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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    This module contains multiple widgets than can absolve the need for repeating code; some examples are seen below.


    This utility adds one or several <big> tags around an element to increase its size. Its syntax only takes 2 arguments, the first is the text you want to increase the size of and the 2nd is the number of big tags to add.

    Example usage:

    This text is going to be big

    {{#invoke:Repeat|big|This text is going to be big|5}}

    This text not so much

    {{#invoke:Repeat|big|This text not so much|1}}


    This utility simply repeats a given segment of wikitext the provided times, it takes 2 arguments, the first is the text to repeat and the second is the number of times to do so

    Example usage:

    Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello

    {{#invoke:Repeat|same|Hello |5}}

    Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye

    {{#invoke:Repeat|same|Goodbye |20}}


    This utility creates a linear gradient with hard cutoffs, it takes 3 or more arguments, the first is the direction towards which the gradient should be and the following arguments are the colors of the gradient.

    Example usage:

    <div style="background:
    <div style="background:
    {{#invoke:Repeat|gradient|bottom left|#018E71|#21CFAB|#9AE9C3|#FFFFFF|#7CAFE4|#4F47CC|#3C1379}}; 


    Similar functionality to Gradient but always grabs arguments from the parent template, ("direction" and unlabled elements are grabbed)

    Example usage:

    | text = sample text
    | direction = right
    | #0ff
    | #f00


    This utility creates a text shadow of a specific color all around the text, it takes a single argument, the color of the shadow

    Example usage:

    Hello, Red World!
    <div style="text-shadow:{{#invoke:Repeat|shadow|#F00}}">Hello, Red World!</div>
    {{glow|Hello, Red World!|#F00}}
    Hello, Royal Purple!
    <div style="text-shadow:{{#invoke:Repeat|shadow|#7851a9}}">Hello, Royal Purple!</div>
    {{glow|Hello, Royal Purple!|#7851a9}}

    local utils = {}
    function utils.big(frame)
        local elm = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1]
        local arg2 = frame.args[2] or frame:getParent().args[2]
        local x = tonumber(arg2)
        for i=1,x do 
            elm = "<big>" .. elm .. "</big>"
        return elm
    function utils.same(frame)
        local elm = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1]
        local arg2 = frame.args[2] or frame:getParent().args[2]
        local x = tonumber(arg2)
        local elm2 = elm
        for i=2,x do 
            elm2 = elm2 .. elm
        return elm2
    function utils.gradient(frame)
        local count1 = 2
        local count2 = 2
        local tab1 = frame.args[2]
        local tab2 = frame:getParent().args[2]
        local direction = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[2]
        local arglist
        local argcount
        local range 
        while tab1 ~= nil do
            tab1 = frame.args[count1]
            count1 = count1 + 1
        while tab2 ~= nil do
            tab2 = frame:getParent().args[count2]
            count2 = count2 + 1
        if count1 >= count2 then
            arglist = frame.args
            argcount = count1 - 2
            arglist = frame:getParent().args
            argcount = count2 - 2
        range = arglist[2] .. ", "
        for i=2,(argcount-1) do
            local x = string.format("%.1f",100 * ((i-1)/(argcount-1))).. "% "
            range = range .. arglist[i] .. " ".. x .. ", "
            range = range .. arglist[i + 1] .. " " .. x .. ", "
        range = range .. arglist[argcount] .. " 100%"
        return "linear-gradient(to "..direction..", ".. range ..") no-repeat"
    function utils.parentGradient(frame)
        local count = 1
        local args = frame:getParent().args
        local direction = args["direction"] or "left"
        local param = args[1]
        while param ~= nil do
            count = count + 1
            param = args[count] 
        local range = args[1] .. ", "
        for i=1,(count-2) do
            local x = string.format("%.1f",100 * ((i)/(count-1))).. "% "
            range = range .. args[i] .. " ".. x .. ", "
            range = range .. args[i + 1] .. " " .. x .. ", "
        range = range .. args[count-1] .. " 100%"
        return "linear-gradient(to "..direction..", ".. range ..") no-repeat"
    function utils.shadow(frame)
        local color = frame.args[1] or frame:getParent().args[1] or "#000"
        local x = {1,-1,-1,1,0,1,0,-1}
        local y = {1,1,-1,-1,-1,0,1,0}
        local tab = {}
        for i=1,8 do 
            tab[i] = tostring(x[i]) .. "px " .. tostring(y[i]) .. "px " .. color
        return table.concat(tab,",")
    return utils
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