Juche Posadism, sometimes shortened to JuchePosad, is an economically far-left, culturally far-right and ultra-nationalist ideology (can be cultural or ethnic nationalism depending on context) who advocates for the implementation of a Juche society after the collapse of society from a global nuclear war. Juche Podasists sees North Korea as the best example of both a nuclear arsenal large enough to establish Juche, and Juche in general.
- Juche - Be honest you're a Posadist
- Juche Monarchism - We stand for the same thing: Exposing what Juche Actually is
- Trotskyism - You should have been more radical to achieve your goals
- Posadism - My cucked father that want a nuclear war to achieve socialism
- FALGSC - Another wacky communist, but cucked
- Accelerationism - My grandad without communism.
- Anarcho-Pacifism - Nuke Hater
- Capitalism - Filthy Capitalist
- Democracy - Chaos and disorder
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