Fully Automated Welfare State Capitalism, or FAWSC for short, is authoritarian capitalist ideology of the potential future.It believes that people should be controlled through welfare to incentivize good behaviour.
As a consequence of AI implementation all workers will be replaced with robots on both heavy and artistic labour, there will be no reason to increase production since nobody recieves any payment except enterpreneurs that owns AI from themselfs, and therefore nobody can buy products. To prevent people from revolt the state will provide them welfare, and economic cycle will continue, welfare size will be measured based on how well people will obey the state and there will be no other source of income except for theft and subsistence agriculture.
- Social Authoritarianism - My foundation.
- Robot servants - Source of prosperity.
- Agrarian Anarchism - Your labor is not effective, no reason to uphold your freedoms, sooner or later your land will be taken.
- Hydrarchy, Illegalism, Kleptocracy - They are still trying to rob me. No matter how much money I give, needs cannot be satisfied.
- Marxism - Workers do not exist anymore.
- Syndicalism - What an outdated institute.