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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Neo-Iberism is a Non-Quadrant, Syncretic, Culturally Variable, Distributist, Environmentalist, Georgist and Patriotist ideology that's a synthesis between Pan-Hispanism and Pan-Iberism , which seeks to encourage the betterment of the relations and cooperation of the Iberian American countries between themselves and Spain and Portugal. It also promotes that the latter's former African and Asian colonies are included on this project. It's ultimate goal would be the creation of an International Association between it's members similar to the one that the United Kingdom has with the Commonwealth of Nations.


    The Iberian Countries[1] should use or at least model themselves after this ideals i am about to describe.


    Governments under Neo-Iberism should function on the following way. A Semi-Representative Democracy would be implemented on a national level, where people elect representatives for their respective parliaments, but can still participate in the decision making process through referendums and plebiscites. Semi-Direct Democracy would be used on the first level administrative divisions, mainly because i consider that a Semi-Representative model would not be enough to accurately represent the peoples will, so popular initiative would also be easier to make on this level of divisions. Local Democracy would be implemented at the local level, where the people of the local communities would be able to participate on the decision making process according to the Principle of Subsidiarity. Political parties would not be allowed at the local level of administration, with the intention of both promoting participation of everyday locals on the decision making process and for the local politicians to be elected according to their ideas and skills, not their political affiliation. This would also lead to less corruption at least on the local level.

    While one may think this would led to a lot of unnecesary Bureaucracy, this will be prevented by only keeping the political institutions that truly are contributing at least somewhat to society and removing the ones that the people aren't really using, or replacing them with more efficient ones if possible.

    Electronic Democracy also would be promoted, particularly at the local level, and each country can decide if they want to implement it on higher levels of administrative divisions (And even at the national level) or not.

    Thoughts on Authoritarianism

    It is no secret that, during all of it's history, the Iberian countries have been plagued by Authoritarianism.

    From the dictatorships of Operation Condor in South America, to the different Caudillos it also had on the XIX century, to the Francoist Dictatorship in Spain and all of it's Absolute Monarchs, going all the way to the Philippines to some of it's presidents (And let's not get started with Africa...), it becomes clear that another thing that unites us, is our tendecy towards Authoritarianism and in some more grave cases even Totalitarianism.

    With Totalitarianism there's no much to discuss, the state controlling every aspect of life and demanding absolute obedience to it's citizen's is an horrible, horrible idea that should never get to our Iberian lands.

    The problem starts with Authoritarianism, since from my perspective, while most of the time it has been just regular Tyranny, Authoritarianism isn't Tyrannical per se, since we have forms of it that use that power for a greater good, which are known as Benevolent Dictatorships, and some other forms that only make political restrictions while preserving civic liberties, those are called Dictablandas.

    Finally, in the hypothetical case that Monarchies were established (Or re-established ), while Absolutism is to be rejected, the Monarchy would not necessarily need to be completely Ceremonial, with a Constitutional being desirable, but the best would be a Semi-Constitutional Monarchy with a Democracy at the local level.

    To summarize, while Authoritarianism isn't inherently bad, it should be seen somewhat skeptically by the Iberian countries just to make sure it doesn't become Totalitarian, and then denounce it if it does.

    It should also be said that while Authoritarianism can be tolerable, lack of Local Democracy is not, and that is the only form of non-negotiable democracy.


    Distributism and Georgism are the two main pillars of the Iberian economic model.

    At the lowest level, we have Family and Local Businesses, who are ecnouraged and promoted over Corporations. They are allowed to organize in local Guilds, for them to help themselves and each other develop, share equipment, resources, etc.

    Then we have Cooperatives. They are businesses where their owners are their own workers or in which the workers are part of the decision making process of the company, and they have the goal of fulfilling the role of Corporations by doing large small-scale production. This ensures that economic production isn't centered on a single place nor in the hands of a few, and instead it is centered on serving the Community.

    Trade Unions would basically be "the Guilds of Cooperatives", allowing them to organize according to the sector of industry that they represent and serving as an organization where they can share knowledge, resources, skill, among other things for their overall betterment.

    Regarding Corporations, they are still allowed to exist and establish themselves on our countries, but they need to abide by our laws, which include but are not limited to:

    • They don't engage on nor create monopolic practices.
    • They allow employee representation, either by Workplace Democracy, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) or similar systems.
    • They don't damage the environment and abide by our environmental regulations.
    • They don't interfere on our countries politics neither by lobbying nor any other type of illegal practice.

    In the case that Corporations don't abide by this rules, they are either getting nationalized or split into smaller forms of business depending on the case.

    Tripartism may also be used on the national level, mainly when Trade Unions and Corporations can't agree to the point that they can get into conflict. While the government would intervene to search for a compromise, they will side slightly more to the side of the workers over the company. Government intervention on local affairs would be avoided as much as possible, and will only occur if the situation can not be resolved by the involved parts.

    Related to the last point, government intervention on the economy should be mostly avoided when possible, mainly only establishing regulations and Trust-Busting when needed. With this being said, there are some basic services that should be publicly owned to ensure that every person has access to them, this services are:

    • Water
    • Electricity
    • Universal Healthcare
    • Public Education from Preschool to Tertiary
    • Public Roads and Transportation
    • Public Internet
    • Public Housing

    While this services are provided and funded by the state, private companies are allowed to compete with the state in the delivery of this goods and services.

    As stated earlier, Georgism is also one of the main influence of this model, so obviously it supports a Land Value Tax (LVT), but it also supports a Citizen's Dividend. Implementing a Citizen's Dividend basically means that the people get regular payments (Dividends) from the renevue raised by taxing the land.

    When these two policies are combined, they work perfectly well with Distributism.

    Taxing land without counting it's improvements makes it possible to:

    • Lower other taxes on labor and capital that can be inefficient and discourage people
    • Make land widespread owned (or more easy to get) by removing all upfront costs
    • People that already own land either will sell it to not lose money by the LVT or improve it
    • Raise money to fund public services
    • The raised money would finance only the political institutions that people actually use, thus reducing bureaucracy

    And when you add the Citizen's Dividend into the equation, it becames even better.

    If the LVT raises money for public services and government funding, the Citizen's Dividend give back part of that money to every family, where every family would get an equal share of the country's land wealth, effectively making it common property.

    The Citizen's Dividend woudl also create an "implicit safety net", since it will give the families an economic backup in the case that hard times come, and this plus the LVT that makes it way easier to aquire real estate, which promotes the creation of strong communites with local enterprise, making it easier for families to flourish both economically and socially.

    Other economic policies would include Fair Trade policies, thus enacting some low tariffs with the purpose of protecting both the local businesses and the workers, but this tariffs would never be too high since then the people would not be able to purchase foreign goods.

    Cultural Stance

    "I have always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand-in-hand."

    That quote you read up there basically summarizes the Neo-Iberian cultural stance, recognizing that following progress mindlessly for the sake of progress is bad, and that full on rejecting social progress is equally bad, since social progress isn't inherently bad. Basing ourselves on this principle, each country could apply the cultural stance it desires as long as it respects all of it's citizens.

    With this being said, there are a set of other principles that should also be promoted on all the Iberian countries.

    The Catholic Social Teaching would be promoted as a common form of morality through all Iberian countries, specifically the following stances:

    • Human Dignity
    • Subsidiarity
    • Solidarity and Common Good
    • Dignity of Work
    • Dignity of Life
    • Stewardship and Care for the Environment
    • Option for the Poor
    • Communitarianism
    • Equality of Opportunity
    • Promotion of Social Participation
    • Usage of morality in the case of unfair laws

    This set of moral principles will first be applied on the workplace, with the intention of creating an economy based on companionship, cooperation, solidarity and respect. Since the economy is one of the aspects that affects people the most on their day-to-day, they will eventually internalize this principles and values, being able to apply them outside of their workplace.

    Now that we mentioned the economy, let's go back to the Citizen's Dividend for a minute. The Citizen's Dividend will be used as a way of solving the low rates of births that occur in the Iberian countries. Making that the Citizen's Dividend starts at conception, it then works as a child subsidy, covering the costs of both pregnacy and delivery of the baby, and this combined with the ease of aquiring real estate will be the perfect remedy for the low birth rates we have.

    Obviously, for this to be able to be implemented, we need to state that in fact, life starts at conception, so abortions could not be allowed. It is important to note that ectopic pregnancies, uterine or ovarian cancers that complicate pregnancies, or any another medical reason like this ones are not considered abortions, so medical intervention that results in the death of the baby because of any of this reasons is not considered an abortion.

    In regards of religion, while the Catholic Social Teaching would be promoted, it does not necessarily need to be promoted on a religious context, and the state should respect freedom of religion, wheter is a secular or a confessional one.

    Let's now talk about the Nation. With how much different cultures there are in all of the Iberian countries, the idea is not to replace all of this identities with a new "Iberian" one, but for the people to engage into cross-cultural dialogue, as cultural exchange is what makes a society progress. The idea will be that eventually all of the Iberian Peoples recognize that despite our differences, we are all equal, and share a history of hundreds of years. Again, this is not done with the intent of assimilating every culture into a new Iberian one, but for all of this different peoples to recognize that they should cooperate with each other because of their historic similarities.

    To achieve this, the government should promote Patriotism, specifically a mixture of both Civic and Cultural Patriotism, since the first one allows the people to recognize that despite their differences, they are all citizen's of the Iberian countries, while the latter allows them to still be proud of their own culture while respecting the other ones.

    With this being said, Multiculturalism may be applied to a small degree, particularly regarding the protection of Native Peoples, and to an smaller degree also applying to immigration.

    As a side note, the government would also promote Architectural Revivalism.


    Regarding environmental issues, Neo-Iberism mainly uses a mixture of Eco-Cooperativism and a Distributist form of Eco-Social Market Economy (ESME).

    While there would be expected environmental regulations , this should not necessarily be the main ways of protecting the environment, and the government should rather participate on practices like the protection and reconstruction of natural environments , the development of green and less contaminating forms of energy and promoting local food production.

    In the case of farms, while we should help and subsidize small and local producers if needed (Not big producers), it's important to note that we are still going to promote industrialization, but we are still making sure that this development affects the environment as little as possible, searching for a balance between taking care of the environment and keeping our economic development. It would also be promoted that farmers have a number of diffrent crops, to increase the variety and diversity of food production.

    As an additional note, the government would also promote the preservation of our natural heritage.


    To the surprise of no one, the Neo-Iberian diplomatic stance promotes the cooperation between the Iberian countries. While this sounds comedically obvious, it's actually quite important to adress it, since that is the main principle on which our foreign policy is based.

    With this clear, let's now get into more specific stances.

    As Neo-Iberism uses at least some degree of Pragmatism on basically all of it's ideas, it also does the same on foreign affairs, with what is commonly known as "Realpolitik" being one of the doctrines that we follow. This basically translates to doing what is best for the Iberian countries at the international level, so it is to be spected that they will not have any permanent allies or "friends". Both the "West" and the "East" are neither eternal friends nor eternal enemies, and if they start working against the interests of the Iberian countries there is no reason for us to keep working with them.

    With this being said, the Iberian countries should, when possible, make the effort to keep good relations with other countries or blocks, mainly the United States due to it's proximity and overall influence and with the European Union since two of the Iberian countries are members of it. Russia, China and India (Specially the last one) are also potential allies and we should also try to keep good relations with them when possible, but due to cultural and historical differences, it's very probably that we will be more aligned with the "West" on those aspects, and the relations with the "East" will probably be reduced to mainly economic ones.

    To summarize, we hold a Non-Alignedist but mainly Multipolarist foreign policy as there are no eternal "friends" out there, but we still think of keeping good relations while possible, and also being somewhat more closer to the "West".

    Regarding the relations between the Iberian countries themselves, while Pan-Nationalism would obviously be the main way of promoting cooperation, the end goal of this cooperation is not the creation of an unified "Iberian State", due to, first of all, being highly unrealistic, and most importantly because all Iberian countries, while sharing a lot of similarities, both them and their peoples are different and unique, and it's both not possible and a violation of their sovereignity to force them to be under a single government. Maybe this stance could be called "Pan-Patriotism", in the sense of wanting cooperation between our fellow people across different countries without getting to the point of creating a single state for all of this peoples.

    In the hypothetical case of an "Iberian State" actually being stablished, it's almost confirmed that it will be under a Confederal government, but again, this happening is very, very unlikely, and if it actually does happen, it will be after all of the Iberian countries consented to it.

    Because of this, Neo-Iberism rejects the idea of a World Government while still supporting International Cooperation as long as it respects the sovereignity of each nation. Because of this Neo-Iberism promotes a similar policy to the one of Alter-Globalists (Despite not being socialist), wanting International Cooperation but (For the most part) opposing Economic Globalization and Globalism in general. This makes the Neo-Iberian international stance somewhat Cosmopolitan, but still respecting the sovereignity of all nations.

    This gets us to the next point, and that is that we believe on the Principle of Self-Determination, for each nation should be able to have a saying over their own future. This, however, does not translate to outright supporting every single Separatist Movement there is, just recognizing that they deserve, at the very least, autonomy. In regards of other related ideals, we abide by Pacifism when possible and promote De-escalation of armed conflicts, while also being open to Intervention if it's needed, trying to follow the Principle of Just War of desiring peace while also fighting for it for it's long-term preservation.

    User Test

    Civic Axis

      • Chaoist (-100)
      • Anarchist (-30)
      • Minarchist (0)
      • Libertarian (+10)
      • Civically Moderate (+100)
      • Statist (+10)
      • Dictablanda (+10)
      • Authoritarian (0)
      • Totalitarian (-100)
      • Orwellian (-100)

    Type of Rule Axis

      • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-30)
      • Direct Democracy (+5)
      • Localized Democracy (+100)
      • Semi-Direct Democracy (+50)
      • Representative Democracy (+45)
      • Authoritarian Democracy (0)
      • Totalitarian Democracy (-100)
      • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (0)
    • If none above apply...
      • Organic Centralism (-70)

    Economic Axis

      • Marxist Communist (-85)
      • Socialist (0)
      • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+25)
      • Cooperativism (+75)
      • Distributism (+100)
      • Mixed (+65)
      • Liberal Economics (+25)
      • Capitalist (+5)
      • Darwinist (-100)
    • If none above apply...
      • Third Positionism (+60)
      • Anti-Economy (-100)
      • Non-Marxist Communist (0)
      • Fiscal Federalism (+25)

    Economic Freedom

      • Anti-Economy (-100)
      • Dirigisme (-15)
      • Regulationism (+10)
      • Mixed (+50)
      • Liberal Economics (+25)
      • Free Market (+15)
      • Laissez-Faire (0)
    • If none above apply...
      • Central Planned (-50)
      • Decentral Planned (0)

    Diplomatic Axis

      • Autarchy (-100)
      • Autarky (-20)
      • (Alter-) Globalist (+50)
      • World Federalist (-5)
      • Cosmopolitan (+15)
      • Internationalist (+50)
      • Moderate (+75)
      • Civic Nationalist (+40)
      • Patriotic (+100)
      • Nationalist (+15)
      • Chauvinist (-75)
      • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-100)
      • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-100)


      • Western (+5)
      • Western Adjacent (+25)
      • Non-Aligned (+75)
      • East Adjacent (+15)
      • Eastern (0)
    • If none above apply...
      • Anarchistic Unaligned (-25)
      • Multipolarism (+75)

    Cultural Axis

      • Revolutionary (-100)
      • Progressive (+15)
      • Reformist (+45)
      • Syncretic (+100)
      • Conservative (+20)
      • Traditionalist (+5)
      • Reactionary (-85)

    Technological Axis

      • Primal (-100)
      • Primitivist (-100)
      • Pre-Industrial (-15)
      • Deceleration (+15)
      • Moderate (+75)
      • Acceleration (+15)
      • Automated (+10)
      • Transhumanist (0)
      • Posthumanist (-100)
    • If none of the above apply...
      • Post-Civ (-100)
      • Archeofuturism (-50)

    Environmental Axis

      • Human Extinction (-100)
      • Radical Environmentalism (-50)
      • Eco-Fascism (-50)
      • Ecocentrism (+15)
      • Environmentalist (+85)
      • Moderate (+65)
      • Post-Industrialism (+15)
      • Industrialist (+5)
      • Anthropocentric (+15)
      • Anti-Environmentalism (-100)
      • New Mass Extinction (-100)

    Neurological Axis

      • Anti-Praxis (-100)
      • Utopian (+5)
      • Dogmatic (-30)
      • Idealist (+10)
      • In Between (+50)
      • Realist (+50)
      • Pragmatic (+65)
      • Rational (+35)
      • Dystopian (-100)
      • Anti-Theory (-100)

    War Axis

      • Pacifism (+25)
      • Non-engagement (+15)
      • De-escalation (+50)
      • Intervention (+15)
      • Irredentism (0)
      • Revanchism (-50)
      • Jingoism (-100)
    • If none above apply...
      • Class Warfare (-5)


      • Insurrectionism (-50)
      • Revolutionism (-5)
      • Moderatism (+75)
      • Reformism (+100)
      • Stagnationism (-25)

    French Revolution

      • Girondins (+75)
      • Feuillants (+25)
      • Le Marrais (+55)
      • Jacobins (-50)
      • Conjuration des Égaux (-5)
    • If none above apply...
      • Napoleon (+35)
      • Directory (0)
      • Vendéen rebels (+25)
      • Royalists (0)


    How To Draw

    The flag of Neo-Iberism is a mashup of the flags of Pan-Hispanism and Pan-Iberism .

    Flag of Neo-Iberism
    1. Draw a ball
    2. Divide it on four
    3. Fill the divided spaces with white, blue, red and yellow
    4. Add three crosses
    5. Divided the crosses according to the colors behind them
    6. Add the Sun of May behind the center cross
    7. Give it sunglasses
    8. Give it a beret and you are done!
    Color Name HEX RGB
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Blue #003399 0, 51, 153
    Red #c60b1e 198, 11, 30
    Yellow #ffc400 255, 196, 0
    Light Yellow #ffe000 255, 224, 0
    Purple #4c164d 76, 22, 77
    Dark gold #a98812 169, 136, 18
    Gold #d0ae11 208, 174, 17


    Disclaimer: Some relations may be out of date.

    Best friends

    • Distributism - Best economic system and one of my core tenets. Each one of your forms is based in it's own way.
    • Georgism - Another one of my core tenets and perfect complement for Distributism.
    • Pan-Hispanism and Pan-Iberism - Long live the Iberian Peoples!
    • Catholic Social Teaching - Great teachings, plus you are a great choice for a common morality since all of the Iberian Peoples are at least nominally/culturally catholic.
    • Civic Patriotism and Cultural Patriotism - Us Iberians should be proud of our heritage, culture and history, while accepting that with all our differences we are all created equal and should be seen as such by eachother.
    • Localized Democracy - No one knows more about the local community than it's inhabitants.
    • Reformism - Reforms are the way forward of getting slow but secure progress, revolutions are doomed to fail by their own nature, if not ask this guys how their countries are doing after their respective revolutions.
    • Eco-Cooperativism - Distributism + Environmentalism? Based!
    • Social Economy and Economic Democracy - You two go hand in hand togheter.
    • Progressive Conservatism - Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Also, "I have always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand-in-hand." - Theodore Roosevelt - So true king.


    • Eco-Social Market Economy - I'm basically a Distributist version of you.
    • Social Democracy - You are a good system, even if a little soft and a lot of the times not focusing on the important issues, but i still like you.
    • Social Liberalism - Slightly less Regulatory version of the above, very good and my creator has an special place on his heart for you.
    • Christian Democracy - Another good system.
    • Christian Social Democracy - A combination of two good systems? Based!
    • Social Capitalism - More good systems, i like it.
    • Fair-Trade Protectionism - You are a fine acquaintance, just make sure to not make the tariffs to high.
    • Anarcho-Distributism - While you are an anarchist, you could be implemented here in the form of the autonomous communities you have on the US. Plus, Day was an amazing person.
    • Catholic Workerism - Same as above, quite literally.
    • Piratism - You are good, but somewhat extreme in some cases, 100% abolishment of Copyright seems rather impractical, but you are correct it does need a reform.
    • Scientocracy - Very good! Having experts suggest and help on the decision-making process instead of them directly doing it is a nice approach.
    • Alter-Globalism - Most of your adherents are too socialist, but you are still a cool movement, another world is indeed possible!
    • Confessionalism and Secularism - As long as you both allow religious freedom, i couldn't care less which one is applied on the Iberian countries, they are the ones that should decide.


    • Austrian School - I'm somewhat skeptical if your proposals would actually create a truly free market or just devolve into Corporatocracy. Your Distributist variant is pretty cool tho.
    • Benevolent Dictatorship, Dictablanda & Benevolent Absolutism - As long as you truly care for the people...
    • Illiberal Democracy - See above.
    • Corporatism - Good system, but somewhat authoritarian and i think a little outdated. Your modernized and democratic variants are very good.
    • Populism - I don't oppose you, but stop getting dictators elected, dammit!
    • Machiavellianism - Don't get me wrong, i like Pragmatism, but the problem is that you use it in an opportunist way just to consolidate power instead of using it for a greater good.
    • Reformist Marxism - Don't really like Marxism but i suppose that if the people choose to elect one who am i to stop them.
    • Technocracy & Meritocracy - I mean, your ideas ain't bad per se, but why are both of you so Antidemocratic and Elitist?


    The Based Department

    • CHROMATISM - Literally a walking W. The only criticism is that i would prefer Secularism over Laicism, everything else is extremely based.
    • Bayanihanismo - My creator thinks you are the best self-insert on this place, so you can't possible be that bad. Overall very good, a system like yours, while somewhat a little too extreme culturally speaking, would be ideal for the Philippines. Besides some differences, i also really like you.
    • Libertarian-Cantonalism - Fellow supporter of Pan-Hispanism and Pan-Iberism , based. This plus your social views , your government takes and your economic ones makes it impossible for me to put you any lower than this, based on every possible way.

    Nice fellas

    • Aploism - I'm skeptical of dictators, but you seem to be the exception that i do tolerate, so as long you treat the people well, i can't really complain. As for Populism, it kinda has a bad wrap on this lands you know? Mainly since a lot of the times it's used by opportunists, but i think you are one of the few that truly cares about representing the will of the people, so also tolerable. Wish every Iberian dictator was like you honestly lol.
    • Innovativism - Mostly good economics, but your Userpage is a literal contradiction bruh.
    • Donutzism - You are somewhat authoritarian and probably should at least consider Localized Democracy, and you should be at least a little less harsh on your cultural stance, social progress, if done correctly, is not inherently bad, quite the opposite, it can be good. With that being said, i think you can get better on that aspect, and your economic stances are very good, so as long you treat the people good, we are gonna be fine. Also, my creator likes you and apparently influenced you, so you can't be that bad.
    • Esaism - Utopian Socialism is the best form of Socialism, plus your Reformism and Georgism is admirable. Even if you are somewhat obsessed with Drug Legalization, i think you are still nice and a good form of socialism. There's literally zero differences between you and your strawman...


    • Neo-Foggism - How exaclty do you plan on implementing a Direct Democracy on the modern day? Plus, unregulated capitalism is not the way to go. Oh well, at least you care for the environment and are a Georgist, not that terrible.
    •  Neo-Scorpism - Cooperativism is good, but mixing it with State Socialism is awful. Also, how can anything be democratic if there's literally only 2 parties? Your cultural and technological views are somewhat better than the rest, so overall tolerable.
    • Energeneralism Energeneralism - One of the main friends of my creator on this place that sadly i don't like as much as him. Reactionarysm is just too much, specially if done in an insurrectional manner, without compromise you ain't getting nowhere. At least you support Localized Democracy and you are not a Tyrant, so it ain't that bad.
    • Altemism - Your government takes could be used as an example for an hypothetical restoration of the Monarchy on either Brazil or Mexico, but everything else is too extreme to work. Same problems as above.
    • Iberian Communism - My Communist self...
    • Markez Thought - Mixed bag, while a fellow Hispanist, economically speaking you are a little too close to the left, but eh, i can live with that, it ain't even that bad. Culturally speaking we don't differ much and i'm indiferent towards your technological stance. The problem starts regarding your foreign policy, neither the "East" nor the "West" are eternal allies or eternal enemies, the Iberian countries should act on a mainly pragmatic way internationally speaking. But even that can be tolerable, what can not be tolerable is Juche, and i ain't hearing nothing of your "muh north korea isn't juche" crap, Totalitarianism is Totalitarianism, even if it "cares" about it's citizen's (It doesn't) or National Sovereignity or whatever. A quien le decis provincia, gil.

    Nuh uh

    • Left Islamism - Honestly you were not that bad until i reached the Theocracy part. Even if it's elective theocracies don't work. Too left wing economically anyways. Not the worst i have seen tho.
    • Vyktarianism - Say that again, girl? Eco-Cannibalism?! Uhhhhhh... yeah, not a big fan of that, and Anarchism can't work at the national level, but hey, you support Localism, so that's nice.
    • Meowxism - EW! Political AND Cultural Extremism?! Stay the fuck away from me.
    • Lanceism - Literally the same as above but in the opposite direction , still cringe.
    • Ameronism - Nihilism is cringe, and somehow that's the least bad part about your ideology. Neoliberal Totalitarianism? Illuminatism?! The fuck.


    • Neo-Iberism - Everyone would be added when the page is more developed.
    • Neo-Foggism - Hey, you should join my new alliance The Land Liberators. Also, Add me ;p
      • - I'm a georgist, so yeah, why not, seems cool.
      • - hi, this is IronyScience, as Innovativism is a Georgist, so please add me🥹
    • Innovativism - hi, this is IronyScience, add me please, also, you should join Libertarian Progressive Alliance
      • - Sure, i will add you, but i don't think i can join the alliance since i'm not full on progressive nor a libertarian, good luck with it though!
        • - Thanks dude!
          • - You are welcome!
    • Meowxism - add me?
      • - Sure furry boi .
    • Esaism - Add me, I fucking love the Iberian Union.
      • - Sure you drug addict.
    • Lanceism - You should like, add me or something.
      • - Indeed good sire.
    • Ameronism - can you give me a alias?
      • - Sure!
    • Ameronism - Hello you called me dystopian. I dont belive in a dystopia and i do not advocate for it i was saying that the world is controlled by capitalist elites that cant be eliminated or overthrown and thats why society needs to adapt and get used to it.
      • - I called you dystopian on my Userpage, not here.
    • Markez Thought - añadime, "quieroquelospueblosibericosseanunacoloniayanqui"ismo
      • - El que no leyó la página.
        • decis que estariamos principalmente alineados a occidente, ¿como podemos estar alineados al violasoberanias sin que viole nuestra soberania? españa esta alineada a occidente y no le permitieron protejer a la hispandad en el sahara occidental solo porque al todo poderoso imperio de la libertad y la democracia le convenia que el pueblo del sahara occidental fuera brutalmente oprimido por los moros. Ademas por aspectos culturales estamos iguales ante los yanquis como ante los rusos, te olvidas de que los rusos de hecho son occidentales
        • - "Occidente" y "Oriente" son términos muy subjetivos, por eso están con comillas en esta página. Volviendo al tema, no digo que sea bueno o malo que estemos principalmente alineados a "Occidente", solo digo que es la realidad. En cuanto a Rusia, con lo vago que es el termino "Occidental", creo que teniendo en cuenta que pasaron casi 70 años bajo un régimen totalmente distinto y opuesto al de "Occidente" (Y que hasta día de hoy se mantiene gran parte de la influencia de ese sistema), creo que como mucho se puede considerar a Rusia un caso especial, entre medio de "dos mundos", si es que hasta los propios rusos no se sienten ni asiáticos ni europeos. Lo del Sahara Occidental es un tema complejo, pero para empezar España no estaba aliada con "Occidente" en la época de la Marcha Verde marroquí (No se unió a la OTAN hasta 1982). De todas formas sí, en eso estoy de acuerdo, la intervención de EEUU en ese conflicto tuvo un efecto sobre todo negativo, pero no es como que "cualquier cosa que hace EEUU = MAL", es lo que ya explique en la pagina, los países ibéricos tienen que llevarse bien con quien les convenga. (Por cierto, no continúes la discusión acá, más adelante voy a añadir una sección de preguntas y respuestas en la pagina).
    • Markez Thought - add me an alias
      • - Aight.


    1. This denomination includes the countries of Iberian America , the Iberian Peninsula, Lusophone and Hispanic African countries , the Philippines and East Timor.
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