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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    This is AnasArt

    Ideological Journey

    2016-2018 > 2018-2019 > 2019-2020 > 2020-2022 > 2022 > 2022-2023 > 2023-2024> 2024-

    5-6 years old me

    It may sound strange that a 5-year-old had a political ideology, but basically, I had no other choice. I grew up with a Guevarist mother, a liberal-conservative father, a Trotskyist grandfather and another quasi-fascist; I didn't have an ideology as such, but my mother, a member of Morena, talked to me about these issues, and I only had this thought: Morena = good, the others = corrupt, I didn't even know what "corrupt" meant, but well, I had this very precarious thought at this age.

    7 years old me

    My parents brought me forward to the third grade, and there I began taking history classes. Among the things that were most engraved in my memory was undoubtedly that the gringos in 1846 took more than half of our territory. In that year, 2018, AMLO was in his third attempt to become president of the republic. A year ago, I had attended a rally of the morena candidate for the State of Mexico, where I live, Delfina Gómez, and I was able to give some drawings of her and him to Andrés Manuel, he took them, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. This undoubtedly influenced my loyal loyalty to him.

    13 years old me

    Now, I have finally designed, based on all my geopolitical knowledge, a series of fundamental ideas that inspired me to create the Great Purpose Theory: -Inevitably every injustice is resolved by the people themselves
    -After each revolution, there will be groups of opportunists who will try to appropriate it
    -Only the most prepared can come to power, but everything must be consulted with the people
    -Human beings are good, what corrupts is power
    -Education completely influences the thinking of each person
    -The end does not justify the means
    -USA sucks



    Friends of my friends

    Friends of my enemies



    AnasArt - You can comment freely, of course, no insults, and if you want me to add your user page (No self-instert), say it here Innovativism - can you teach me chess?

    • AnasArt - I'm scared, how do you know i play chess? Anyway, I'm not really very good at teaching and I'm half as good as Magnus Carlsen, it seems like a lot but it's not. But i can try
      • I searched your name on Google, indeed I am also a chess player, I AM SO SAD THAT I AM NOT ACTIVE, still, we can try competing.
      • AnasArt - Ok, give me your name on lichess, chess or some form of contact, bro


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