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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Hoxism is an infusion of Social Democracy, Western Patriotism, NATO militarism, and is the unironic ideology of u/Hoxxitron.



    Hoxism supports NATO and carries a big stick. It supports regional unions like the European Union, and it actively supports Ukraine and wants to see NATO troops in Ukraine.


    Hoxism is a Social Democratic/Corporatist ideology economically. It wants unions for all aspects of work and a tripartite system to be created.

    Hoxism also calls for a joined state owned privately owned market, especially in manufacturing.

    Along side that, it also calls for a semi-Autarky based economy. With certain industries being stateside whilst others are globalized.


    Hoxism is a great supporter of LGBT rights, and thinks that freedom and democracy are inalienable rights.


    Hoxism is a Democratic ideology, but also follows Authoritarian beliefs, believing that Federal law trumps local law.



    Hoxism is an Anti-theistic and Materialist ideology, believing believing that religion and supernatural beliefs are the antithesis to modern society.


    Hoxism is a morally objective ideology, believing in a strong moral code.

    • Tootaly not a Fashie...

    How to Draw

    1. Draw a ball
    2. Color the ball red
    3. Draw the SocDem Rose
    4. (Optional) Draw a sword
    5. Draw the NATO cardinal direction circle
    6. Draw the eyes like this

    You're finished!

    Color Name HEX RGB
    Red #E10600 225, 6, 0
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



    Social Democracy - Workers rights within the capitalist system?! Woohoo! (Just pick up a gun and we'd be besties)

    Corporatism - TRIPARTITE GANG.

    Democracy - FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY!!! Wait did you just elect a Socialist?

    CHROMATISM - tHis right hEre is totaLy my best Permanent friend!

    Zelligism - Yesss... massterrr...

    • lmao what????????? are you ok

    Grammar Nazism - Yes, yes, yes. Teaching our youth only the most PROPER version of the English language is IMPERATIVE to our societies success!

    Hoxism - Real cool guy this one!

    • Hey! What are you doing on my page?!

    Lilacist Democracy - FDR! FDR! FDR! Why are you taking your pants off?

    NAFO - I love you LazerPig!


    Neoconservatism - Freedom and democracy! Right on! Just... why do you hate economic intervention so much?

    ANTIFA - I like that you hate Fashie over there, but what's with this whole "Fascism is Capitalism in decay" thing?

    Third Positionism - I like your economic ideas, but why must you be friends with HIM?

    Scorpism - A slightly less cringe Socialist.

    Aploism - Corporatist brothers 🤝, and it's the least-bad authoritarian state that I've seen... but m a y b e be a teensy weensy more Democratic.

    Actual Idealism - You!... have some good ideas... But you're still a Fashie!

    Esaism - An environmentalist Commie is still a Commie.

    VMism - I wouldn't hate living in a country like that. But I definitely wouldn't move there voluntarily.


    Communism - The workers of the world are FINE. and pls stop calling me a fascist :(

      • Yeah, but they were Commies.

    Fascism - Grrr! You hate my people, you hate my freedoms, so I hate you!

    • But don't you also support Corporatism, Militarism, national unity and the destruction of Communism?
      • No! Don't tell them!

    Markez Thought - I know you!

    Hoxhaism - Stole *my* name AND is a Commie?! Horrendous!

    • Hey! I came first!

    Neighborstanism - That is quite a page.

    Meowxism - Another Commie, but the quote "There is nothing liberating about selling your own body" goes hard af.

    Strasserism - Fashie detected, sentence: death.

    Aidel THEBEANMANism - Another Fashie, B U R N H I M .

    Yucatarianism - Treehugger + Fashie + Spiritual + Anti-Atheist.

    • I don’t remember asking to be added


    Fourth Theory - We are nearly identical but yet completely opposite... Fascinating!

    • I'm nothing like you western pig!
      • Stop trying to talk sense into him.


    • Meowxism - add me?
      • - You... don't have a page :(
        • Meowxism - sorry i just noticed i made a typo. its Meowxism
          • - Alrighty, you're added!

    • Esaism - Add me please.
      • - Added!
    • VMism - Would you kindly add me please?

    - *insert bioshock joke here*


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