Eggoism, or Eggoist Anarchism, is an off-the-compass libertarian and anarchist unity ideology, that emphasizes the individual over another kind of guiding principle; that is, the individual should do as they please, not bound by any government or moral code. He often calls, well, everything he doesn't like a spook. In fact, web pages dedicated to the ideology are a spook, as are the author and the time and effort he spent on it... unless he enjoyed himself, in which case... well, still probably something spooky about it. The only difference with Egoism is that everyone must produce eggs and they must be distributed equally among everyone, nobody can avoid it and if someone isn't pleased by the eggs then their whole existence is a spook, they actually don't exist and they don't receive eggs. Everyone shall pray to the egg gods whenever they want, based on whether it pleases their ego, or rather "Eggo".
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