as a whole. Seriously, there are some of your followers that are absolutely horrible and heretics, but on the other hand, people like Gustavo Gutiérrez are indeed amazing people. Overall i'm sure most of you do what you do with the best of intentions, so as long as you truly follow Christ, you are going to be just fine. Just that, make sure to actually follow him. Romans 12:2.
- Liberal Socialism - Pretty much an slightly more moderate Democratic Socialist, i can get behind that.
- Conservative Socialism - Basically the guy above but conservative, overall pretty decent.
- Utopian Socialism - Thomas More was not only extremely based, he literally coined the term "socialism". Him along Henri de Saint-Simon were ahead of their time, and their works plus the works of other Non-Marxist Socialists are extremely important and deserve more credit.
- Alter-Globalism - Most of your followers are too socialist for my liking, but i do agree that economic globalization has done immense damage, not only to the workers, but to the people in general. So, even if we disagree on some things, another world is indeed possible, and most importantly, antoher world is needed!
- Participism - Hmmmmm, very intersting, another pretty decent alterantive to Capitalism and Socialism.
- Radical Centrism - We have some disagreements here and there, but overall i really like what you do and LOVE how you search for middle grounds and compromises.
- Progressive Conservatism - Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
- Civic Nationalism - I prefer Patriotism, but you seem to be more moderate than other nationalists, so i guess you are fine.
- Cultural Nationalism - Eh, easily one of the best forms of natioanlism so you are fine, but i prefer your patriotic form.
- Bismarckism - Honestly, all things considered you were not that bad, pretty decent taking in consideration the time where you lived.
- Democratic Variants of Corporatism - Now this is the Corporatism i can support! It was already a decent system, it just needed some decentralization and democratization, so thanks a lot for modernizing it!
Still prefer Distributism though- Christian Corporatism - Fellow follower of the Catholic Social Teaching, fellow distributist and fellow fan of Leo XIII, nothing to say except based.
- Liberal Corporatism - Them but Third Positionist, seems good to me.
- Social Corporatism - Sometimes a little too authoritarian, but overall another good system and the inspiration to them.
- Tripartism - Cooperation, consultation, negotiation and compromise you say? Epic.
- Neo-Corporatism - Very good modernization of the corporatist model!
- Nordic Model - While i'm aware that today you have a lot of capitalist influence, you are still a pretty good system, and you are still loyal to your corporate origins with multi level collective bargaining.
- Helvetic Model - Another good model like them, but instead of using his methods, he uses his methods.
- Federalism - Very cool since you let each region of a country have control over itself. Just make sure that you also let the local communities do the same.
- Confessionalism - If religion establishes solidarity, human dignity, the right of a good quality of life, etc, i don't have a problem with that being promoted through the state. With that being said, i can accept the separation of the Church and the State and promoting those values by other means .
- Traditionalism - Good, but you should understand that social progress, if done correctly, isn't inhrently bad, and can even be good.
- Classical Conservatism - Same as above, plus the XIX century aesthetics are too much of a vibe to hate.
- Euskadi Carlism - Quite the way of adapting Carlism to the modern day. I will like if you reconsider adopting a more distributist economic view and distance yourself a little bit from socialists, but overall i like what you did, just don't forget about the "Dios" part of "Dios, Patria y Rey".
- Pan-Hispanism - I think an organisation like the Commonwealth but applied to Spain and it's ex colonies would be far better and plausible than a literal political union as a single country of all those places, and your more radical supporters are really bad and stain your movement, but overall i do think it would be better if the hispanic american countries have better relatios not only between them but with Spain, as it is undeniable that we share a history, language, culture, religion, etc.
- Gaullism - Very good overall, nothing important to criticize, probably one of the best leaders France could ask during WW2.
Neutral/Mixed opinion
- Catholic Theocracy (outside the Vatican) - I'm not sure if getting the Church to govern it's going to end well. We have the example of the Medici corrupting the Church for their own benefit, and forcing people to be in a theocratic and authoritarian system rather than them getting themselves close to the faith because they believe in it could have negative results.
- Corporatism - Similar to Distributism but more centralized and kind of authoritarian sometimes. Besides that, it's true that your name was forever ruined because of that asshole. Overall you are mostly fine, and some of your variants are very cool!
- Reactionary Socialism - Don't get me wrong, i love the Middle Ages, but don't you think that's taking it a little too far?
- Yellow Socialism - Ayo what you sayin'? Using capitalism to achieve communism? Wtf? And also you are too reactionary for my taste, but your economics aren't really that bad.
- Feminism - I, have kinda of a... complicate relation with you. In principle, yes, besides their obvious differences, woman are as capable of doing most things as men, and so, deserve equal treatment, equal payment when equal conditions in the same job, equal opportunity, etc. My problem starts with your most radical supporters. Please take care of them and then i will be fine with you. And sorry, but biologically, life starts at conception, i just can't support abortion, but that does not mean i condemn people that receive them, quite the opposite, an abortion it's a last resource traumatic or stressful experience, so it's important to show the women that sadly got through that experience that they are still loved, and be there for them. I hope you can understand.
- National Democracy - It's polish, so instantly based, but too right wing on some apects and honestly sometimes even hateful. If you are a Libertarian, then get closer to him and we can talk.
- Christian Nationalism - I get the idea, but that's a bit too much buddy. Remember that Jesus loves everyone equaly.
- Christian Right - Same as above.
- Integralism - Yes, i agree that liberalism and it's economic policies have created an horrible socio-economic situation, and that's why i'm against him. With that being said, going back to the old order is not going to solve the problems you present. The Church adapts herself through the ages in order to consider new problems and issues that we didn't see in the past, just like what Leo XIII did in the Rerum Novarum. But in general i can be good friends with you, and the heroes of Vendée were based, just don't try to make another schism please (yes, i'm talking about the Sedevacantists).
- Integral Nationalism - A defender of the faith but far too reactionary and absolutist for me.
- Brazilian Integralism - I prefer you by a lot over Falangism and other similar ideologies, and overall i like you, my main two problems are; your support for Ultranationalism and your association with Fascism. Reject both of them, and you have my full support. Besides that two points, i think we can be friends, just like i am with your main supporter on this wiki!
- Libertarianism - An small government isn't bad, but capitalism without regulations is. Also, claims to support freedom yet ignores positive rights, curious.
- Third Positionism - Distributism comes from you and i also see the flaws of both Capitalism and Socialism , but stay away from him and his circle, you give yourself a bad name buddy.
- Peronism - You fool! You had the chance to show the world the Third Postion in a positive way, just to ruin it with the influence you took from them. All of this could have been avoided if you weren't so populist (because, at least in principle, your original views weren't actually that bad). Not to mention the disaster that some of your modern day variants are.
- Nationalism - That's a little too much buddy. I don't really hate you but the rest of your family doesn't really help. I prefer him but i still respect you.
- Paternalism - While i agree that the well being of the people should be the main concern of the state, you take it a little too far sometimes and end up remindig me of a certain someone.
- Men's Liberation - Hmmmmm, interesting. We have disagreements here and there but overall you are fine.
- Secularism - I will remain neutral towards you as you let people believe what they want without repression, unlike some of your more extremist variants. If it wasn't for you, christians in not christian-majority countries would face a lot more repression, so thanks for that.
- Horseshoe Centrism - Sometimes you are correct but other times you make kinda dumb takes you know?
- Centralism - It depends, if you let the local communities have autonomy and decision making power through decentralization then you are ok. If you don't, then you either have to embrace it or i will start to call for him to replace you.
- Machiavellianism - Pragmatism is mostly good and very important for me, but the ends do not justify the means. Plus, Chesterton criticized you.
- Anti-Fascism - Pretty good that you fight against tyranny, but on the other hand you are perfectly fine if that tyranny comes from the left.
- Anti-Communism - Same as above but reversed. Why are you fine with tyranny when it comes from the right?
- Classical Liberalism - While a lot of your principles are still very useful, i think you kinda outlived your usefulness you know? Maybe you should try other models like your son did.
- Hayekism - Honestly, all things considered you are not that bad, i'm kinda surprised i must say lol. Also, "There are difficult questions about the precise standard which should thus be assured... but there can be no doubt that some minimum of food, shelter, and clothing, sufficient to preserve health and the capacity to work, can be assured to everybody.", probably one of the only supporters of Laissez-Faire that i can tolerate. That does not mean i support you though.
- Austrian School - I don't fully reject you, but i still don't support Laissez-Faire. Also, claims that Keynesians don't understand basic economics yet thinks that corporations would regulate themselves in Laissez-Faire.
- Austrolibertarian Market Socialism - Better version of the above. On the right track but i still like him over both of you.
- Christian Socialism - I want to like you, i really do, because i am convinced that deep down you do have good intentions, but do you realize you are supporting the same people that want us christians and catholics in particular to dissapear from the face of the earth? I highly recommed you read Rerum Novarum and realize that the Catholic Social Teaching it's the way to truly free the workers from oppresion, not him.
- National Syndicalism - Eh, i guess you care for the workers and defend the faith? But other than that, chill it with the Authoritarianism and follow his example to give the workers even better conditions.
- Falangism - Our economics are not that different and i like that you defend the faith, but you are too close to them! With how he betrayed you, you should know better. Be more like him and distance yourself from fascists so i can actually support you.
- Strasserism (Otto Strasser's version) - You are on thin ice buddy. That background you have with them does not help, but i recognize that you later denounced them once they started to become too authoritarian. You also say that you are Anti-Anti Semitism, Anti-Fascism and Anti-Colonialism, so i will give you my vow of confidence since those were my main doubts about you, and your economics views aren't really bad.
- Conservative Liberalism - Not bad, but embrace Distributism!
- Gremialismo - Why on earth did you support him? The Catholic Social Teaching establishes the dignity of the workers, human dignity and the option for the poor, things that he doesn't care about. Not to mention you extremely supported Pinochet, as christians we need to reject the excesses of both the far right and the far left.
- Libertarian Socialism - Honestly not bad for a socialist, and Peter Maurin was very cool, but overall i still prefer him.
- Reformist Marxism - Essentially a more radical Democratic Socialist, and explicitly Marxist, but also the most respectable out of them.
- Neoconservatism - On one hand, i support the existence of NATO because currently Russia can not be trusted. On the other hand, you were the responsible for Operation Condor and the rise of dictatorships on south america, and i haven't seen you really regretting it.
- Dictablanda/ Benevolent Dictatorship - If you TRULY are benevolent, care for the people and the only restrictions you make are political ones, then you two are tolerable, but most of the time those names are only a mask to cover up true authoritarian regimes.
- Benevolent Absolutism - Same as above.
- Anarcho-Monarchism - Uhhhhhh, don't get me wrong, i also like Tolkien, but... how is this even suppoused to work?
- Illiberal Democracy - I'm also somewhat critical of the Liberal Democracy model, but are you sure you are democratic? Because some of your variants surely aren't.
- Counter-Enlightenment - You have some good ideas and valid criticism, but could you chill a little? Most of the time you end up sounding psychotic, and what's that Anti-Humanism crap?
- Carlism - I also dislike economic liberalism and some of it's social views, but you need to upgrade yourself. The time of absolutism has passed, if you don't embrace democracy those socialists that you dislike so much are going to take over all your movement. Quit being so reactionary and get closer to him and then i will consider supporting you.
- Jacobitism - A cahtolic England would be based but same as above, embrace constitutionalism.
Altough you are basically a dead ideology, and i think Prince William becoming King it's the closest you are going to get to getting a Jacobite on the trhone.
Bad ideologies
- Corporatocracy - FUCK YOU, you deserve fucking nothing but to pay for all the damage you have done, you only care about your own benefit while letting the workers die and suffer. You are the resposible of all the major problems we have and the corruption of both capitalism and the governments. I will fight you with every fiber of my being.
- Plutocracy - Creator of the above, no difference between them, both are selfish assholes that don't care about anyone but themselves. You are the predators, cronies and rent-seekers that makes all earners, enterpreuners and protectors look bad. Matthew 19:24.
- Neoliberalism - Oh boy, where can i even start? Not only you give zero fucks about the well being of the people, you promote an individualist and consumerist world that our society and our planet can not support. Not to mention that you basically ruined most modern day Social Democratic parties.
- Alt-Right - LMAOOOOOO what is even this bullcrap.
- Alt-Lite - Yeah not liking fascism while still being a misogynist and homophobic ain't gonna make me like you any more than the guy above.
- Marxism-Leninism - You were the hope of the working class, and ended up showing them the natural result of fighting the materialistic plutocrats with a materialistic view of the world. If you do care for the workers then why you didn't even show signs of letting the "transitional" state dissapear to eventually gave the workers actual control over the means of production as Marx himself said? Not only that, you literally opposed it! Since the aboltion of the worker councils at the start of the Russian Revolution to the invasion of Czechoslovakia, you have never cared for the working class.
- Christian Communism - You are beyond my understanding. I'm not going to get to all the horrible crimes the communists did to us and STILL want to do to us, for communism to exist, religion needs to disappear. One can not support the abolition of private property and be christian at the same time. If it's true that you care about the working class, then support a movement that actually cares about it and not one that fools it into an authoritarian system as exploitative as unregulated capitalism.
- Fascism - Do i really need to explain this? Not only you are racist, ultranationalist and totalitarian, you ruined the name of an otherwie mostly fine economic system, you ruined the name of class collaboration and the name of the entire third positonist movement!
- Nazism - Everything from above and somehow managed to become a thousand times fucking worse.
- Marxism - I need to recognize that your work has helped the working class hisorically, but why are you against markets? And class struggle only leads to the workers and the "petit bourgeoisie" as you call it to infight and the real abusers to get stronger. Not to mention your takes on religion.
- Neo-Marxism - Paulo Freire and somewhat Louis Althusser are the only at least respectable followers of you, besides them, same as above but worse, plus, the Frankfurt School is my eternal enemy.
- Ultranationalism - That's WAY too much! No country it's better than another.
- Ingdist - WTF?! FAKE DISTRIBUTIST!!!!1!!
- Francoism - You may have been a defender of the faith, but you were too authoritarian in the beggining and ended up abandoning the Third Postion in favor of him.
- Anarcho-Capitalism - Same as them but straight up moronic.
- Left-Rothbardianism - ...What the fuck? I mean, better than the above, but still no thanks.
Wait, are you telling me that because of your existance i can troll my libertarian friend by saying that Rothbard was a leftist? That almost makes me want to put you on the good ideologies part lmao. - Hoppeanism - Anarcho-Capitalism but Homophobic... and monarchist???
- State Capitalism and State Socialism - Planned economics don't work, sorry not sorry.
- Other christian theocracies - Sorry but no, i already have many doubts about a Catholic Theocracy being a good idea, even more about other christians. In general i don't see a Theocracy as an effective way of spreading the faith.
- Clerical Fascism - Tends to be racist, misogynist and overall hateful: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28. Christ loves everyone equaly, He did not call for the persecution of the non-believers and the sinners, but for us to show them the correct way through love and mercy and to pray for our enemies just like He did even with the persons that sent Him to death. Your hatred shows that you only use the faith as a way of achieving your evil intents. Luke 23:34.
- Positive Christianity - Jesus was a jew, cry about it lmao.
- Christian Progressivism - Just gonna leave this here... oh and btw, Romans 12:2.
- Jacobinism - The revolution was a madness, and Louis XVI was far from a tyrant. Your blood lust and intolerance was what led to your eventual downfall. As Mallet du Pan once said: "The Revolution devours its children". Le roi est mort, vive le roi !
- Austrofascism - One of the "least bad" facsists, but too authortarian and ultranationalist for me. Altough very good for opposing them.
- Populism - Sorry but no, latin amercia already had too many bad experiences with you. Those "elites" that you talk about so much most of the time either don't exist, or, you end up being the true elites!
- Kirchnerism - Peronism but without any of it's redeeming qualities, Perón is turning in his grave.
Not like i liked it much tbf lmao. - National Bolshevism - A good ideology for LARPing on the internet, but that's about it.
- Strasserism - Same as above.
- State Liberalism - State Atheism, Corporatocracy, Misandry, Fake "Progressivism", Consumerism, Individualism and Totalitarianism? Yeah i think i'm gonna pass.
- Radical Feminism - Doesn't care about equality, just cares about hating on men. Makes their whole movement look bad, sadly.
- SJW - And you make their whole movement look bad.
- C*lvinist Theocracy - You have exactly 10 seconds to leave before i start Counter-Reformation 2.0 Electric Boogaloo.
- - Um, actually, it's not that God is cruel, it's just that he isn't fair-
- - *sets him on fire*
- WilliamCapo19 Thought - An important note, i will not add Self-Inserts on this page. If you want me to add your Self-Insert, do it on my Userpage.
- Innovativism - Hi, IronyScience here, add me?
- - See the comment above.
- - LMAO, real, but don't worry, i'm adding you to my userpage.
- You're kinda based for me.
- Thanks you guys, (I also declared war against every authoritarian progressives, libertarian conservatives, and authoritarians conservatives (Worse than the first two). Enjoy debate, mind asking Libertarian and Progressive into my alliance? Mind joining the war?)
- Jugglism: What do you think of my ideology?