DiscriminatoryValues is a political quiz based off of LiberationValues that measures people on how discriminatory they are on six axes.
- White Supremacism - Believes that whites are superior to blacks.
- Black Supremacism - Believes that blacks are superior to whites.
- Matriarchy - Believes women are superior to men.
- Patriarchy - Believes men are superior to women.
- Jeunism - Believes youth are superior to adults.
- File:Adultism-DiscrimValues.png Adultism - Believes adults are superior to youth.
- Hetero - Believes social customs and laws should be in favor of heterosexual lifestyles/individuals.
- Homo - Believes social customs and laws should be in favor of homosexual lifestyles/individuals.
- Cis - Believes social customs and laws should be in favor of cisgender lifestyles/individuals.
- Trans - Believes social customs and laws should be in favor of transgender lifestyles/individuals.
- Malthusocracy - Believes fatshaming is good and that thin people are superior to fat people.
- Lipostocracy - Believes "thinshaming" is good and that fat people are superior to thin people.
Tests - https://github.com/Vizdun/values-common | |
uoiauai | 10groups • 12axes • 8dreams • AuthValues • InfValues • RightValues • SoilTextureTest |
Sebra - Al | 9Axes • PrismQuiz • SixTriangles |
Inky | Ideosorter • LiberationValues • PolcompballValues |
K-Tech | LibertyValues |
Afun | DiscriminatoryValues |
Other | 12Wackies • 8Values • AltValues • CenterValues • LeftValues • Political Sextant |
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