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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Culture and Difference

    I conceive of all races(by race I mean culture and not a biological category) is different and these differences are manifested in the exoteric religious traditions however the esoteric aspect of religious traditions are the same.Despite my belief in cultural difference I do not support racialism since racialism is a form of scientific materialism which reduces everything to biology. I also do not think that certain cultures are superior or inferior to each other but rather just different. For this reason I am opposed to economic immigration and multicultularism which is a result of globalist capitalism and is harmful to both natives and foreigners. However I am not opposed to immigration in general as it is a natural phenomenon that has been happening throughout all of human history, so it is fine as long as immigrant adapt to the native culture; So in short my views on culture is interculturalism.


    To me a sate is divided into two categories the legal country and the real country. The real country represents the culture and traditions of the nation which are followed by the masses of people the legal country is the institutions and the elite of the nations. For a stable government both parts of society have to be united for example as Oswald Spengler noted the German revolution of 1918 failed to establish a socialist society due to the alienation of the masses from the party elite. A monarchy synchronizes these two elements as a monarchy serves as a government but also a symbol of tradition another argument for monarchy is if we look at the real country-legal country dichotomy from a traditionalist perspective the real country is the exoteric aspects of a religious traditions while the elite represent the esoteric aspects of a religious tradition if the government is secular there is no esoteric tradition and society falls into nihilism since without the esoteric elements of religion the exoteric elements become meaningless since esotericism is about getting closer to the divine reality if this is removed the religion is without the core(esoteric) and crumbles. In Traditional society the monarchy was seen as a communicator to the divine and embodies the esoteric tradition since he is completely subordinate to God.

    Anti-Marxist Socialism

    To me marxism is just a rationalistic abstraction from reality which attempts to form a materialistic scientific theory to define socialism and proclaims itself the enemy of all cultural tradition(i.e. the real country) and thereby alienates the masses this position is however extremely unfeasible which why Marxist states have had to rely on nationalist and conservative sentiment to stay in power. True socialism is an organic society with a clear hierarchy and segregation of different parts of society as envisioned by anarchist writers such as Bakunin and Proudhon. However despite my anti-marxist views I believe cooperation with communists is a necessary alliance if we are serious about getting rid of liberal capitalism however after the revolution all Marxists will be purged. The reason for this is historically movements such as Nazis and Italian fascist originally began as anti-capitalist nationalist movements that at the same times opposed Marxism this made it easy for the bourgeoise to exlpoit these movements by pitting them against Marxists this lead to collaboration with the bourgeoise and the abandoning of socialism in favor of a statist form of corporatism and subsequently a totalitarian state which is the epitome of modernist rationalism which places human reason above God.




    • Chiang Kai-Shek Thought - I don't like your modernism and treatment of Taiwanese natives but atleast you were better than this retard and treated Chinese muslims well.
    • Fascism - I'm opposed to the core fundamentals of your ideology and many of your modern followers can be really edgy and degenerate at times but some fascist movements were okay.
    • Paetelism - You influenced some of my ideas but drop the anti-monarchism and Neo-paganism.


    (This is based on ideology)



    • Pantheonism - Humanism and liberalism is no but monarchism is cool.
    • Casagonism - Why ethnonationalism?
    • Yoda8soup - I agree somewhat with your economics nothing else other than that.


    • Glencoeism - Not a bad guy but your ideology is not that good.
    • Fergusonism - Can't really say anything positive about your ideology.


    Glencoe- add me
    Pantheonism - Me too.

    New Model Of Cheesenism add me

    Fergusonism Same here, Counter-Revolutionary scum.

    Yoda8soup - Add me?

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