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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Omni-Stupid is a ideology that believes that we should low the average IQ of the humans till the point that it becomes negative IQ, so he basically believes that everyone should be as stupid as possible, why? just don't ask.


    Omni-Stupid basiclly acts like a baby would, he says things that make no sense and poops everytime, and when someone touch him he starts to cry and tries to hit the person but he fails since he have no inteligence.

    How To Draw

    1. Draw a ball
    2. Draw an Omega simble above the head
    3. Fuse it with the head
    4. Draw a head with a hollow skull
    5. Draw a white line on the top and the bottom of the "ball"
    6. Make the eyes and your done!
    Color Name RGB HEX
    White 255,255,255 #FFFFFF
    Light Green 73,253,130 #49FD82



    kindeh frens

    no frens

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