ProgressiValues is a political quiz based off of LiberationValues that is aimed at progressives and cultural leftists.
- Radical Axis
- Moderate - Moderate progressives accept conservative ideas as long as they adhere to progressive ideas.
- Radical - Radical progressives reject conservative ideas, they want to radically change society.
- Economic Axis
- Socialist - Progressive Socialists see Capitalism as Bigotry, Conservatism, Inequality, also, they tend to support socialist economics.
- Capitalist - Progressive Capitalists see Socialism as Outdated System, Bigotry, Inequality, also, they tend to support free markets and capitalist system.
- Civil Axis
- Authoritarian - Authoritarians believe that freedom of speech is a bigot, they want to ban it to make as a equal society. Also, they want to use a large state.
- Libertarian - Libertarians believe that freedom of speech is progressive and equal, they allow them to express their opinion, criticize anyone, etc, they believe that limited government will make an equal society
- Diplomatic Axis
- Nationalist - Nationalists believe that Globalization is outdated, they defend their nationality, but some believe that immigrants are too conservative and traditional
- Globalist - Globalists believe that nationalism is too conservative and outdated, also, they believe that Globalization is equality to make an equal society
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Sebra - Al | 9Axes • PrismQuiz • SixTriangles |
Inky | Ideosorter • LiberationValues • PolcompballValues |
K-Tech | LibertyValues |
Afun | DiscriminatoryValues |
Other | 12Wackies • 8Values • AltValues • CenterValues • LeftValues • Political Sextant |