All are welcome
Afri believes in naturalistic pantheism and in consecuence materialist monism.
Afri follows a branch of utilitarianism that states that every moment in the life of a feeling entity can be (more or less) assigned a value from 0 (very bad) to 10 (very good) by the entitie itself. So (speaking theoretically) we could calculate a universal satisfaction value, by doing the medium of all this momentanial satisfaction values. She thinks there is a moral obligation to make this "value" bigger.
Social Issues
Afri is extremelly opposed to queerphobia, racism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism, mononormativity, religious persecution and fundamentalist religious beliefs.
This being said, Afri still believes that the family unit (extended family not nuclear) is the natural organic unit of society and that this is a good thing that should be fostered. This of course while accepting queer and polygamous families as anatural as worth protecting as cishet families.
She also beileves that atleast it should be encouraged culturally and monetarily for atleast one member of each house hold to be a home makes.
Afri also support natalist policy.
She also believes religious gatherings and joined contemplation foster healthy societal bonds and sense of belonging in a community.
In tandom with this she believes spriritual practice, prayer and meditation are useful in archieving peace and a healthier state of mind
In addition to this she thinks that patriotism (specially to the small motherland), which she describe as an emotional link to the land and its historical traditions and culture is a positive thing that further bolster communal bonds and societal trust. In contrast to this she opposes traditional nationalism as it sees it as exclusionary believe that in its intend to build a national identity butchers the history of the land and reject some traditions while upholding others in the interest of the state. Despite this she believes a type of civic nationalism, not to the state but democratic institutions and all fellow citizens and their defense is good.
She also believes in unconditional Pan-Patriotism, the belief that multiple cultures should unite based of their common cultural characteristics and respect for their differences. In the intestereat of fostering peace and creating bigger federal countries and hopefully one day World Federalism. Due to this Afri supports in her case firstly Pan-Iberism and secondly Pan-Hispanism, Pan-Europeism (Except for germanocucks ) ,Pan-Mediterraneanism and Pan-Latinism.
She believes immigration should ideally be lowered by the development and democratization and stabilization of third world countries, in wich many citizens feel the necessity to abandon their homelands that they don't necessarily want to leave.
She also believe all immigrants rich and poor (aswell as native citizens) should be required to adapt to the democratic institutions aswell as learn and take part on the cultural-historic activities of the place they are migrating while not being forced to disregard their original identity. This is her version of interculturalism. This process is specially important in the case of non accompanied minors and more resources should be focussed on this to reduce criminality, in this cases a good approach would be to distribute this people to less habitated rural zones of the country and encourage families to take in more of this people
Political Model
Afri's ideal society would be a form of Libertarian Market Socialism and Democratic Confederalism influenced by the ideals of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Maury Bookchin, Pi i Margall, Abraham Guillén, Miguel Giménez Igualada, and Abdullah Öcalan. Afri recognizes that political ideology must adapt it's self to material conditions, and that "no plan survives first contact with the enemy." As such, this plan should serve not as a checklist of requirements, but as an place to explore ideas.
Civic Structure
Afri thinks that modern liberal democracy is incompatible with a truly democratic society. Therefore, she believes that the only way to avoid exploitation and promote human flourishing is to ensure people all have direct, democratic control over the institutions under wich they live. This includes both the economic, and public spheres. Semi-representative democracy can be justified at higher levels of governance (upwards the canton level), where the sheer number of people could make full direct democracy impractical.This is why higher levels of government should dependent on lower levels and have less room for action.
Afri bases her ideas of how a government should function largely on Rojava and Spanish Cantonism (also called radical federalism). Ideally, the government would consist of comunes that make up municipalities, with municipalities and comunes making up cantons, and the higher level confederal government which would unite them, beeing the highest of this in far future the World Federation and mean term a union of people of similar cultural and historical background. All locally elected delegates would be re-callable through a referendum of no confidence, and all representatives would have term limits.
Afri believes in market socialism and distributism (subsidiarity) as the best economic ideas to make people feel as they are in controll of their own work and thus more happy and productive. Coops also eliminate the pseudo-parasitical capitalist class leading to a more just distribution of wealth. Also it has been shown that coops increase societal bonds as they teach people to collaborate with one an other and empowers them in their local communities.
But Afri still believes in entrepreneurship as a positive and investment as a necessary evil. So although she favours she favours cooperative, familiar, communal, public and independet ownership she proposes a minimun collective ownership than although starting at 5% would rapidly increase by the number of member till reaching a minimum of 55% at 60 members. This of course would be the milder form of socialism permitible with smaller units of society been able to mandate harsest forms of socialism/communism.
Afri also believes in a welfare state that helps the less fotunate overcome their situations.
She also thinks key industries like healthcare, transportation , energy distribution and banking should either interrely or principally managed and controlled by local or national goverments.
- WilliamCapo19 Thought -Uruguasho rebasado. Localismo, ecologismo, cooperativismo, pan-nacionalismo, patriotismo, progresismo conservador, principio subsidiaridad, todo épico. La única diferencia entre tú y yo es que yo soy algo más progresista y socialista. (9/10)
- Lionheartism - I was like you like two years ago. So you are reaching basedness much quicker than me. Keep having good positions. (8,5/10)
- Lilacist Democracy - I mean its better than most. I agree with most of your views but you are not a socialist and you dont have enough enfasis on community. Also I think your taxation plan is idealist and would not give you enough income. (6,5/10)
- CHROMATISM LIB LIBERAL LIBTARD. This being said you are one of the good ones. You will be spared when the revolution come my friend. Also glorious galacticism and conservative-progressim. (6,5/10)
- Charlottism - I mean the type of libertarian capitalist that trie to think of new hip solutions for an inherently broken system. Although I like subsidiarity. Small business can be many times even worse than big chains to its employees and the ability of workers to choose their master is not really that good and its possibility in practice is pretty overblown. Also civil libertarianism is usually good. (4/10)
Do better
- Vyktarianism Localism is based, urbism is not. You are a reactionary (bad) and some of the things you took from progressivism are some of the worst ones. You are an icky austro-libertarian. Also you give off strange vibes girl, dunno how to describe it. (2,5/10)
- Markez Thought - añadime
- Innovativism - add
- Lilacist Democracy - Add me?
- Vyktarianism - Add mee?
- WilliamCapo19 Thought - Wenas, me añades?
- Ilunaticism - Can you add me?
- Energeneralism - add me?
- Nurisk5 - add me
- Charlottism - add me.
- Syncretic Kemalism - Add me?
- Mizoism - add me?