This page does no longer represent the author's actual beliefs. Click here to find his new self-insert.
One Nation Libertarianism is an Economically Right, Traditionalist, Minarchist, Agrarianist, and Ethnonationalist ideology. The essence of the ideology is returning to a cultural and political status quo during the Iron Age, basing off the 12 Ancient Tribes of Israel, taking a highly Reactionary view on politics. This is combined with heavy amounts of Nationalism, in the form of Territorial Expansion, Patriotism and identification of the Nation's history with mythical stories, and Desire for the Nation to have common ancestors, thus opposing immigration of other groups in the Nation's lands; And it's also combined with opposition to Government coercion and control over personal lives, viewing the modern concept of the caretaker State to be rooted in Enlightened and Puritan progressive values instead of conservative ones, and considering the Middle Ages to have a very minimal state; As well as opposition to much of modern technology, wanting to return to the technological status quo before the Industrial Revolution, viewing it to have poisoned humanity and stripped human life of all meaning; And, outside of supporting a form of Protectionism to protect domestic producers from foreign competition, foster local self-sufficiency and raise revenue from the State without deriving it from the domestic economy and advocates for heavy protection of Property Rights, from which ONL believes all rights derive from.
Reactionary Views
ONL's views are inherently Reactionary, even more so than most self-proclaimed Reactionaries, as they wish to the cultural status quo before the 900's, before it was poisoned by Humanism, the Reformation and the Enlightenment. It supports a Patriarchy in which most women would be excluded from any position of power, the Outlawing of Homosexuality, Racial Segregation (believing that only Whites are the descendants of Ancient Adamites) and strong adherence to Christian Values. One Nation Libertarianism supports organizing society around a Caste System (Composed of Priests, Aristocrats, Farmers and Untouchables). ONL combines Christianity with a Pantheist/Miaphysite (opposing a strict separation between the material and the spiritual), and Perennialist (believing there's a degree of truth in every religion while believing Christ Logos is the full truth). ONL is supportive of Christian Universalism, believing sin and bad thoughts to be a product of a false ago, and that there would be Universal Reconciliation (interpretating Hell to be a "State of Purge"), in which the Earth would be purged of nons and ultimately purified. ONL thus rejects materialism and nihilism entirely. ONL supports the taxation of alcohol to gain new government revenues and replace land and income taxation, the formation of a Gun Culture because of his believe in a warrior nation and his belief in an armed citizenry to protect against Government Tyranny. Among its wackier beliefs, he supports the Hollow Earth in which he believes both the terrestial paradise and hell are located. The ideology is supportive of a semi-constitutional monarchy. ONL prioritizes Individualism over Collectivism, believing individual rights to be paramount. It also hates Puritanism with a burning passion. ONL is very Antisemitic, believing Jews to be Khazar and Edomite usurpers of an ancient civilization that isn't theirs, and believing that Jews wish to destroy anything that isn't Jewish due to a Talmudic spiritual obligation. ONL supports Neoluddism, opposing the Industrial Revolution, and describing it as a poison which destroyed the World aesthetically, spiritually and culturally, supporting a return to Agrarianism. ONL however is largely pro-choice for eugenic reasons. ONL's ideal culture is Fear-Based, placing high trust in Fate. ONL is cynical about human nature, and views history as inevitably progressing towards the worse and that the only thing that can make it better is the second coming of God on Earth. He views all earthly ambitions in this modern World to be false, and that the only way Traditionalist Christians can survive modern society is by escaping it and forming their own communities. Alongside with the Calvinist idea of surrendering to God-assigned fate, this makes ONL a situationalist nihilist, and within the context of wikia ideologies, a supporter of Christian Nihilism. ONL's perception of history can be summed by this quote:"Whatever happens will be for the worse and it's on our interest that as little happens as possible"
Libertarian Views
ONL is supportive of free market economics, viewing private property rights as the bulwark of society, and the basis for all other rights. It follows the Austrian School of Economics, supporting massive privatization of all state owned enterprises, the abolition of central banking, the downscaling of regulations (while accepting some minor regulations on worker, consumer and environmental protections) and the abolition of most taxes while holding a few leftist views on the economy, such as supporting high tariffs to gain revenue for the Government, opposing Private Banking, supporting a degree of Environmental Protection, Destruction of Big Corporations and a degree of rights for Private Sector Trade Unions. One Nation Libertarianism is strongly libertarian on civic matters, wanting to limit the involvement of the State to what's 'absolutely necessary'. It supports the abolition of the vast majority of laws, the liberalization of gun laws, the legalization of prostitution, the abolition of drug laws, a confederal system in which peasants and merchants would have complete freedom of association to choose their liege lord, being allowed to own their lands without being disturbed or coerced to partecipate in the system (in essence the Kingdom is a confederation of city-states under a Monarch who is the spiritual head of the Nation, manager of foreign affairs and governor of the Nation's colonies). ONL supports the abolition of mandatory schooling and opposes military conscription.
Diplomatic Views
One Nation Libertarianism is Isolationist in foreign affairs, strongly opposing both the Western and Eastern blocs, desiring the Nation to be out of foreign alliances. It opposes foreign intervention unless it's to expand the country's territory or in self-defense. Historically, ONL is very supportive of the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg Monarchy and the Spanish Empire, believing them to have been on the right side in the vast majority of wars, while opposing: France, believing it to have betrayed European Civilization by allying with the Mongols and the Turks, as well as despising its alliances with the Protestants and the English, as well as hating the French Revolution, and its Imperialist efforts to spread it to all of Europe; England, for the spread of Liberal D*mocracy worldwide, its policies in both World Wars which led to the massive degeneracy we see today, and the oppression of Celts and Boers in the hands of the British Empire; China for being the "Jews of the East" who use the excuse of ""historical oppression"" to subvert anything that's non-Chinese, which makes ONL strongly support the policies of Imperial Japan in Asia; ONL hates the the United States for the Foreign Policy it took through its history, believing the World would have been much better off had the American Revolution not succeeded; as well as Russia for its oppression of Poles for several centuries under the File:Tsar1.pngTsars and the Soviet Bloc, and its claim to be the leader of the Slavs despite heavy Mongolic influence in its culture and blood. ONL supports the unification of Europe into a Christian Confederal Universal Monarchy. ONL also supports the Confederate States over the Union in the American Civil War.
I don't necessarily agree with everything all those historical characters did or thought, but I'm still inspired by their thought (to different degrees)
- Lao Tzu (6th-5th Century BC)
- Hammurabi (1810–1750 BC)
- Moses (1391–1271 BC)
- King David (1010-970BC)
- Elijah (900-849BC)
- Zarathushtra (628-551BC)
- Cyrus the Great (600–530 BC)
- Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC)
- Heraclitus (535-475 BCE)
- Leonidas I (489-480BC)
- Diogenes of Sinope (Late 5th Century-323BC)
- Socrates (470-399BC)
- Plato (428BC-348BC)
- Aristotle (348BC-322BC)
- Alexander the Great (336-323BC)
- Judas Maccabees (194-160BC)
- Tigranes the Great (140-55BC)
- Cato the Elder (234–149BC)
- Sulla (138–78 BC)
- Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43BC)
- Cato the Younger (95-46 BC)
- Augustus Caesar (63-14AD)
- Jesus Christ (3BC-33AD-Eternity)
- Nerva the Good (30-98AD)
- Simon bar Kokhba (???-135AD)
- Marcus Aurelius (121-180AD)
- St. Justin Martyr (100–165AD)
- Origen (185-253AD)
- Tiridates III the Great (250-330AD)
- Constantine the Great (306-337AD)
- Theodosius the Great (347-395AD)
- St. John Chrysostom (347-407AD)
- St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430AD)
- Julian the Apostate (361-363AD) (Views on Polygenism)
- Justinian the Great (527-565AD)
- Muhammed (570-632AD)
- Charles Martel (688-714AD)
- Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya (713-801AD)
- Charlemagne (747-814AD)
- Mieszko (930–992AD)
- Basil the Bulgarslayer (958-1025AD)
- Patriarch Michael I Cerularius (1000-1059AD)
- Saladin (1174-1193AD)
- Frederick II of the HRE (1194-1250AD)
- Amalric of Bena (Late 12th Century-1207)
- Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274AD)
- Dante Alighieri (1265-1321AD)
- St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226AD)
- Louis IX of France (1214-1270AD)
- Edward Longshanks (1272-1307AD)
- Robert Bruce (1274-1329AD)
- Casimir the Great (1310-1370AD)
- Ferdinand I of Naples (1458-1494AD)
- Charles V (1500-1558AD)
- John Calvin (1509-1564AD)
- Sigismund II Augustus (1548-1572AD)
- Mary I of England (1516-1558AD)
- Cornelius Jansen (1585-1638AD)
- St. Charles the Martyr (1600-1649AD)
- James II of England (1633-1701AD)
- Edmund Burke (1729-1797AD)
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826AD)
- Frederick Augustus I (1750-1827AD)
- Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821AD)
- Nathaniel Macon (1757-1837AD)
- Henry Addington (1757-1844AD)
- John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833AD)
- Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859AD)
- Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847AD)
- William Lamb (1779-1848AD)
- John C. Calhoun (1782-1850AD)
- John Tyler (1790-1862AD)
- Antonio López de Santa Anna (1794-1876AD)
- Brigham Young (1801-1877AD)
- Joseph Smith (1805-1844AD)
- George Fitzhugh (1806-1881AD)
- Jefferson Davis (1808-1889AD)
- Grover Cleveland (1837-1908AD)
- Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923AD)
- Philippe Petain (1856-1951AD)
- Wilhelm II (1859-1941AD)
- Roman Dmorwski (1864-1939AD)
- Myklos Horthy (1868-1957AD)
- Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973AD)
- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945AD)
- J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973AD)
- Hailé Selassie (1892-1975AD)
- Julius Evola (1898-1974AD)
- Corneliu Zelea Condreanu (1899-1938AD)
- Hirohito (1901-1989AD)
- Murray Rothbard (1926-1995AD)
- Mogens Gilstrup (1926-2008AD)
- Ted Kacynzski (1942-)
- Janusz Mikke-Korwin (1942-)
- Hans Hermann-Hoppe (1949-)
- James Mason (1952-)
- Mateusz Machaj (1985-)
- GypsyCrusader (1988-)
- Reactionary Libertarianism - Literally me!
- Anarcho-Monarchism - Literally me again! Love Tolkien
- Libertarian Monarchism - Literally me again!
- Alt-Right - UNITE THE RIGHT!
- Korwinism - Great inspiration, and fellow reactionary libertarian who leads one of the most successful libertarian parties.
- Siegeism - Read it!
- Hoppeanism - Another great inspiration who introduced me into Paleolibertarianism and made me despise Democracy. I wouldn't call myself an Anarchist though.
- Reactionary Minarchism - The Icelandic Commonwealth and Liechtenstein are models to look up to!
- National Libertarianism - "A crown paid to the state is a crown paid towards the deterioration of the fatherland" - Mogens Glistrup
- Christian Libertarianism - Whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one!
- Medievalism - Unironically, we should return to the Middle Ages.
- Ethnic Nationalism - A Nation cannot be only defined by laws or culture, but also by common ancestors you can look up to
- Racial Nationalism - Race isn't just a skin colour, put an Aboriginal Australian next to a Norwegian and you'll see a big difference.
- Spiritual Racism - Preserve the Soul of Evropa!
- Cultural Nationalism - Our people's traditional way of life must be preserved!
- Propertarianism - Basis of all Rights!
- Philippe Petain - Hero who saved France from the French.
- White Nationalism - The *real* God's chosen people, who are destined to rule the World.
- Christian Identity - Jesus is a White King! We're the real descendants of Ancient Israelites, not those impostors!
- Fiscal Conservatism - Reduce spending as much as possible to reduce our burden of taxes. Keep him from the printing machine!
- ConfederateCrusaderism - Based and Redpilled Anti-Communist Self Insert!
- Cultural Darwinism - Our Traditional way of life will triumph over all other models.
- Protectionism - It would be stupid to derive state income from the domestic economy instead of foreign merchants, especially when foreign producers are stifling our markets
- File:CNeolud.png Cottagecore Neoluddism - My inspiration!
- Christian Nihilism - Frag grenade for the fa**ot parade!
- Santaism - All the Santa deniers get coal! Hail St. Nicholas!
- Noctuaism - Based fellow and long-term friend, who shares social views and hatred for the State
- Ganzism - My bro, we disagree a lot on religion and other issues but he's still extremely based.
- HRE Model - A force for good in history, and an incredibly based Empire! Wish Frederick II defeated the Pope.
- Habsburgism - The House of Habsburg generated great leaders, and had the right enemies. Pleasant addition to history. Klemens von Metternich is BASED!
- Right-Distributism - Very good economic system.
- Natural Law Theory - There's a Natural Law that helps us understand the World.
- American Confederatism - R.I.P. to real gangsters. Should have won the Civil War
- Confederalism - Decentralised societies are based, while centralised ones will inevitably fall into degeneracy
- Paleolibertarianism - Traditionalism being inherently authoritarian is completely false. After all, it was the Puritans who founded Progressivism in the North of Europe and in the United States.
- Agrarianism - A simple, traditional lifestyle.
- File:Nastyism Icon.png Nastyism - You remind me a lot of my fascist phase. You're extremely based.
- Rockwell Neo-Nazism - Incredibly based! Most based American ever!
- Neoluddism - We need to a return to a state prior to the Industrial Revolution. Ted Kaczynski was a hero.
- Feudalism - We were freer under feudalism!
- Caste System - Like the above, but Hindu.
- National Capitalism - Judeo-Bolshevism is a real threat and must be contained.
- Eastern Orthodox Theocracy - Aside from some minor theological flaws, you're based AF
- State Oriental Orthodoxy - The true Church. Axum and Armenia were Aryan Kingdoms! Miaphysitism is the truest expression of Jesus' nature.
- Orthodox Conservatism - Based and Redpilled!
- Potashism - The page is cringe, but knowing what I know....
- Western Rite Orthodox Theocracy - Orthodoxy with Latin Traditions!
- Platonism - Founder of Western thought! So sad that the Enlightenment replaced you.
- Aristotleanism - Based Traditionalist thinker who had a profound impact on Western Civilization!
- Slave System - Some people just deserve this.
- Eugenicism - Strive towards perfection and purge abominations! So long as it's not economic eugenics.
- Roman Republicanism - The Roman Republic was the most based civilization to exist in Antiquity, Too bad that Julius Caesar destroyed it.
- Roman Stoicism - The Greek and Roman Stoics were based in many aspects, Marcus Aurelius' writings are very inspirational.
- Crusadism (1st Crusade) - RETAKE THE HOLY LAND!!! DEUS VULT!!!
- Optimateism - My allegiance is to the Senate, and the Republic
- Moral Universalism - Morality manifests itself in diverse ways.
- Virtue Ethics - There's such things as right and wrong.
- Cynicism - Virtue is all what matters really, we should stop treating things too superficially.
- Anarcho-Capitalism- Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell were great men. I'm more of a Minarchist though
- Austrolibertarianism - Fellow private property enjoyer who should like tariffs more as they reduce domestic taxes. Mises and Rothbard were Jews, but I'll let that slide because they were extremely based otherwise
even on the Jewish question - Pantheism - The Spiritual World and Material World cannot be truly divided, and nature is to be respected.
- Extraterrestrialism - Aliens exist.
- Parentism - Honor thy father and thy mother.
- Esoteric Fascism - Your political philosophy is extremely based, you might speak against Christianity but you seem to be cool with CI
- Neo-Cherryism - Me but Pagan. Very enjoyable to speak with too
- Eco-Fascism - You can't love your homeland if you don't love its environment.
- Clerical Fascism - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu is a great inspiration for me!
- Legionarism - HAIL THE CAPTAIN!
- Hungarism - Myklos Horthy was a great man! Nationalism and Agrarianism are based too!
- National Agrarianism - Farming and ethnically/culturally pure communities are based.
- Islamic Fascism - Jihad against the Modern World? Based! So long as you leave Europe alone you're alright.
- Revisionist Zionism - Only good form of Zionism. As I said about the above, so long as you leave us alone idc.
- Pol Potism - Only good Communist!
- Leopold II Thought - Better than the vast majority of the Governments of Congo.
- Indigenism - Give America back to its indigenous populations! Fight the (((United States)))!
- Ethnocacerism - Like the latter, but better!
- Elective Monarchism - Every three generations a new dynasty should be the rule of thumb.
- Tedcruzfan Thought - Based and Gamerpilled.
- Evolian Traditionalism - Very based esoteric traditionalism, even if you're a filthy Pagan you have good concepts.
- Hydra'ism - We disagree on religion (although the overall cosmology is the same), and some minor issues, but you're still very based.
- Coolidgism - Best American POTUS!
- Azov Battalion - Stand with Azov against the Russian Imperialists!
- New Model Of Cheesenism - Based National Socialist Self-Insert.
- Anarcho-Primitivism - After the Second Coming, this is how the World will look like. The paleolithic was superior to early agrarian societies, but agriculture isn't inherently bad.
- Spartan System - I dig in your aesthetics, and you saved Greece from the Persians. Good job defeating those liberals as well!
- Classical Conservatism - Klemens von Metternich, Enoch Powell and Joseph de Maistre were all based.
- National Socialism - Although your policies in Poland were detestable, you tried to ally at first, and you were absolutely right about (((them)) o/
- Showa Statism - Hail the Emperor! Eternal Race War with China!
- Animeism - Anime is based.
- Anti-Semitism - Down with (((Them)))! Down with (((Them)))!
- Ethical Darwinism - Return to a moral society, not now, not some time later, NOW!
- Davidism - Thou art based for a K*ke.
- Trumpism - Too moderate, too Zionist. But you're probably still the best President the US had since Reagan, and I'd support you in 2024 against Joe Biden.
- Fuentesism - Has good takes here and there but too friendly to China and Russia.
- Dark Enlightenment - Has many good takes, but sorry, being pro-gay and pro-tech doesn't make you based.
- Social Darwinism - You really believe in this evolution nonsense? At least you hate cripples and the racially unpure.
- Gnostic Theocracy - I agree with many of your concepts, but YHWH isn't the Demiurge.
- Fascism - Gentile was awful, and your totalitarianism is cringe, but your ultranationalism is based.
- Pinochetism - Too statist, too globalist, but better than the two below. I absolutely love how you deal with commies.
- Reaganism - You did both good and bad things, and your heart was in the right place. But giving amnesty to millions of illegals, banning fully-automatic weapons and ramping up the War on Drugs was cringe. Kudos for defeating him though.
- Thatcherism - Pretty good on economics, and saved Britain after 40 years of succdem rule. But you're too globalist, too influenced by American ideology (even Enoch Powell called you out on this), and your imperialism in the Malvinas, and Ireland was cringe. Still far ahead of your time on themes like German reunification, and the EU though
- Gorbachevism - You might have killed the Soviet Union and ended the Eastern Bloc, but allowing for German reunification to happen was horrible and paved the way for the European Union, and your successor was cringe.
- Bonapartism - You ended women's rights and ended state atheism, but you also liberated the Jewry and spread the disease of liberalism across Europe. Very mixed feelings on you. Thanks for freeing us from the Russians!
- Pan-Slavism - Based if Poland rules it, but you're usually an attempt by those pesky Russians to rule over the Slavic World.
- Dengism - Your economic reforms made China a superpower, but literally all of your descendants sucked and the One Child Policy fucked up China's demographics forever.
- Islamophobia - Preventing the importation of sandni**ers into Europe is based, but often you're just a cope by Cuckservatives. Islam is right about women, and queers.
- Capitalism - I hate that name, Industrial and International Capitalism ruined the World. But private property is based.
- Anglican Theocracy - Separating from the Catholic Church was virtuous and Henry VIII was a great King, but you really went downhill since Elizabeth I took over. Endorsing homosexuality, really buddy?
- Traditionalist Catholicism - You know, many of the Popes were virtuous men, but Papal Infallibility is inherently flawed and the current Pope proves this.
- Lutheran Theocracy - Martin Luther was a righteous man and exposed the corruption in the Catholic Church, as well as the Jews and their lies, but the Reformation had disastrous effects in Europe and your modern followers are usually cucked. At least you preserved good Catholic dogmas.
- Jeffersonian Democracy - Doubling the size of the United States? Expanding Voting Rights? Secularism? Francophilia? CRINGE! But at least you opposed central banking, restrictions on free speech and government spending.
- Theodemocracy - Democracy is cringe, but I admire Brigham Young and support the Mormons against the Federal Government.
- Buddhist Theocracy - Quite the godless religion that many mindless young people in the West are embracing. Your values and teachings aren't that bad, at least.
- Hellenistic Theocracy - Pagan heathen! But honestly built some great civilizations, I'm heavily interested in classical architecture, history and mythology. But thou shalt keep seething over Theodosius.
- Norse Theocracy - Same as the above, I dig in your aesthetics but the Vikings were far too brutal towards fellow Europeans for your taste. But thou shalt keep seething over the Irminsul.
- Zoroastarian Theocracy - Persian heathen who invaded Greece, oppressed Armenians and prevented the spread of Christianity into Yemen. But Persia was better off when you were the majority religion, and you aren't that bad.
- Islamic Theocracy - Very good views on them, and similar to Christianity in some regards, but Muhammed's teachings were perverted by Natufians, who wrote the Quran, & Hadiths to justify their disgusting sexual practices.
- Shia Theocracy - Naturally, the most Aryan expression of Islam. Still a Muslim heathen though.
- Zionism - Better there than here. He's a K*ke, but so long as the Jews live in their own isolated state and we don't have to support it all is fine.
- Poraj Too moderate, especially on culture. Very cringe interventionist, but at least you're somewhat libertarian
- Matthism - I appreciate many of your takes, such as combining Christianity with Liberty and Individualism, but you're deeply confused. I don't get what you mean by Christianity being pro-curiosity when the Bible shows many instances of it to bad (such as Eve having curiosity for the forbidden apple) and why you say Christianity is incompatible with a Caste System when St. Thomas Aquinas advocated for a feudal system.
- Jacobinism - Since the French Revolution, history really went downhill.
- Marxism - DAMN THEE MARXIST!!!!! Godless Cosmopolitan!
Thank you for preventing him from taking over the Right tho - Pantheonism - The most cringe Neo-Pagan I've ever seen. Maybe Theodosius had a point.
- Jacksonian Democracy - Killing the Bank was good, however Waging war against Mexico, expanding voting rights, removing Natives from their lands, lowering tariffs and not letting South Carolina secede was kinda cringe though.
- Progressivism - Literally a Satanic ideology.
- Kemalism - Yeah, you destroyed the Ottoman Empire, which I hate, on the other hand you were a secularist dictator and traditional muslim Turkey was better than the intellectualist BS you pushed forward
- Anarcho-Egoism - You're just the former, but edgier.
- Democracy - The God that failed.
- Radical Democracy - The God that failed radically.
- Pope Francis Thought - Woke Piece of Shit. You're what made me leave Catholicism.
- Globalism - "Who runs the media? The (((Globalists))). Time to Kill the (((Globalists)))"
- Bankocracy - (((Usurers))) should burn in the deepest pits of hell!
- Georgism - "JuSt TaX LaNd". No. Property Rights are sacred.
- Futurism - Fascism without the good parts. Vilest ideologies in existence, next to...
- Fordism - HIM! Although the modern system is a lamer version of the Brave New World.
- Ingsoc - Doubleplusungood, but infinitely superior to the guy above
- Feminism - Women! takes a sip of coffee
- Radical Feminism - Shut up woman and make me a sandwich
- Queer Anarchism - "Anarchism is when everyone is forced to respect my identity" LOL!
- Airisuism - Common Cameron L.
- Inkyism - Banned me from his pathetic server, janny scum.
- BERNHEism - Extremely cringe, and vile self-insert. I don't care you're an environmentalist and a nationalist.
- Enlightenment - The Start of Everything Wrong in the World!
- State Liberalism - What kind of sick monster are you?
- Vaushism - I genuinely hope you die of a heart attack.
- Shapiroism - Pathetic K*ke and (((Mainstream Conservative)))
- Antillean Wignatism - Holy shit, it's La Creatura de Las Antillas!
- Absolute Monarchism - Sic Semper Tyrannis!
- Constitutional Monarchism - What's the point of a Monarchy in this case?
- Ceremonial Monarchism - Same as above, but lazier.
- Crusadism (during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Crusades) - You caused the decline of the Byzantine Empire AND the destruction of the feudal system. What the hell is wrong with you?!
Cool aesthetics though - Jihadism (ISIS variant)- Attacked all countries except (((Our Greatest Ally))), huh? You're worse than even him, because you're not even Christian!
Again, cool aesthetics. - European Federalism - Die, Globalist Scum! Fuck this creation of Kalergi!
- Republicanism - The Roman Republic was pretty based, however you're an overall retarded form of Government.
- Desantisism - Just because you said that "woke goes to die" it doesn't mean I'd support you, you're the Right's Obama!
- Puritan Theocracy - Hypocrites, and the Pharisees of the modern age. It would be better if King Charles got rid of you guys. You're literally everything I hate about Modern Protestantism.
- Lincolnism - Some still think you would actually have shipped off all the freed slaves to Africa, in reality you're the reason of many problems in the modern US. I'm glad you got what you fucking deserved.
- Caesarism - Haha, stab stab goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.
- Keynesianism - What did the Keynesian use before toilet paper? Money.
- Abolitionism - The Thirteenth Amendment and its consequences!
- Transhumanism - DESTROY TECHNOCUCKS!
- Capitalist Transhumanism - Calling yourself a "capitalist" won't save you from the bullet
- Strasserism - Von Strasser got what he deserved!
- Homonationalism - Ernst Rohm got what he deserved too!
Hadrian is pretty based though tbf - Technocracy - If I didn't endure COVID-19, I'd still think this is a good idea. Execute Fauci now!
- Putinism - Under your rule, Russia kept some of the highest rates of divorce, abortion and domestic abuse in Europe, and much of the Alt-Right pretends you're the based saviour of the white race. LOL!
- Lukashenkoism - Same flaws as above, but even worse. Your country is depressing and is nothing more than a pile of commie blocs lumped with each other, and you're suppressing your traditional culture. Also, stop sending refugees into Poland.
- Pink Capitalism - You claim to be a genuine libertarian, but as soon as your employer fires you for your degenerate behaviour you demand the State to force everyone to accept how you are.
- Zelenskyism - Just because I don't like him it doesn't mean I like you, Jewish, authoritarian, europhile scum.
- Xi Jinping Thought - Your country is an unironic nightmare and makes the West look like heaven.
- Neoliberalism - I'm convinced you're not even human. You're lizard creatures.
- Heliocentrism - When you remove the Earth's centrality to God's plan, you end up in a hopeless road to the abyss.
- Christian Socialism - You might claim to follow Christ, but you twist his words for sick purposes commie.
- National Bolshevism - Your political idol was a supporter of Black supremacy, and the replacement of the native Polish population with Jews. Actually die.
- Prohibitionism - Betrayal of history of mankind.
- Maoism - Chink who destroyed traditional Chinese culture and implemented the worst Communist regime in history
- Titoism - You killed hundreds of thousands of good Germans, Croatians and Italians for your evil marxist agenda!
- Neo-Paganism - Remember what Julian the Apostate said? "You have won, Galilean."
- Wiccan Theocracy - BURN ALL WITCHES NOW!
- Bismarckism - So fucking glad the Kaiser dismissed you, you egomaniacal monster.
- Churchillism - Hypocritical freemason who destroyed the World and caused hundreds of thousands of his own people to die in a fratricidal war to establish the State of Israel.
- Stalinism - Filthy Judeobolshevik who killed millions of Christians and unleashed hell on earth with his industrialism
- Rooseveltianism - Incestous cripple who prolonged the Great Depression, confiscated the people's gold, introduced confiscatory welfare programs and established the modern world order.
- Kennedyism - "Muh based JFK would be a conservative today" You put the nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party, and nearly caused WW3. The only reason the Feds got rid of you was to get a more effective President to get closer to your goals.
- Obamaism - Ruined the US healthcare system and caused a massive refugee crisis into Europe, I hate you!
- Wilsonianism - Federal Reserve? World War I? Women's suffrage? Handing out the economy to the Jews? I hope you're burning in hell
- State Atheism - State-Enforced Atheism? This is literally my opposite.
- Jewish Theocracy - " You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." - John 8:44
- Satanic Theocracy - All Lucifer worshippers should get is being burnt at te stake.
- LGBT Christianity - You claim to be a Christian yet you blaspheme Jesus' name every time you say he would have supported your degeneracy.
- Nullism - Isn't it funny how the 1984 guy is a femboy Slovenian twink IRL?
- Glencoism & Pirate Tails - Cringe Liberals
- Glencoe- The page makes me want to shoot someone anyway add pls
- New Model Of Cheesenism - add me
- Poraj - add me
- Pantheonism - The heck is this?
- Matthism - Mind adding me?
- One Nation Libertarianism - Added everyone, add me
- Matthism - No, you didn't.
- One Nation Libertarianism - Done now.
- Matthism - No, you didn't.
- Davidism - Add me pls
- Tedcruzfan Thought - Add me.
- One Nation Libertarianism Once you'll add me I also will
- Matthism - God installed us all with curiosity (the faustian spirit) and that is good (few exaples here) and a caste system is opposed to the idea that every individual has the same worth and that actions are more important than birth. And it is not good just because Aquinas liked it, he got a bunch of stuff wrong actually, I just admire his work to synthesise aristotelianism and christianity.
- One Nation Libertarianism - People having "Curiosity" is natural, and can be used for good things. However such curiosity wasn't cultivated in good ways, that's how we lended with modern-day progressive social norms, the destruction of nature, and overall detachment of man with God. Also, in front of God people from all classes are equal, but God clearly tolerated the caste system the Ancient Israelites used. Hierarchies are the natural law of man, and the Bible recognizes this. Additionally, No aristocracies are permanent and people from the lower-classes may rise up to the top, just read up what Pareto said. Actions do matter in any caste system that wishes to survive. And all societies have a caste system.
Glencoe13- I am interested in what policy’s you think the English adopted during the World wars that led to “Massive Degeneracy”
- One Nation Libertarianism - The Triumph of Liberalism
- Dr. Occo - I'm pretty sure you're on some kind of list, mate.
- CanadianCommunist - I bet you're actually some gay twink born in 2007 but idc, also add me
- PosadasComradeAdd me?
- Template:Borker Do you happen to be catholic, also add me :3?