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    Smarter Greeceball Thought

    Hello,My name is Smarter Greeceball!I'm very happy in the there!

    List of countrys that needs a communist revolution right now

    • Finally five“Socialists” conutries
    • AMERIKKA!!!(Imperialism countries)
    • Russia(Ambitious but sanctioned by Western imperialism, and also a strategic partner of China)
    • BirdkraineUkraine(Anti-Union traitors and the rebirth point of the Damn Nazis, the licking dogs of Western imperialism and American imperialism, in order to lick the trash of the West by any means.)
    • JapanJ*ps(A idiot who will find fault with us when he is strong, a dog who launched the war of aggression against China, a big b*astard who has killed many of us and stolen our culture, and a modern fool who has helped the United States, often barking at our country and Russia, and has nothing to do with China as the biggest threat. But I really like animation, games, music, and Hatsune Miku.)
    • Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, and it is not a country, but a province. Don't expect to add the United States and Japan (if you believe it or not, you can directly merge it into Fujian Province)
    • UK is the collapsed empire has now committed crimes with its eldest son United States. It has left Europe and is still looking for trouble in the South China Sea. It may disintegrate in the future.




    Socialism is very important to me, so the first step of my administration will be to nationalize a large number of private enterprises. In the early stage, 25% -50% of Means of production will be given to each worker equally, and the remaining Means of production will be controlled by the ruling committee. Therefore, there will be a large amount of funds invested in scientific research and people's livelihood, and it may be possible to maintain the costs of a large number of research through borrowing, and welfare is also a large expenditure, Everyone (family) has a house, and the land is distributed according to Common ownership (state-owned+collective ownership) without illegal invasion. However, you can apply to not be disturbed by others. After full automation in the later stage, we may return most or even all of the Means of production to workers (until communism is achieved), and a large part of the time is mainly single Common ownership (but also earn some money from foreign trade). A free market economy is inefficient and can only lead to monopolies and economic crises. After all, workers cannot afford to buy their own products, and there are too many, so they can only lower prices. At that time, both workers and bosses will lose money, factories will close, and workers will wander. In the long run, this will be extremely detrimental to the entire society. Therefore, I would rather choose a planned economy than reproduce if it is not enough.


    On the cultural axis, I will use accelerationism to destroy conservatism, reactionism and feudalism. I will support the movement of LGBTQAI+, and at the same time let everyone enjoy their rights. In the future, gender will be abolished in a highly progressive society, because gender may be backward. At this time, due to the massive use of artificial eggs and artificial sperm, everyone can have children.


    Technology, I will use some surplus value to start vigorously developing (if there is surplus value, most of it will be given to the people, and the rest will be developed to the people's livelihood), and after the completion of fully automated production, I will vigorously develop science and technology to benefit the people, so that they can fully enjoy the benefits of science and technology, first explore the whole earth and then go to space, to explore more unknown. In short, it is a technocrat who serves the people.


    On the citizen axis, I will give citizens the rights they should have, such as freedom of speech and association, and give them the maximum freedom, but I will still set up police to maintain basic public order to ensure their safety, but I support private security, and will give subsidies to security.


    I will abolish the large government and the central government, only retain some small governments, and implement the federal system of direct democracy, use electronic equipment management, and tend to be populist. The whole social management is composed of committees and trade unions, which are responsible for managing the cause of all departments, and everyone can participate in it. The committee is responsible for bringing representatives of all associations together to consider a series of issues such as people's livelihood.


    When it comes to diplomacy, I usually choose what can be resolved peacefully. A lasting peace will make the society prosperous. If others take the initiative to invade, we will fight back relentlessly. At that time, I may form a wartime government to deal with aggression

    Sometimes we have to intervene

    1:It is suggested to hang street lamps before burning ANTI-HUMANIST TRASH that is fed by nature.
    2:An OLD OBSTINACY that should be destroyed by Accelerationism and Futurism

    Personality & Behaviour


    “State” of emergency of SGBT

    In case of some emergency, such as war or disaster, I will temporarily form an emergency government and merge the federations, and the materials will be transported to the disaster area or the front line. But I will crack down on the reactionary forces and the return of the trash that makes the country difficult to make money, protect the rights and interests of the minority groups, the welfare will not be reduced because of the war, and some drugs (normal) can be supplied in a small amount during this period, I will protect my citizens and return to development quickly after the war.

    The cleansing of right-wing and reactionary ideologies and some governance measures

    After establishing the government, I decided to confiscate a large number of private enterprises and confiscate them, and then fight for the rights that workers deserve. After that, 25% of the Means of production will belong to the committee, and the rest will be shared equally among all people outside the committee. The committee will make use of Means of production to engage in high technology. Afterwards, in order to make art and technology more advanced, I will launch several artistic and technological revolutions to bring some of China's art back into line with international standards. The ideological massacre is mainly to prevent the reactionaries from seizing power again and wasting my efforts. Therefore, I should first clean up such as national capitalists, secret Fascism, Japanese imperialists and Nazism, which must be wiped out because they are the root of the evil. I will make workers resist capitalism and large-scale politics against corrupt officials. Afterwards, capitalists who do not obey will be slaughtered, treated like normal people, and if they make some reactionary remarks, they will be sentenced. Capitalists, Fascism, Totalitarianism, bourgeois liberals and the like are either sentenced or massacred as long as they are Rightists. On the left, I will purge some traitors, such as bourgeois Social democracy and Social liberalism, because they are too kind to capitalists and their running dogs. Therefore, I refuse all Rightists and reactionaries, and even authoritarian democrats I have only left behind technocratic democrats.


    Civic Axis

      • Chaoist (+0)
      • Anarchist (+3)
      • Minarchist (+8)
      • Libertarian (+8)
      • Civically Moderate (+10)
      • Statist (+7)
      • Dictablanda (+8)
      • Authoritarian (+3)
      • Totalitarian (+0)
      • Orwellian (-114)

    Type of Rule Axis

      • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (+0)
      • Direct Democracy (+8)
      • E-Democracy (+10)
      • Semi-Direct Democracy (+10)
      • Representative Democracy (+8)
      • Authoritarian Democracy (+5)
      • Totalitarian Democracy (+1)
      • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-10)
    • If none above apply...
      • Organic Centralism (+9)

    Economic Axis

      • Marxist Communist (+10)
      • Socialist (+9)
      • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+5)
      • Mixed (+3)
      • Liberal Economics (+0)
      • Capitalist (-114)
      • Darwinist (-514)
    • If none above apply...
      • Third Positionism (+2)
      • Anti-Economy (+2)
      • Non-Marxist Communist (+8)
      • Fiscal Federalism (+3)

    Economic Freedom

      • Anti-Economy (+1)
      • Dirigisme (+5)
      • Regulationism (+8)
      • Mixed (+4)
      • Liberal Economics (+0)
      • Free Market (-114)
      • Laissez-Faire (-514)
    • If none above apply...
      • Central Planned (+9)
      • Decentral Planned (+9)
      • Mixed ownership of the proletariat (+10)

    Diplomatic Axis

      • Autarchy (+6)
      • Autarky (-1)
      • (Alter-) Globalist (+9)
      • World Federalist (+8)
      • Cosmopolitan (+7)
      • Internationalist (+10)
      • Moderate (+9)
      • Civic Nationalist (+9)
      • Patriotic (+10)
      • Nationalist (+5)
      • Chauvinist (+0)
      • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-114)
      • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-114)


      • Western (-1145)
      • Western Adjacent (-810)
      • Non-Aligned (+10)
      • East Adjacent (+6)
      • Eastern (+6)
    • If none above apply...
      • Anarchistic Unaligned (+6)

    Cultural Axis

      • Revolutionary (+10)
      • Progressive (+9)
      • Reformist (+7)
      • Syncretic (+4)
      • Conservative (+1)
      • Traditionalist (-1)
      • Reactionary (-114)

    Technological Axis

      • Primal (-1145)
      • Primitivist (-10)
      • Pre-Industrial (+1)
      • Deceleration (+0)
      • Moderate (+5)
      • Acceleration (+10)
      • Automated (+10)
      • Transhumanist (+10)
      • Posthumanist (-1145)
    • If none of the above apply...
      • Post-Civ (+5) [and/or]
      • Archeofuturism (+4)

    Environmental Axis

      • Human Extinction (-1145)
      • Radical Environmentalism (-10)
      • Eco-Fascism (-20)
      • Ecocentrism (+2)
      • Environmentalist (+10)
      • Moderate (+10)
      • Post-Industrialism (+10)
      • Industrialist (+9)
      • Anthropocentric (+3)
      • Anti-Environmentalism (-5)
      • New Mass Extinction (-1145)

    Neurological Axis

      • Anti-Praxis (+5)
      • Utopian (+8)
      • Dogmatic (+0)
      • Idealist (+10)
      • In Between (+5)
      • Realist (+5)
      • Pragmatic (+3)
      • Rational (+10)
      • Dystopian (-1145)
      • Anti-Theory (-191)

    War Axis

      • Pacifism (+9)
      • Non-engagement (+5)
      • De-escalation (+6)
      • Intervention (-1145)
      • Irredentism (+1)
      • Revachism (-1)
      • Jingoism (-5)
    • If none above apply...
      • Class Warfare (+10)


      • Insurrectionism (+7)
      • Revolutionism (+10)
      • Moderatism (+5)
      • Reformism (+0)
      • Stagnationism (-5)

    Ethnic Axis

      • Chinese (+10)
      • Indian (+5)
      • Other Asian (+6)
      • Other Southeast Asian(+7)
      • Western European (+5)
      • Northen European (+5)
      • Celtic (+7)
      • Eastern European (+10)
      • Southern European (+8)
      • American (+5)
      • South American (+8)
      • African (+7)
      • Arabian (+7)
      • Jewish (+5)
      • Indonesian (+5)
      • Korean (+8)

    Religion Axis

      • Original Paganism (+0)
      • Zoroastrianism (+0)
      • Buddhism (+2)
      • Hinduism (+0)
      • Orthodoxy (+2)
      • Catholicism (+2)
      • Islam (+0)
      • Judaism (-2)
      • Protestantism (+1)
      • Neo-Paganism (+0)
      • Wicca (-1)
      • Irreligion (+10)
      • Satanism (either atheistic or theistic) (+1)
      • Shinto (+0)
      • Liberation Theocracy (+7)


    • IDK Thought - (136/140)or 0.9714285714 (同志你Economic Freedom的得分出问题了,没有一个可以+10的,要是你对每一个选项都不太满意你就自己搞一个满意的选项)
    • - (-2340/140) (how is being pro-western, worse than being a litteral racial nationalist?)
      • IDK Thought - Because… I think he is a nationalist, "national-internationalist"?
      • - I don't get it. I'm a Racist? Don't I Hate America, Japan, England? It's bad enough to be pro-western, but to run off and support the white bandits? Support independence for Hong Kong, Tibet and Taiwan? Brainwashed by political correctness? Split China into several countries? Is it wrong that I love my country? I'm totally against Pinky, damn it, Little Pinkie called me an unpatriotic traitor, and you're calling me a racist? I still say you're the dog of capitalism.I admit I'm not very good at this, but next time, will you grow a brain? I'm a anti-racism, whether you're talking about yellow people, white people, black people,Native Americans , you're still pro-inequality at heart! All races are equal.
        • IDK Thought - NopeXXX I just think you are much more Anti-Western&Nationalistic than me.我说的是你对西方帝国主义的恨甚至超过了种族主义。如果你回复的是上面那位资产阶级的走狗,那就忽略掉这一句话吧。我不知道亲西方和种族主义到底哪个更坏,但是比烂肯定是不好的。修改一下种族主义的扣分就彳亍了。同志一会我看一下你economic freedom改了没。(同志用心啊,还会看评论了(不是))我就喜欢看这种网络大战。

    My Possible Ideology in the Future

    Radical Future Marxist

    I would also think the same way, after all, my ideology has become increasingly radical since last year. Currently, due to exposure to some ideas about realism, Marxism, and some left-wing people's ideas, I am a Marxist who is similar to the fusion of Bukharina and Kardashev's ideas in TNO. Due to my greater support for technical bureaucracy and increasing interest in Mayakovsky, Therefore, I may become a Futurism in the future and may abandon liberalism and become a more authoritarian Marxist.


    SGB is usually a very friendly, chatty, and polite person. He doesn't care about dressing up and has many bad habits, but he is loyal to his ideas and will firmly stand in the socialist camp. He hates revisionists, capitalists, reactionaries, Confucianism, imperialists, liberals, and traditionalists. He is the most radical and progressive socialist among the people around him, and he often thinks about politics, I really enjoy discussing politics with you. But he has a hot temper, cannot make jokes, is too sensitive and suspicious, and often suspects others. At the same time, sometimes when others joke with him, he will scold or even hit him. Therefore, don't look for him when SGB is excited or angry. His speech is very unpleasant, just like he curses capitalists, reactionaries, revisionists, imperialists, and other things that he deeply detests.


    Best Comrades

    • Luxemburgism - The committee and workers' freedom are great, and they are feminists. Who said that the revolution can only be led by men? Women can also! Although killed by those damned revisionists, your contribution to the revolution is still very great.
    • Council Communism - Rights belong to the Soviet! Although I believe that the vanguard is necessary, they can only serve as a revolutionary leader. Therefore, after the victory of the revolution, of course, a committee should be established, even if Lenin refutes it as a leftist immaturity. However, I think you are very idealistic, as you can prevent the vanguard from corruption and not just Utopian.And it's also a reason for me to be lazy.
      • - It's power, not rights.改了之后记得删了这条评论。不要问我为什么突然跑进来,多看看PCB页面,里面也是A评价B然后突然跑进来一个C的。
    • Ultravisionary Socialism - I support technocracy and the state investing heavily in technology in the early stages, but are you a little too authoritarian? Is it necessary to spy on citizens? Technocratic socialism is what I currently support, I have been preparing for a semi-planned economy and a half-worker-guided economy at the beginning, and education for all is very important, after all, more talents can be produced...
    • Leninism - Later I finally learned that Leninism turned out to be so good, Lenin balanced Bermen left and authoritarianism, the NEP can indeed restore the economy for a while, except that the vanguard can be used as education after leading the revolution (I am mainly worried about the corruption of the vanguard), but unfortunately died too early, otherwise the bureaucracy of the late Soviet Union could not be so serious……


    • Anarcho-Communism - Anarcho-Communism is a very good system, but Anarcho-Syndicalism may be better, because it has the All Country Federation of Trade Unions, I'm sorry……
    • Maoism - The greatest revolutionary in modern Chinese history! "You created a new China, helped everyone get rid of exploitation and landlords. Your public ownership economy is very good, but the power of too much power is really not very good. The Cultural Revolution was a bit too violent (I think individualism and anarchism are really okay, so I am neutral in the Cultural Revolution, but I don't know why many people take you for granted). Therefore, I prefer yourspontaneity, and your two sons are also very good.", Unfortunately, it was abolished by Deng Xiaoping's revisionist group.
    • Trotskyism - I can understand you because you may be a bit better than Stalin, but the vanguard is really not necessary. And why do your supporters in our country support Japan's invasion of China?
    • Left Communism - A traitor against revisionism and a great idea of reformism! Why do you oppose democracy?And why do you hate Minarchy and Anarchy?Although my thoughts are similar to yours now
      • - Sei favorevole alla democrazia? Certo che sei un traditore revisionista. A proposito, il comunismo anarchico è il picco della piccola borghesia! (Do you support democracy? Sure enough, you are a revisionist traitor. Go to hell! By the way, anarcho-communism is the peak of the petty bourgeoisie!)
        • - OK, you are more orthodox than other marxists, this is true. But you really go too far. Fortunately, you are not like him.
    • Futurism - As a comrade who is keen on destroying traditions, I think the left-wing fascists should unite, but the right-wing ones should indeed be destroyed, so now Futurism can be revived, but I prefer the left-wing ones to you.
    • Libertarian Marxism - Do workers have the means of production? Transition to a stateless society? Free and supportive of Marxism? Anti authoritarianism? This is great! And what I hope is that this is me, but my thought is more progressive and radical than this.
    • Minarcho-Communism - Let the government be the night watchman and keep the communist society, great! It is only possible to abolish the government and allow the workers to be fully autonomous……
    • Libertarian Socialism - The main source of my thinking is that the means of production should be handed over to their original owners to control and give the workers complete autonomy. This is a good idea!
    • Minarcho-Socialism - The idea comes from the comrades above. They just support the country of the night watchman (which is actually very good). This is also very good.
    • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Who said anarchism must be chaotic? The All Country Federation of Trade Unions can also be a substitute for the government! Unfortunately, your supporters were stabbed by Stalin in the Spanish Civil War.

    United Front

    • Soulism - Although I think you're cool, you're a bit too extreme, and don't take drugs anymore……
    • Left-Social Democracy - This is something I can accept, and it is also the true form of social democracy, opposing capitalism, welfare, and not the lackeys of capitalists.

    At least we can cooperate

    • Anti-Japaneseism - 虽然我知道国内有些崇拜你是因为 那个寄,我也的确很讨厌 它,但是并不是每一个日本人都是坏的,比如 ……还有中核派这种为人民服务的呢,因此不要太片面。(Although I know that some people in China worship you because of that dog, and I really dislike it, not every Japanese person is bad, such as him……There are also those who serve the people like the Intermediate Core Power Faction, so don't be too one-sided.)
    • Stalinism - Your Patriotic War and socialist industrialization were excellent. Actually, there is no Stalinism, only Marxism–Leninism under the Stalin model! As a student of Lenin, you are actually a bit good (although Lenin is not quite at ease). However, freedom of expression and freedom of association are necessary for the left, and too much totalitarianism is not good for society. In fact, I don't think you can reach the level of red fascism. Your backbiting towards other leftists is really bad. Wouldn't it be good to first overthrow the capitalists and then expel the left from their native places? Although my friend doesn't like you very much
    • Anti-Authoritarianism - 虽然反威权主义是很棒的,比如 自社 自马以及 安康,但是你在国内的支持者有些是纯粹的反左与反共,这点我非常反对,甚至想把他们挂路灯。(Although anti-authoritarianism is great, such as Libsoc and LibMarx and AnCom, some of your supporters in China are purely anti-left and anti-communist, which I am very opposed to, and even want to put them on the street lamp.)
    • Communalism - Comrade, it is really feasible to abolish private ownership, but not to abolish personal property. I heard that many infectious diseases are transmitted by sharing one thing. You should be careful.
    • National Syndicalism - A Syndicalist has Ultranationalism, Mutualism, and Corporatism? Yes, although not as good as Strasserism and National Bolshevism, you can also better than Hitler Opportunist Group. Gramsci's ideas have yours, as the Nazis should have done! Or Strasserism! This is National socialism!
    • Strasserism - Hitler was not National socialism, Strasser was! Trade union socialism and state-owned socialism may work, as can land nationalism. If you lead Germany, perhaps the German people will lead a better life. Because Hitler only oppressed ethnic minorities and waged war, you were truly for the sake of the German workers, although Ernst Thälmann was better. But I can consider your trans version.
    • Crusade of Romanianism - Romanian Grand Strasser, although your ideology is still a bit bad, you are a libertarian socialist and you also oppose capitalism. Why do you dislike communism? If you support communism, then you are very good.

    What's trash?

    • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - For me, you're just a progressive libertarian who regulates the economy. It's okay, at least the people won't suffer too much
    • Social Libertarianism - For me, you are the last person to blend in with social democracy. Familiar with welfare and regulated economy. Since you are a bit more left, you will be better than the previous one.
    • Paternalistic Conservatism - This ideology is not bad except for its conservatism and market economy. Equivalence exchange is also good, and there are benefits that can be obtained. I do not recognize promoting private enterprises and free competition (I support individual businesses with small profits and quick turnover), and it is good to provide benefits to the public. It would be great if you moved a little further to the left.
    • Zionism - 我知道你们曾经住在巴勒斯坦地区,也知道死纳粹屠杀了你们,但是这并不是你们残害巴勒斯坦人的理由,你们很多都是披着犹太皮的西方资本家,在西方的援助下,让中东鸡飞狗跳,这一点是真的糟糕。(I know that you once lived in the Palestinian area and that the Damn Nazis slaughtered you, but this is not the reason for you to harm the Palestinians. Many of you are Western capitalists in Jewish clothing. With the assistance of the West, the Middle East has become a real disaster.)
    • Grecophobia -

    YOU ARE A D! I! C! K!

    • 束棒 - You have plunged most of the people into a deep sea of fire. You launched the Second World War, glorified aggression and plunder, and publicized ultranationalism. This is very bad! You have also maimed people of other nationalities!
    • Reactards - You are the enemy of the Communist Party and progressives! Wherever you are, we will smash you! You let your parents suffer and the country rot! During this period, I will use all means to smash you!
    • Pinkieism - 你他妈的不是我,你这个傻逼玩意儿!!!你跟当年的雅利安人有什么区别?(You f**king are not me, you are a BEASTARD!!! What's the difference between you and Aryan people back then???)
    • Paleo SGBism - 卧槽,你这傻逼能不能滚远点!你他妈的才是粉红!都跟你说了,日本并不是每个人都是坏的!极端民族是坏的!(WTF! Can you beastard away! You're f**king pinkie! I told you that not everyone in Japan is bad! Extreme nationalism is bad!)
    • State Libtards - 你简直是那些白左的思维!就是你这种贵物败坏了我们进步主义者的名声,搞得大家都向 保守蠢货那边靠了,你简直是披着保护少数群体的皮的独裁者!我不会上你那破直升机的,笨蛋!并且我会击落那架讨厌的直升机!
    • Di*ktator Crappie - National Capitalism without Nazism is also very poor. Dictators will cause chaos in the country, and capitalism will oppress the people. Even if I support authoritarian socialism, I will not let you ignore it!
    • 屁大帅 - 你把智利搞得乌烟瘴气,所谓的皮诺切特经济奇迹,不过是给了资产阶级罢了,无产阶级呢?他们在 阿连德的统治下还可以吃饱穿好,而你呢?穷人们只能满足面包的需求,你还拿直升机清除共产主义者……我不会去坐直升机的,并且我会把你那架破直升机击落,你这个独裁者永远都不会得到善终的!你毁了智利!独裁者!即使 波萨达斯的核弹炸不到你,我还可以让太空的攻击型卫星摧毁你的直升机!!
    • 一个类人生物 - 大姐,你特么讨厌我们每一个左派?我们这些左派才不需要你喜欢呢!你只会让那些你觉得最伟大的老板来狠狠的压榨人民群众!就你们这些资产阶级高贵吗?你这个搞优生学的帝国主义猪猡!人家罗莎·卢森堡也是个犹太人,她是为了全世界的女工解放,让工人们得以自治,她是个反独裁的伟大革命先驱,她是为了革命事业和进步,而你这个贵物呢?是为了让我们穷人彻底没有翻身之路,你对穷人的歧视,对帝国主义的崇拜和那所谓的优生学让你和 对比之中,你毫无意义,你只会被我们人民群众消灭,然后永远被钉在历史的耻辱柱上。
    • White Aryans - Ah, you idiot! What the f**k did his mother, blacks, Asians and Native Americans do wrong? Why are they guilty? The goddamn Nazis are inspired by you b**stards. Are you still doing a lot of bad things? Huh? You his mother Lenin and Trotsky are Jewish Bolsheviks, you are white trash, you are the scum of your noble white people! I tell you, you are as hateful as the Nazis!
    • Radical Feminism - 我**要的是男女平等,不是女尊男卑!你这*狗能不能别剥夺我们男性的权利!(What I want is equality between men and women, not inferiority between women and men! Can you sh*t dog not deprive our men of their rights!)
    • Right-Social Democracy - You have completely abandoned Marxism and social democracy, and have become the running dog of capitalists. What I despise is this kind of social democracy! Please take responsibility for suffocating the German socialist revolution and the death of Luxemburg!

    Burning in the 18th floor of hell, never reborn.

    • Crappie - A particularly bad ideology, you are just for your own benefit, disregarding others, and you are simply selfish. You oppress the common people, even if you waste it, you don't give it to them. You also say that communism is imperialism, and I think you are more like it! Although you are much better than feudalism, you are still very bad. Let's break down soon!
    • Stu*id St*rds - F**K YOU J*PS! You launched the 918 Incident and let the people of all East Asia and Southeast Asia be invaded by you! You massacred 300000 compatriots in Nanjing, and you raped many girls in China and North Korea! You took killing and war as fun, stole a lot of our culture, and you also killed nearly 18 million of our compatriots! I'm glad you're dead! How can there be such anti-human existence in the world?
    • Damn Nazis! - And you!How many Jews have you slaughtered? 6 million! You killed the wrong person! Those Jewish capitalists have all gone to other countries. You are lucky. Instead of killing the Juncker aristocracy and the remnants of the empire, you have slaughtered these innocent Jews. You have not only slaughtered Jews, but also Belarusian, Polish, Soviet, Czech! You also slaughtered the disabled, communist fighters, homosexuals!Your sin can't be measured. The so-called Aryan Superman is all made up by you. Don't pretend to be an Iranian!
    • NutCrappie - You are the worst thought in the world! Because you are not only a Nazi pig who slaughters other nationalities to promote Aryan supremacy, but also a capitalist who exploits the people! Don't you treat homosexuals and disabled people as human beings! You are more evil than the Nazis. Now we should not only put you on the street lamp, but also burn your body. Go to hell!
    • Sockial Doorwigism - 信这种意识形态的人非蠢即坏,这个逼他妈的伪造了 真正的达尔文理论,拜托,我们人类和动物已经不一样了,人类指的是可以通过精神来取悦自己的生物,所以我们不是动物,莫非你还想让我们重新退回那个茹毛饮血的时代,人类费尽心思进化就是让你们来退化的?如果真是这样的话,那我们人类和动物还有啥区别?不如先把你们放进丛林里试一下,到时候你们就知道了。并且你们这种意识形态只会被全人类所唾弃,许多非常优秀的文化结晶,都是你们眼中的弱者创作的,世界上只剩下少部分精英的话,那后果不堪设想,所以这种人只会被钉在耻辱柱上供大家所唾弃。(People who believe in this ideology are either stupid or bad, and this force his mother to forge the real Darwin theory! Please, we humans and animals are no longer the same. Humans refer to creatures that can please us through spirit, so we are not animals. Do you still want us to return to the era of drinking blood and hair? Humans have put in a lot of effort to evolve, which is what makes you degenerate? If that's the case, what are the differences between humans and animals? Why don't we put you in the jungle first and give it a try? Then you'll know. And your ideology will only be despised by all humanity, and many excellent cultural creations are created by the weak in your eyes. If there are only a few elites left in the world, the consequences will be unimaginable, so such people will only be nailed to the pillar of shame for everyone to despise.)
    • Burgundian System - What is it? What the f**k is this? You are better than Hitler. Don't mess with your dark sun! Look at what you did in Burgundy! Do you want to destroy the whole world without killing the French? It took so long for human beings to develop and let you destroy them? You are crazy? Support the corn poppy movement to dry up Burgundy!
    • Taboritskyism - Taboritsky, you crazy! What did you do after unifying Russia? You killed all the people who were not Russians in order to find “Alexei”, and you confiscated their personal property! Those citizens had a good life in other places, but you did it. The key is that you force new recruits to take mustard gas. What the hell is this? Alexei won't come back! Your empire worship is meaningless! You are a Jew yourself, and you still clean up Jews? After midnight, a more magical ideology was born on your land! You have committed a heinous crime! I knew it was time for Bukharina to chop you into dumplings!
    • Auntology - I've lived f**king for so many years. It's the first time I've seen such an anti nationalist d**k! Let's forget that you are a reactionary and American imperialist. The problem is that you are pro J*ps and you should give the j*ps a m*ther f**ker defense, especially the fool 731! I really don't know how China raised you for 5000 years, you idiot. Go to hell on the 18th floor! Bastard! Even a little pink is better than you, a foolish contrarian!Stupid thing, are you still a feudal relic and a total Westernist? "You and Little Pink are two extremes, a foolish person who Splits the Motherland against a Backward ethnic group, and a mindless Ultranationalist. Both are terrible!"!
    Slavery - An ideology that is more despicable than capitalism, seeking personal gain by enslaving others. Even if I were to unite with capitalism, I would shatter this thoroughly reactionary faction! Death, never resurrect!

    Best Comrade

    • Neo-Kiraism - Comrade, I have noticed that I am becoming more and more like you. Currently, you have become an authoritarian socialist, while I am still a left-wing communist. At present, your support for Leninism and Marxism is still great. Although I am increasingly supportive of Leninism, I am still opposed to vanguard rule, as I do not want bureaucracy to invade my ideal country.When I saw those anti nationalists who saw Japan discharge nuclear sewage and spoke shamelessly supporting Japan's destruction of the world, I also saw some people claiming that communists believe in Marxity. Therefore, I think some people cannot be treated well, after all, the enemies of freedom do not deserve freedom!
    • Third Aquarian Model - To me, you are more like Spartacism (Luxemburgism) than I am. I also quite agree with your ideas, and you are also a comrade in China! Still a rare Luxemburg like me.


    • LibMarxBallism -
    • Rocksism - A very good Libetarian Leftist comrade from Greece! I am worried about not being able to find Greeks because I prefer Greece because it is the origin of Western culture and the relationship between Greece and our country is also good. Apart from the unsatisfactory market socialist economy, your ideas are basically very good!
    • Six-two-zero thought - 很棒的同志,在B站就看到了,并且教我做我的维基即使我太贪得无厌了,不过你还是有点保守且有点支持特社,这点我比较反对。家长制带来的貌似只是带有目的性的中左派……(Great comrade, I saw it at station B and taught me to be my wiki. Even if I am too greedy, However, you are still a bit conservative and supportive of special agencies, which I am opposed to. The paternalist seems to have only a purposeful center left……)

    United Front

    At least we can cooperate

    What's trash?


    • New Model Of Cheesenism - You S*nophobia fool and anti-Communist pig! Why are there still brain powder of the killer Suharto! You are also an ultranationalist in Indonesia, but luckily I can barely accept (?) in your economy. If you are an authoritarian left, I may have a better attitude towards you. After all, I like to unite all radical factions from the authoritarian left to the free will left to overthrow cappie and reactionaries.

    Burning in the 18th floor of hell, never reborn

    • Heinrich-Cheungism - As a Chinese, you believe in Sh*wa statism and Esoteric fascism. What are you? I like some Japanese culture and songs, but the anti-human thing of Sh*wa statism is pure silly. You said that you are still a national capitalist pig, and you are still reactionary. In addition to Transhumanism, I have to hang you on the street lamp!And what is your stupid statement about privatizing everything? I would rather believe in Communalism than hang up the street lamp before turning it into nature's fertilizer.
    • Hydra'ism - Aryanism+Anti-Communism+Nazis+Estroic Fascists... You have the same degree of fascination as Taboritsky. Do you want to return to the primitive society? Utopian Nazis can't appear. If they do, we will kill them. You are more powerful than Hyberboria. You'd better climb (without mercy)
    • File:NeoBERNHE.png Neo-BERNHEism - Oh my god, what the f**king hell is this thing? Basically, it's him! But worse than him!
    • File:Nickfuentesfanhat.png Nickfuentesfan Thought - Damn it, the first time I've encountered a Ukrainazi here (annoyed), the current government in Ukraine is already a d**k, you're just a fool from the Azov camp! A d**n trash that forgets ancestors, you will be knocked down by the Russians sooner or later.
    • Neo-Phibunsongkhram Thought - What are you trash? Anticom'oid, capitalist pigs, reactard, imperialists, and stupid right dogs?A very rubbish Neocope, objectivism, a*shole marshal, economic freedom, neoreactionism, anti communism,anti progresstivism, di*ktatorship, imperialism,succdar... What, and this idiot Bandra? You are simply a STUMBING BLOCK to human progress! Moreover, technology benefits the people, not oppresses them.But your pacifism, technocracy, and individualism may be okay, but the king can't take them at all! A Republic is better than a kingdom! F*cking Western imperialism!ROC is not China! It's just some scum doing a fake regime! Even Deng Xiaoping's ideology in PRC is better than this pro W*st, pro J*ps, and unforgettable sh*t!From 2018 to 2021, which one of you is not better than you are now? Right dog!
    • BERNHEism - You are just one damn, one by one Deng Xiaoping+Lysenko+Heinrich Cheung! Very cringe anticom'oid,anti socialist, state cappie, free market+regulated economy (chagrin), Ultranationalism and Totalitarianism! "Even if Homophobia, we'll have to create the police state and capitalism that Anarcho-communists hate the most!"! What isolated chauvinists! Get your m***er's neolibtard, neocopeservatism! F*ck your m***er's di*ktatorship! Mao Zedong and Stalin are much better than you! Technology leads people to happiness, not to persecute them! No wonder File:NeoLukko.pngNeo-Lukkoism hates you so much! So am I!You bourgeois technocrat!

    Burning in the 18th floor of hell, never reborn

  • Sh*t p*g b*tch - 我*你?!你就是个**!你全家都**滚去吃*!我们中国人哪儿惹到你了?你还支持日本鬼子,还要说给别人听,呸!恶心!啥玩意儿啊,你跟那些贵物他妈的简直一模一样!(I F**K YOU MOTHER! YOU ARE A PENIS! YOU FAMLIY F**KING GET OUT EAT SH*T! Where did we Chinese offend you? You also support J*ps (Sho*a) and tell others, boo! Nausea! What kind of thing? You are exactly the same as those TRASH!!!!)
  • Anti-Communism - 你个他*的死*东西,你个**就应该去死!你这个反动派!即使你是左派,但也是这些 的思想,我告诉你,我跟你没完!尤其是那些 们,我跟你没完,你等着我!你等着啊!来我们这儿绝对没你好果子吃![因为语言过激被主持人删除]
  • Best Comrade

    François-Noël "Gracchus" Babeuf(100/100) -

    • Karl Marx(100/100) -
    • Friderich Engles
    • Daniel De Leon(99/100)
    • Sun Yat-Sen(90/100) -
    • Rosa Luxemburg(100/100) -
    • Karl Liebknecht(100/100) -
    • Alexander Bogdanov (96/100) -
    • Antonio Gramsci(98/100)
    • Mao Zedong(95/100) -
    • Valery Sablin(100/100) -


    • Vladimir Lenin(90/100) -
    • Leon Trotosky(86/100) -

    United Front

    Art Gallery


    • Smarter Greeceball Thought - Yes,I can added,but can you stop worshipping Sukarto?This really very isn't cool,thanks.(If you are an authoritarian left, I can accept it you.)
    • i confussed you hated sukarno?
    • - Because he is Anticom's idiot and Si*ophobia
    • is suharto dumbass also sukarno was sinophobia also.
    • - Sorry,I scolded the wrong person. It's Suharto. Sukarno is Indonesian Socialists Comrade,Sorry

    Glencoe- add me

    Pantheonism - Sláva Ukrayíni! Heróyam sláva! Anyways, would you be so kind to add me?

      • -OK.
        • Pantheonism - So, when are you going to add me?
          • - My sand box is brake,sorry.
    • - add me?
    • Ascheominhism - Add me?
      • - OK
    • DualPlay - Literally Stelism. Also add me (TBA)
      • - OK,I should add you.
    • Atronism - Jesus Christ, this is somehow unbelievably based. And I thought I was a hardcore leftist. Can you add me?
    • - Added,and you are very good comrade.
    • Neo-Kiraism - you're basically me but libertarian, which is fucking based. add me
    • Hydra'ism - I'm not Slavo-Aryanist per say, I mean, I support Slavo-Aryanism but also in general Aryanism.
      • - Oh, I know, but I'm against any kind of Aryanism. No matter what Aryanism you believe in, I hate it. And your anti-communism, white pig ideology, national capitalist pig, over-discrimination and reactionary, and esoteric fascism are very bad.
    • - 中國同胞!加一下我吧 ^^
      • - OK
    • LibMarxBall - 同志,我不知道为啥账号突然登不进去了,所以新注册了个账号。。。。
    • Neo-Kiraism - add me?
      • - Added.
    • O'Langism - Add me?
      • - Added,and you're a great comrade.
    • Ascheominhism - WħËñ ÿòÙ aÐd mÈ?
      • - Added,but my sandbox is brake.
    • - 同志!能把我加进去吗!(尽管我对你的意识形态不太赞同)
    • - 当然可以,不过我没有Discord,因为得用VPN,还有我的网易邮箱出问题了。
    • Meowxism - update relations?
      • - OK.
        • - btw im no longer left unity im authleft lol
      • - Added.
    • Brazilian Liberalism - Add me? :)
      • - Added.But I don't have VPN.Because Chinese Government can Wall Discord……
    • Jefbol Thought - add me
      • - Added.
    • - Add me, LINO!
    • Hanperborea:Sláva Kitaya! Heróyam sláva! 漢人不死,黃河不亡。 CCP is more cringer than ROC though, but yeah right the country is going to fullfilled with DPPs:(
    • Temujin Leeism - add мене

    user:EgoFutureStrasserism - add me

    • 同志,我是某个和你互关的女的,不要说出来,自己知道就好。--IDKIDK


    Closest match: Council Communism

    Closest match: Libertarian Communism

    Closest match: Libertarian Communism

    Closest match: FALGSC

    Closest match: Libertarian Socialism


    Closest match: Maxism-Leninism

    Closest match: Neo-Marxism

    1. But I produce without polluting the environment too seriously.
    2. I'm just trying to remove some disabled genes such as hemophilia.
    3. I just hope that the people of the world can live and work in peace and contentment.
    4. But these are just their ideology in TNO.
    5. The main reason is that I think porn is too fucking disgusting, and it also hurts my eyes, which can't bring me any benefits. This is just my personal opinion.
    6. Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I think about life, and there are also moments of sadness
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