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    Hi there!

    Reformed Lightism is an Irish Minarcho-Capitalist Ideology based on Christian ethics and values. It is Very patriotic to Ireland and based off the Ideology of a user known as LightoZtriker!








    Reformed Lightism, Luscarianism, Lúchasm, LightoZastanism or LightoZtrikerist thought, is a Libertarian Right, Culturally Centre - Right, Technologically Moderate, Economically Right and Civic Nationalist Ideology based on the Ideas of LightoZtriker. It opposes Earthly Human Authority and Supports Divine Authority.

    The History!

    • It originally came about in 2022 as "Lightism" a Pink Capitalist and Globalist ideology, however, it evolved into Libertarian Lightism in 2023 and now it is Reformed Lightism, which strayed from the original Pink Capitalist ideology it once was.

    Lightism -> Libertarian Lightism -> Christian Lightism -> Reformed Lightism

    The Ideology has gone through many Changes, from 2022-2024, surely this is the last one...

    Political Compass of All 4 Lightism Variants

    Ideology Summary

    I believe in a Minimal/Minarchist Federalist (4 Irish Provinces) government that exists to protect Individual liberties and provide the bare minimum of services for the people. I will briefly Explain my positions here:


    I personally believe in Austrian Economics, Aka, a Laissez-Faire Capitalist Economy, I believe that Capitalism reflects Human Nature, However I do recognise the transition to this, will be a long process, so for the Time being, it would be slow Tax Cuts (Which, I believe Tax is Theft) as well as Deregulation of Industries. A completely deregulated, Laissez-Faire, economy is optimal. Business regulations prevent small businesses from acquiring the workforce and money to fulfill these regulations, and thereby collapsing. Minimum wage, another regulation, prevents the least capable workforce from finding a job because of the lack of jobs for them above minimum wage, thus creating unemployment. Therefore, any regulations must be gone for a flourishing economy. However, I recognize that this is unrealistic for the time being, so a transition to this will have to go through a fairly lengthy process of deregulation. Monopolies, unlike many socialists claim, are not created by a free market, but by government intervention. As stated above, business regulations make small businesses collapse, which is a step towards monopoly. The bigger fact, though, is that the government itself is a monopoly on various things, such as law, military, healthcare, and education.Property rights are essential for a flourishing society. People should be able to own property, a compensation for all of the hard work they're doing. Without property, society would descend into mob rule, with every person being able to intrude into everyone else's homes and workplace and creating violence. Taxes are theft, as the state robs people's possessions without consent and ends up wasting the tax money on all sorts of stuff like the military. "Free" healthcare, education, and such are scams by the government, since the taxes people pay for these poor quality "services" are about as expensive as much better quality privatized ones. Taxes are theft, wasteful, and must be gone for the optimal economy. However, I acknowledge the current state of things, so a temporary carbon tax or minor LVT to encourage more efficiency and to fund a minimal government is fine for the time being while the market adapts to a laissez-faire, tax-free state.

    Civic Axis

    As stated above Economics, I am against the State and only want the Bare Minimum of services from it, Anarchism would be a bit too unrealistic, However, I take a pragmatic approach, the leadership would start off with Moderate-High Power, and slowly reduce the power, during the reduction, Traditional Media would be distributed, until finally the Power of thr leadership is reduced to Minarchism. I also believe in the NAP (The Non-Aggression Principle) which is one of the main basis of this Ideology.

    Cultural Axis

    I am personally a Traditional person and I reject the degeneracy of the Culturally Left, so many Countries were ruined by this and it’s very sad to see so, I believe we should go to a simpler more relaxed Lifestyle. We can achieve Tradition during the early stages of governance as said in Civic Axis, by expressing for more ideas such as faith, traditional lifestyles, etc.

    Diplomatic Axis

    On Diplomacy I am fully Isolationist, we don’t need to be dragged into wars that would destroy us, it ain’t our business, I am personally Civic Nationalist as well, I support Trade Globalism as Protectionism reduces Competition in the Market and makes Products Poor Quality and Expensive. And it has made Countries richer. This D.A here is very similar to what the Swiss are doing.

    LGBT Rights

    While I may be Conservative and Christian, I do believe that Homosexuals deserve rights, up to Civil Unions, and I do not believe individuals should be discriminated over a difference, live and let live as you may. However, I still recognise it as a sin, but can be forgiven. Just please, why not try and resist it? I know it's hard to do so. But come on, try stop the temptations of homosexuality.

    Freedom of Speech

    Freedom of Speech, is absolutely, VITAL, for a society. Your voice matters. You have the right to say what you think, share information and demand a better world. You also have the right to agree or disagree with those in power, and to express these opinions in peaceful protests. Exercising these rights – without fear or unlawful interference – is central to living in an open and fair society; one in which people can access justice and enjoy their human rights. Yet governments around the world routinely imprison people – or worse – for speaking out, even though almost every country’s constitution refers to the value of free speech.


    I am a Roman Catholic, I support the right to freedom of religion, as well as the Idea of Religious Pluralism, we could be taught about all religions, and the good we can learn from them.

    Long Term Reform/Pragmatism

    While I love my ideas, they can be REALLY hard to implement, and can take quite a while until they are finally achieved, such as Laissez-Faire Capitalism and the Transition to a Minimal Government, so I indeed support slow processes, such as LVT to fund the government until the transition is achieved.


    I believe for true peace in a nation, we should not interfere with other nation's businesses, nor even have a stance, much rather, complete Isolationism from other states, for true neutrality!


    While I am Diplomatically Isolationist, I support Global trade, Protectionism and Tariffs in the market causes things to go expensive, poor in quality and lazy businesses.

    User Test

    Civic Axis

      • Chaoist (-100)
      • Anarchist (+10)
      • Minarchist (+100)
      • Libertarian (+75)
      • Liberal (+10)
      • Civically Moderate (-10)
      • Statist (-35)
      • Dictablanda (-50)
      • Authoritarian (-75)
      • Totalitarian (-100)
      • Orwellian (-100)

    Type of Rule Axis

      • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (+5)
      • Direct Democracy (-100)
      • Semi-Direct Democracy (-25)
      • Representative Democracy (+100)
      • Illiberal Democracy (+5)
      • Authoritarian Democracy (0)
      • Totalitarian Democracy (-100)
      • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-100)

    Economic Axis

      • Marxist Communist (-100)
      • Non-Market Socialist (-50)
      • Market Socialism (+5)
      • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+5)
      • Mixed (+5)
      • Liberal Economics (+50)
      • Capitalist (+100)
      • Darwinist (-100)

    Economic Freedom

      • Anti-Economy (-100)
      • Dirigisme (-75)
      • Regulationism (-100)
      • Mixed (+5)
      • Liberal Economics (+55)
      • Free Market (+85)
      • Laissez-Faire (+100)

    Diplomatic Axis

      • Autarchy (-30)
      • Autarky (0)
      • World Federalist (-25)
      • Globalist (-5)
      • Alter-Globalist (-5)
      • Cosmopolitan (0)
      • Internationalist (+5)
      • Moderate (+50)
      • Civic Nationalist (+100)
      • Patriotic (+100)
      • Nationalist (+40)
      • Chauvinist (-100)
      • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-200)
      • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-200)


      • Western (-5)
      • Western Adjacent (+10)
      • Non-Aligned (+100)
      • East Adjacent (+5)
      • Eastern (-25)
    • If none above apply...
      • Anarchistic Unaligned (+50)

    Cultural Axis

      • Revolutionary (-100)
      • Intersectionality (-5)
      • Progressive (0)
      • Reformist (+5)
      • Syncretic (+25)
      • Moderate Conservative (+70)
      • Conservative (+50)
      • Traditionalist (+75)
      • Reactionary (-100)

    Technological Axis

      • Primal (-100)
      • Primitivist (-100)
      • Pre-Industrial (+10)
      • Deceleration (+20)
      • Moderate (+75)
      • Acceleration (0)
      • Automated (+50)
      • Transhumanist (-10)
      • Posthumanist (-50)
    • If none of the above apply...
      • Post-Civ (-100) [and/or]
      • Archeofuturism (0)

    Environmental Axis

      • Human Extinction (-100)
      • Radical Environmentalism (+5)
      • Eco-Fascism (-50)
      • Ecocentrism (+100)
      • Environmentalist (+100)
      • Moderate (+50)
      • Post-Industrialism (+25)
      • Industrialist (-20)
      • Anthropocentric (-40)
      • Anti-Environmentalism (-100)
      • New Mass Extinction (-100)

    Neurological Axis

      • Anti-Praxis (-50)
      • Utopian (+10)
      • Dogmatic (-25)
      • Idealist (+50)
      • In Between (+50)
      • Realist (+50)
      • Pragmatic (+100)
      • Rational (25)
      • Dystopian (-100)
      • Anti-Theory (-100)

    War Axis

      • Pacifism (+50)
      • Non-engagement (+25)
      • De-escalation (+100)
      • Intervention (10)
      • Irredentism (-50)
      • Revachism (-100)
      • Jingoism (-100)
    • If none above apply...
      • Class Warfare (-100)


      • Insurrectionism (-25)
      • Revolutionism (+15)
      • Moderatism (+50)
      • Reformism (+100)
      • Stagnationism (-25)

    Political Religion Axis

      • Fundamentalism (-25)
      • Theocracy (5+)
      • Religious Democracy (+100)
      • Confessionalism (+50)
      • Religious Pluralism (+100)
      • Secularism (+80)
      • Laïcité (-5)
      • Soft State Atheism (-90)
      • Hard State Atheism (-100)



    • God/YHWH/The Lord - God is the greatest!
    • Jesus Christ of Nazareth - Glory upon you! Lamb of the Lord. Because for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    • Christian Theocracy - Based but freedom of religion is good + I don't want you with same role as the state.
    • Lemassism - Best Irish leader! We got rich off you with your Market reforms, but sadly, your legacy put us in the EU, GRRRR!!!!1!1!
    • Liberal - John Locke was a Christian and the Ideology had ideas from Christian values such as the right to life and equal under the law, it is a shame that Left-Wing "Liberals" ruined you and cause us to be ridiculed...
    • Liberaltarian Based combination of the guys above! But Laissez-Faire from is needed in a pragmatic approach.
    • 1980ism - Great Time period, especially the Culture and Aesthetics of it, this would be amazing! Hearing First hand accounts of it and as well as watching movies of it, make it seem fun!
    • Conservative Liberalism - Good.
    • Representative Democracy - Great, we really need you for our system. I hate Direct Democracy however, literally an Ochlocracy!
    • Chicken - Thanks for existing! Because now I can eat you for fun and taste good! lmao.
    • Pan-Celticism - "My beloved Homeland! The greatest of homelands! Oh my homeland, your love rules my heart, my homeland, the homeland of ALL Celtic people!" May God bless all the Celtic people!
    • Athbheochanism - SAME AS ABOVE BUT MORE GIGACHAD Definitely ignoring that you are Authcap!!!
    • Scottish Nationalism - Free Scotland! No more shall our Celtic Brothers be subjugated by English rule!
    • Welsh Nationalism - Same for you! But please, why are so many Welsh simps of the English? Great job for speaking your language still.
    • Christian Secularism - Freedom of Religion but Christian Culture and Education exists.
    • Catholic Theocracy - You are the true Church that Jesus Christ himself established! Please bring back the Latin Mass?
    • Anarcho Pacifist - War! Huh, yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Sing it with me, War, huh, yeah! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!
    • Pinochet - Statist… But I applaud your efforts against The Communists, as well as for being Catholic and Capitalist.
    • Capitalism - The best Economic Ideology in my personal opinion.
    • Distributism - Second Best Economic Ideology, you are also Catholic!
    • Christian Libertarianism - Literally me and Literally Based! God allows us to have Free Will, which is the idea that is the structure of this ideology!
    • National Libertarianism - Awesome guy! The Irish Freedom Party follows your ideology, and I have nothing but RESPECT for you dude!
    • Calvin Coolidge - Best president in the United States of America, and you are too! Based! "Taxes take from everyone! A part of his earnings, and force everyone to work for a certain part of time!" SO TRUE.
    • Anarcho Capitalism - Based. You are super awesome! But sadly, your ideas are utopian and may not work, :(.
    • Austrian Economic School - I absolutely love your economic principles (Mises Institute is based!)
    • Anti Communism + Anti Socialism - Based, fuck the Tankies and Socialists!
    • Hoppeanism - Physical removal! Of communists and democrats, Physical removal! None are left alive, Physical removal! Of communists and democrats, Physical removal! Let the rotors start.
    • Conservative - Traditional Cultural Values? Traditional Family and ethics? Sounds like paradise for me!
    • Anarchism - BASED. FUCK THE STATE! However, Decentralised societies don’t always end off well ;(


    • Christian Socialism - Christian? Based, may you be blessed. Socialist? Wtf, why??? "Jesus was Socialist!". No. Just no, he was apolitical.
    • Altemism - Socialist... but you are Christian and Culturally right so I can respect you.
    • Progressive Conservatism - You wanna preserve Tradition while also going forward in Tech and Culture, good guy but sometimes strange.
    • Francoism - I like you for avenging the victims of the Red Terror, but dude you are Statist and a Violator of the NAP!
    • Progressivism - Your culture is CRINGE! And advancing tech is dangerous. But you are right that individuals deserve respect.
    • Authoritarian Capitalism - Capitalism is good, but you are a statist... and also doesn't that contradict yourself in a way? It would not be a "FREE" Market...
    • Objectivism - You had good ideas such as the defense of Capitalism, but my full support blew when I found out you criticised Christianity and the idea of Altruism, to help others.
    • Bonaparte - Based! But too Authoritarian, though atleast you put the Church back in power!
    • Left Rothbardianism - One of the only good Leftists, you are very confusing to understand, however I very well like you!
    • Blueshirtism - Based Irish Anti-Communist/Anti-Britain who wanted to bring in Catholic principles, Anglos be damned! True National hero!, but not all Libertarians and Capitalists are bad and you are Statist too!
    • Irish Ultranationalism - Based as well, but your nationalism is way too extreme and even racist to the Anglos, whom, even I do not like, Racism towards them is just too far!
    • Architects of Ressurrection - An advocate for Irish Catholic and Irish Cultural revival, good. But c’mon man, Fascism is a bit too extreme.
    • Irish Republicanism - Shit… Man IDK, I hate Connolly and Socialism but you were a hero and you guys saved us from the Oppressors!


    • United Kingdom - You are the worst country to ever exist! Fuck you. Had you not existed, Ireland would be as glorious as ever, Brehon Law was based and Never forget the 2 Million people that either perished or left Ireland in the Irish Famine Genocide in the 19th Century!
    • Fine Gael - Simon Harris and Leo Varadkar are pathetic Cucks who have destroyed the Irish Nation!
    • Marxism-Leninism - Screw you Santa Clause! Capitalism is not a system of oppression just because you're bad at it! And your Ideology killed so many Christians, what the fuck! This is why I could never associate with you.
    • Marxism - "If I can't have money, nobody can!" ass ideology. Fuck you shithead!
    • Ultranationalism - What the fuck.. you evil racist scumbag, what is even wrong with you?
    • Zionism - Racist Ideology that is used to attack innocent Palestinians, what the fuck is wrong with you?
    • Racism - What the hell is wrong with you, damn xenophobic freak.
    • Progressive Christianity - Stop denying the fact you are an infidel and not Christian, you slandered our Lord's name again and again, may The Lord guide you to the right path before it is too late.
    • Ableism - Fuck you, Ableist asshole.
    • Eugenicism - Oh my God... save me... you're even worse than the Ableist guy... you want to kill me for being Autistic?!
    • Schools - I hate you so much, abomination of a system, this is one of the only elements of Cultural Tradition that would be removed, Schools are an absolute abomination. I can't count how many times I have seen completely innocent people getting bullied in school for almost no reason, and then getting punished just for defending themselves with 1/100 of the power while the bullies get away with it. The kids in schools are almost always insane as well, being incredibly lunatic extroverts who force others to do BS talks with them and bullying if others don't. Not to mention that the curriculum is wasteful, for example, you can learn more about computer science by watching a few coding and blender videos than an entire year at school. You can also use websites like duolingo to learn more foreign languages in a few days than years of school teaches. There are a couple of options for schools to ensure their future:

    Encourage self-learning: Students always learn better when at the comfort of their homes and having their freedom to learn whatever they want. Privatize schools: Private schools aren't perfect, but are miles better than public schools, with the main reason being not tied to any authority who knows nothing about how to teach kids.

    Reform schools: This won't change that much, but will definitely help in the short term while homeschooling is still not common and schools are still in the process of getting privatized.


    • WilliamCapo19 Thought - Great! We are Catholic Conservative Environmentalists, I also like Distributism, despite me being a Capitalist.


    • General Studios Thought - Good Culture, Decent Econonomy, Good for Nationalism (Be Civic though.) But damn, too Authoritarian for my taste.
    • Nitrism - too centrist on economy, agree for tradition, heavily disagree with authoritarianism, slight agreement on nationalism, but WAY too extreme.
    • VMism - Good Control Axis, screw the state, Good Markets, I disagree with Socialism part and Cultural part (I am Centre Right -> Right)

    Decent overall.

    • Savoinism - Decent, we are Catholics too and love Liberty. However, I don't agree with Technological Advance.


    • Markez Thought - I kindly disagree with your ideology, but as a person, well, IDK, but I would automically assume you as good.
    • Lanceism - What bible have you been reading? What the fuck...


    How to draw countryball!

    - Draw a ball -

    - add diagonal lines -

    - do the colors -

    - add a cross next to the ball -

    - Add the eyes -

    Great Job! You did it!


    Similar: Objectivism (Bruh don't insult Religion!)

    Opposite: Leninism (Damn tankie revolutionary...)


    Similar: Libertarian Conservatism

    My Favourite Books


    - Add me? Reformed Lightism - Soon.


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