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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki


    Gilliganisim is the personal ideology of u/GenericUser1185, aka Nosh Gilligan, who barely knows anything about politics outside of current-day US politics. She tends to rush headfirst into things without knowing what is actually going on, or having any actual reason. She often wears an orange and yellow hat and carries a shovel to dig up months-old dirt on their enemies (and supposedly to dig her own grave in the Polcompball community). She is an advocate of LGBTQ+ rights, and will instantly go against anyone who openly opposes the advancement of the LGBT+ community. She also opposes "collaborators" who work with the right for ulterior motives.

    Core Principles

    • Public services, such as medical care, transportation, and utilities should be a public matter and be controlled by the state.
    • Unions should have more of a say in workplace management. Employee-owned cooperatives are better than private corporations for employee welfare.
    • Nuclear power is a must.
    • The death penalty should be reserved for the absolute worst crimes (Genocide).
    • The public should have more of a say in the legislative process.
    • The Federal system has not worked well, and the state of US politics proves it. That said, a World Federalism model is probably best for humanity.
    • An anarchist society wouldn't be any better than our current one.

    How to draw


    1. Draw the ball
    2. lower eyes to be centered horizontally with the ball
    3. Draw a horizontal tricolor of White, Yellow, and Red in that order.

    With Hat

    1. Start with basic ball
    2. Draw a rainhat
    3. Color the hat a duller yellow.
    4. Add an orange stripe and button on top




    • Traitor Confederate: You sold out the Lib-Left Quadrant for your fake "rebalancing".
    • Nordic Model: Smug Scandinavians, we all know you're bankrolling your welfare states off your oil money (I'm a salty American)


    • Monarchism : Inbreeding and Nepotism is no way to decide how to run a country.
    • Anarchists: Most of the ones I know simply don't care for politics, and don't really care for your cause. As for you, eliminating the government wouldn't fix anything, just make it worse (what do you think all those agencies do anyway?), and the effort to prevent another government forming would require a government of itself, making this all for nothing. Also, crime would be a problem.
    • Libertarianism: Anarchists with a state.
    • Christian Democracy: Your meme is annoying, and so are your supporters on the subreddit.
    •  Hardline Realism I disagree with you politics, but you helped out with setting templates.

    Pure Hatred

    • Fascists: Worst of the worst, shoot on sight.
      • Fascism: Funny Spaghetti Guy
      • Nazisim: Absolutely disgusting, the only people who unironically support you are literal monsters. Your the reason I continue to support the death penalty.
        • Strasserism : National Socialists who took the Socialists part seriously rather than a marketing.
        • Esoteric Nazism: Meth Addict Space Nazis.
      • Incel-isim: Basement dwellers who didn't wrap their heads around why women didn't like them and opted for doubling down instead of actual self improvement.
    • Paleoconservatism: More like Paleo-Regressivisim.


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  • Aplo1234 • 5 minutes ago
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