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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Lionheartism is my self insert ideology. It’s culturally and economically far left, very Libertarian bordering on Anarchism, with a focus on queer rights. It was formulated properly after creating the PCBA community discord.

    Foundations and Beliefs

    Reform & Revolution

    I consider myself somewhat of a capitalist realist, but not fully. I believe that capitalist states, through media control, culture wars, modest welfare, and other methods of pacification, have made any form of 20th century revolution impossible. The only way to truly construct a traditional revolution would be through crisis.

    Historically, revolutions have only happened (with the notable exception of the American Revolution) when people aren't having their core needs met, such as mass starvation. Unless the great powers of the modern day go to war, or some form of market crash akin to the Great Depression hits, we aren't displacing these systems of control, they are simply too deeply rooted.

    So what to do? Well, I have two beliefs on this.

    The first is the implementation of anarchist praxis, that being prefiguration. Prefiguration puts forward the notion the you can only achieve your ends by using means which 'resemble' them. The usual way this is applied to socialist theory is in the form of a critique of state socialism. If we accept the idea that means & ends are unified, then using a state, no matter how 'proletarian' [1], by virtue of being a state, would not be able to destroy itself and create a stateless society, and certainly would have no incentive to.

    Going off this idea, if we are attempting to form a stateless, socialist society, we must directly make this happen, even before the collapse of capitalism. This comes in the form of mutual aid networks slowly replacing the welfare state (though in almost all examples of mass mutual aid, the state is in active crisis and as such cannot provide basic services; I'll touch more on this in a moment.), engaging in direct action to fix local issues in say infrastructure or healthcare, etc.

    My critique of this method is that it also relies on crisis, but if conditions allowed it, this would be my preferred method of socialist organization.

    The second method is effectively democratic socialism, or more accurately, building toward radical social democracy.

    If all forms of revolution require a capitalist crisis, and capitalism has adapted to the point of pacifying revolutionaries (in the western world), then the logical next step is reformism. But towards what? This is where I believe the Soviet Union provides a historical example. If you fundamentally restructure your economy, create a new bloc with countries carrying this model, the capitalist world responds. The Soviets had cut themselves out from the rest of the world, and while the conquest of Eastern Europe delayed this outcome, Soviet isolation led to its collapse.

    This is why I believe we must concede in a sense to the world market. We cannot wrap ourselves in a cocoon, the world and economies of scale are far too complex for this. Instead, we could maintain the market economy and simply democratize it. This does not fix the base issues of Capitalism (ie wage labor and commodification), but it does provide a pathway for true socialism if the opportunity ever presents itself, gives significantly more power to the base of society, while not isolating us from the rest of the world.

    In essence, what I advocate is a form of localist market 'socialism' until the material conditions for a truly competitive socialist bloc against the capitalist world market presents itself.


    I am of the opinion that an economy that is built on cybernetic calculation and communication, in a decentralized format, with labor vouchers in place to both keep track of demand as well as incentivize work, would be the best possible economy for a post-capitalist society. I believe that cooperative business could still operate at some points, particularly in the transitory phase of 'radical social democracy', but that they shouldn’t be maintained due to the continued facilitiation of commodity production.

    Is market socialism truly 'socialist' ?

    yes and no. In short, it provides a truly bottom-up, worker run economy, and "democratizes the workplace", but I mostly judge it for the factor of commodity production, with all its alienating impacts, but I also believe decentralized planning to be superior at distributing goods and making a truly free economy. So would I call it capitalist? No, its quite distinctly different from all other forms of capitalism, but what I'd call it most accurately would be 'cooperativism', as a sort of middle ground between socialism and capitalism.

    Cooperative Enterprise & it's purpose

    I have already elaborated on the purpose of cooperatives in a transition out of capitalism, most likely when/if socialists come to power electorally, but I haven't spoken on coops within capitalism.

    I believe coops can provide a path for workers who, within their entire lives, haven't actually had a chance to participate in decisions that their bosses make. In this sense, it gives exposure to socialist concepts while not fully requiring an idea of 'socialism' to be associated with them. WIP

    On Project Cybersyn

    Project Cybersyn was a plan created by the Allende administration, it's purpose being the transition from a market economy into a centralized, computer-powered planned economy. It was in large part crated by a group of British computer management experts, notably Stafford Beer. Cybersyn was implemented rather 'aggressively', with mass nationalization and very quick deadlines.

    In an event known as the "Chile Truckers' Strike", about 40,000 truck owners commenced an employers' strike with heavy support from the CIA. This left the Chilean government roughly 200 trucks ready for operation. Due to real time data coming from the pre-established telex network, the Allende administration avoided the potentially catastrophic damage of the strike.

    The reason I value this project so much is because its a relatively recent example of a cybernetic centralized planned economy created by a democratically elected administration which was constantly threatened by a nuclear superpower only a continent away.

    I believe this shows just how much a democratically elected socialist government could potentially do, especially in a country like America.

    The Lange Model


    State & Government

    On Anarchism

    As I have already stated in the "Reform & Revolution" section, I like the idea of a stateless society, but I don't believe its possible today. WIP

    Federal Structure

    In terms of government, I believe the legislature should be split bicamerally.
    One group would be organized by trade/profession , given seats based on the amount of people in each section.
    The second would be organized residentially, the same way it works in most countries today.
    This is done to maximize peoples' representation both for local issues as well as things relating to their job. Fundamentally, most decisions would be made at a local level though, through liquid democracy. The national legislature would be saved for coordination (say, in planning), or dealing with national emergencies. WIP

    Social Progress

    Lionheartism is in favor of radical progressivism, shown as abolishing gender both socially and eventually biologically, feminist struggle, abolition of all oppressive tradition, etc.


    I got into leftism through Marxist-Leninists, then got into V*ush, now I’m here, I’d like to think I’m a bit saner since that.

    Personality and Behavior

    Lionheartism’s personality matches closely with the founder, Charlotte.



    • Anarcho-Communism I think your vision of society is quite unrealistic, but you make a good ally and we agree on alot.
    • Council Communism Pretty much me but more explicitly marxist. You should team up with anarchists, you have less differences than you think. Also, revolution is kinda cringe :)
    • Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism This is THE end goal, good sci-fi setting.
    • Marxism Excellent analysis! But your followers are too dogmatic, and you couldn’t have possibly predicted the conditions of the 21st Century, that part is up to us.
    • Libertarian Possiblism Literally me! Revolution is untenable in the 21st century.


    • Post-Leftism You.. you’re a bit of a weird one, but you have some pretty good followers, so yeah. Also take a shower.
    • Anarcho-Egoism I disagree on your focus being solely on the unique, but you’re good generally.
    • Social Democracy I’ve gone quite a bit further left recently with planning, but I still think your system is pretty good, and is really the only capitalist system allowing for worker democracy. If you'd pair up with market socialism, then you're basically my realistic vision for society.


    • Capitalism Your alienation of workers and the infinite accumulation of capital, expanding beyond borders and creating imperialism, it's undeniable that you are the modern Leviathan.
    • Marxism-Leninism Many of the problems of the modern left can be traced back to you and your dictatorial ways. Vanguardism nothing but a distrust of workers and an obsession with academics turned politicians.
    • Dengism It’s goes without saying that you’re in no way Socialist, marxist, or even leftist. You’re also significantly worse than the U.S., just with slightly less of a history for modern imperialism.


    • PLAnarkism You’re a friend of mine, and you’re pretty chill, but you’re politics are quite wacky. That being said, I respect your individualism and you’re hate of capitalism.
    • MemAlephism You're the main reason I got into democratic socialism, and have convinced me on quite a few points, mainly on anarchism. But still, I imagine we still disagree over issues of the state and now economics. I'm not that confused :(
    • Technoharmonism Based! We agree on a ton, reformism, a mixed coop economy, progressivism, etc. I’d the only thing we really disagree on is the end goal. Also you’re an active PCBA member so you go higher :3
    • Classical Marxism With Pirate Characteristics All jokes aside, I don’t think your ideological framework is bad. Just.. stop with the Marx worship and we’ll be good.
    • Charlottism CHARLOTTIAN UNITY! I don’t know much about your ideology, but I like your idea of using money from SOEs to save on taxes, though obviously they couldn’t fully replace them. Oh, also, be more active on the server >:3
    • Libertarian-Cantonalism VAUSHITE! Jokes aside, pretty good. Decentralization and the subsidarity principle are both really good. Really the only thing I disagree much with here is the progcon, but it’s certainly not horrendous.


    • Candelarismo Oh god it changed. Well authoritarianism and ultranationalism are def the worst aspects, also why third positionism? I mean I respect the schizo-ness, and you’re a PCBA member, so you can go here. Also very good on social issues.
    • Rojoism Actually pretty good, only thing I really oppose here is the extreme hatred for reform. Also, I'm not big on orthodox Marxism.
    • JunoKya Thought This isnt horrible, but with notable problems. Being anti-SJW is weird, it was pretty much a manufactured “movement” created by the alt right to make regular progressives look bad. On top of that you said you don’t want progressives to “teach kids progressive propaganda in schools”, which is concerning in its implications. Also, why are you so anti immigration? why do you think I’m utopian ;-;
    • CHROMATISM You’re one of the more fun PCBA members. Regardless, no matter how much you put special labels on it, regulationism can never destroy capitalisms flaws. im not a peasant >:[
      • - You forgot the / in the word crossing section, crossing out all text below, thus proving that you are in fact a peasant.
    • Revmirianism Good god, that’s one ambitious page ya got there. Going through some quick disagreements, Mao, Stalin, and Lenin were all mostly ass once they started ruling (Stalin especially), One party states are stupid, you need diversity of opinion in a democracy, supporting Russia is extremely stupid, wanting anything to do with North Korea is funny but dumb, wanting to ban all drugs is pointless and stupid, and lastly your critism of Ancom is quite unfounded in many ways, the Soviet fight against the west as one of 2 imperialists fighting for influence, not a liberator with support of the people. But tbh, you’re not too bad generally and you seem chill so you go here.
    • Venatrixism You seem fine, i philosophically differ from egoism, though, and you over complicate your statements way too much. Either way, workers councils are cool and def better than a vanguard.


    • Social Authoritarian Bonapartism almost the opposite of me. Socially conservative, authoritarian state, and class collaborationist model. I mean I like the guy who made this one but we disagree a lot politically.
    • Meowxism Dawg what’s the point of socialism if it requires total state control of everyday life?
    • Neokwakwaka'wakwism First off, I really like the hat. Second, this is shit. Ancap economics with abhorrent cultural stances. I don’t even know what to say.
    • Palaism Different verse, same as the first. But a bit better since this one is a PCBA member.


    1. Only if we're both operating under the anarchist definition of a state, otherwise discard this.
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