"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.",
Galatians 3:26-29, Paul the Apostle
Dell'Artism is my own, personal ideology. It is an economically socialist, culturally progressive and religious ideology, whose end goal is to build a class-less, state-less and money-less society inspired by the first christian communities. While not anarchist or authoritarian populist , Dell'Artism has been influenced by both and could be classified as a mix of the libertarian left and the statist left.
I consider that, to achieve social harmony and equality, the economy must be organised like the first christian societies, which practiced the sharing of goods and labour. Unlike in a traditional capitalist economy, companies aren't owned by shareholders. They are owned by their own employees, meaning that the dividends of the company are divided between the employees, while a small amount of these dividends must of reinvested into the company. Thus, every employee becomes a shareholder of the company he is working for, meaning that he has a voice in decision-making. The companies are technicly still owned by private individuals, except that said private individuals happen to be the employees : that's called a cooperative.
Limited economic planning
Cooperatives consume and produce goods which are subject to the invisible hand of the market, just like in a capitalist economy. However, to stabilize the economy, the government uses limited economic planning. Unlike full-blown planned economy where everything is owned and micromanaged by the government, limited planning guides the cooperatives via subsidies, regulations, taxes, etc. Furthermore, some industries considered as vital for the well-being of the population are nationalised (such as infrastructure, healthcare, education, water, electricity, etc), thus directly handled by the government, although the workers of state-owned companies would benefit higher wages to compensate the absence of dividends.
Cooperatives should not only have a say in economics but also in politics. Inspired by council communism, I believe that employees of a cooperative should elect a council of representatives, which would lead the company. Then, council representatives elect the deputies of a federal parliament via party-list proportional representation. This system allocates a certain amount of seats proportionaly to the amount of vote each party got.
Indeed, since the abolition of capitalism would annihilate the very existance of the upper class (while not replacing it with a bureaucratic elite), democracy would be hard to corrupt in this socialist system. However, to definitly prevent the rise of liberal forces, the ban of all economically right-wing movements could be considered.
As previously mentionned, this regime would be governed by a federal parliament elected by the worker's councils. Meanwhile, a President would be directly elected by the citizens. This system would be similar to a semi-presidential republic, with a President, a Prime minister elected by the parliament, and a cabinet ; the PM and the cabinet being responsible to the parliament. This should ensure a fair balance of power. Councils and citizens should also have the power to organise referendums if a certain amount of signature is met. The executive should be able to act in a significant, if needed strong way, while being strictly regulated and checked by other institutions (statism, not authoritarianism !)
Regarding the federalist nature of the government, I not only believe that this is the only way to mix the benefits of a central government with communalism, but this is also the only way to preserve cultures, especially local ones. Indeed, from where I come, the government has a long history of repressing regional languages such as Breton, Corsican, etc, as well as local dialects. While creating a common language, a lingua franca is necessary for better understanding and administrative reasons, it is even more necessary to preserve every language.
While the liberation of the workers is an absolute necessity for their material well-being, it isn't the only condition necessary to free the workers from the crippling monotony of their work. It's not enough to want to spare them suffering; we have to want their joy. Not pleasures that have to be paid for, but free joys that don't undermine the spirit of poverty. This is why I oppose Marx' materialism, my thought being inspired by Simone Weil's La Condition Ouvrière (The Worker's Condition).
"The condition of workers is one in which the hunger for purpose that constitutes the very being of every human being cannot be satisfied, except by God.
That is their privilege. They alone possess it. In all other conditions, without exception, particular ends are presented to activity. There is no particular purpose, whether it be the salvation of one soul or of many, that cannot screen and hide God. Detachment is needed to pierce through the veil. For workers there is no veil. Nothing separates them from God. All they have to do is raise their heads.", Simone Weil, The Worker's Condition
The only thing which makes monotony bearable is beauty, beauty which can only be found in religion. Supernatural poetry should permeate their entire lives. For other conditions, poetry is a luxury but, for the workers, this is all they have.
While I am myself an Orthodox, I think that this belief can be compatible with most religions.
Civic nationalism
To create a sens of unity, it is necessary to encourage civic nationalism, a nationalism based not on ethnicity or race, but on values. Here, the values of liberty, equality and fraternity. The end goal is to create a genuine brotherhood of humans.
Since all humans are equal in front of God, I advocate for multiculturalism and gender equality. Furthermore, since God is absolute and that everything on Earth is part of his plan, homosexuality, which is naturally practiced in nature and by some humans themselves, cannot be an error of the Lord. Homosexuality has a very defined reason to exist and we are simply unable to grasp the reason for it because God's plan is impervious to the limitations of the human mind. Thus, there is no reason to treat homosexual persons differently. It is even a duty to defend them against the hatred of others because Jesus preaches love, not hatred. I think a similar reasoning can be applied to transgender persons.
How to draw
1. Fill the background with black.
2. Draw a torch, a hammer and a sickle crossing each other in bright, golden yellow.
3. Draw the dark red fire of liberty, starting from the top of the torch and going all around the yellow part.
4. Add the golden wings of liberty (optional)
5. Feel free to add something else, maybe a hat (I have a foundness for berets).
That's quite jazz !
Council communism - The most democratic system.
Socialism - Arise, ye workers, from your slumbers !
Religious Socialism - Arise, ye workers, from your slumbber... a material and spiritual slumber !
Liberation Theology - The oppressed shall see the divine light.
Syndicalism - The liberals and reactionaries shall tremble under the march of the proletariat.
Civic Nationalism - The only universal nationalism.
Progressivism - You carry Jesus' will for tolerance and love quite well. I hope SJWs will burn in hell though.
Anarcho-Jazzism - No oppression, only jazz. That's the way I like it !
Fellow comrades
Babouvism - Babeuf was a true visionary !
Anarcho-Communism - I used to be just like you !
Marxism - According to marxist-leninists , I am a communard marxist... I ain't no marxist, duh ! While I mostly agree on his analysis, I disagree on his materialism.
Marxism-Leninism - I guess we are on the same side... Don't expect me to like the Soviet Union in any way !
Baathism - The liberator of the middle-east ! It is sad that your ideology have been perverted through history...
Fascinating but not for me
Fascism - It is sad that Mussolini allied with the capitalists, he had great potential ! Also, your whole Sword of Islam thingy with the "Italian muslisms of the fourth shore of Italy" is super based, despite the irony and opportunism.
Futurism - Faster. FASTER ! F A S T E R !!! I love your art ! If only Marinetti wasn't anti-feminist and ultranationalist.
National Communism - The mix is quite interesting ! Though let's face it, Ceaușescu was a fraud.
Arstotzkan Communism - I love the aesthetics ! I love dystopias.
Social-democracy - Stop trying to "fix" capitalism. Just give it up and join the real socialists.
Spooks !
Anarcho-Capitalism - *Sigh.* Where do I even begin ?...
Capitalism - You're apparently supposed to be a necessary evil to transition to true democracy.
Ethnonationalism - While the idea can seem pleasant, the cultural exclusion that follows is an unnecessary evil.
Errors of mankind
Racial Nationalism - Just... no ! This monstruosity is a disgusting remnant of colonialism (at least in the western world).
Nazism - National "Socialism"... Not only the socialist part was added agaisnt Hitler's will, but this thing is an insult to the other sorts of fascism !
That's quite jazz !
Griffelster futurism - Anti-transhumanist and anarcho-futurist ? Congrats ! You're the first user to make be considered quite jazz ! :D
Musical Heathcliffism - Quite cool ideology. As a former musician myself, I can't emphasize enough the importance of music in the liberation of the workers.
Canorism - A federal, market socialist, democratic and christian Europe ? I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK.
Fellow comrades
Venatrixism - I definitly agree on worker's councils and economics (or at least from what I understood). I think you've definitly put a lot of work in your own thought and, while I definitly disagree with the whole nietzschean anti-religious, anti-idealist part, I think you're a great addition to the socialist movement. You almost made it to the "jazz" category !
Great British New Left - While I disagree with the atheist and transhumanist parts, these are rather common stances in the polcompball left so that's fine. I mostly agree on your analysis of nationalism, culture war, geopolitical binary and cultures, though cultures shouldn't be only the product of the state. While I am more tolerant of parties and certainly less statist than you, I could live under this system.
Markez Thought - I find your ideology rather interesting so this is going to be a long comment. Your economic stance is rather similar ( cooperatives, worker's democracy) to mine, even though I am no corporatist. Your cultural stances are rather good : you're culturally egalitarian while I can agree that keeping some traditions is necessary. Honestly, most conservative-pogressives feel to me like average moderate progressives, which I appreciate, but anyway that's not the subject of the comment. I agree with your hispanist, anti-atlantist and anti-chinese stances, but pro-Putin ? I mean it makes sens in a realpolitk POV but Russia doesn't even seem like a reliable ally. Finally, regarding nationalism, I am mixed on your critic of the concept of bourgeois nationalism. I think that capitalism adapts to whatever is convenient. In 1910s-1920s Italy, for example, it sided with the italian far-right to crush socialist movements. Another example is that, nowadays, in certain countries, capitalist forces side with progressive forces. I think that the reason why the concept was created in the first place is because of how many capitalist forces used nationalism to placate socialism. For example, in the UK, the repression of the Irish created a hierarchy inside the working class. British workers were feeling superior to Irish workers, thus placating worker solidarity. So yes, bourgeois nationalism at least was a relevant concept. The question is : is it still relevant ?
Social Individualism - While I am highly skeptical of individualism, I find his environmentalism, pacifism and utopian socialism very honorable. I'm glad you aren't as adamant as before on drugs.
Fascinating but not for me
Liberal Feudalism - After discussion about the long-term effects of the Meiji Restoration, I understand your "feudalist" stance. While I am not much into class collaboration or state socialism, I think that if Japan took a path similar to liberal feudalism, the country would have known a healthier history and regime, thus avoiding the terrors of the Korean colonisation and WW2.
Aristocratic Socialism - A true liberator of the East ! Long live the Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere ! It is comforting to see other people believing that we can both preserve the heavenly mandate of the Eastern monarchies (in my case the japanese monarchy) while implementing socialism. Though it is sad that you are reactionary and believes in castes.
Syncretic Kemalism - While as an Orthodox I prefer Greece, I must say I share your admiration for Ataturk. I deeply disagree with your economic stances, though.
Ilunaticism - I think I could definitly live under your ideal regime. Your nationalism seems definitly inclusive, nearly civic (after all, you don't want discriminate other ethnic groups, but simply want them to follow the rules and values upheld by your country), and I definitly agree on this ! This kind of inclusive nationalism brings the necessary unity without the exlusion of ethnonationalism. I only have two critiques. The first is about your idea of a technocratic democracy : I don't reject it, but I am wondering how to make sure that the tests don't become biaised or corrupt. Second, to cement even more the unity of the people, the capitalists could be replaced by cooperatives owned by their own employees, cooperatives which would compete in a regulated market. Cooperatives are way more stable during economic depressions and would provide a much needed sens of communitarianism. Why try to fix class conflict when you get just remove it :D ?
Aploism - I've always liked the idea of the Res Publica ("public thing/affair" in latin) inherited from the French Revolution, the idea that the state should care for its citizens as a mother cares for her children, nourishing them with her powerful bosom, educating them with her gentle wisdom, protecting them with her Amazonian stature. And even after I went away from statism and social authoritarianism, I still have sympathy toward ideologies like Aploism, who seem to carry the Res Publica 's ideal. Though, why do you think I am a revolutionary progressive ??? I'm revolutionary only about class conflict and I don't care about cultural revolution.
General Studios Thought - I definitly appreciate the brazilian multiculturalism, importance of spirituality in life, localist democracy and admiration for nature. Plus, while we have a different solution, General Studios understands the problems of unchecked capitalism and corporatocracy. However, this is definitly too conservative for me...
Donutzism - I always had deep respect toward distributism (after all, Huey Long is quite cool). Furthermore, it values at the same time spiritualism and moderatly progressive values (equal rights for LGBT+ persons, women-men equality, anti-racism, protection of indigenous people). While I vehemently disagree with its anti-populist stance, it is an ideology I can respect.
WilliamCapo19 Thought - Mostly same as above, without the part about anti-populism. I appreciate your way to fix capitalism (even though it's not enough to simply fix it).
Deivinism - A fellow utopian socialist, though I definitly disagree about state-owned and planned economy, as well as reactionarism.
Neo-Kyaelism - Bonapartism ? Social authoritarianism ? Local democracy ? That's honestly quite great, though it is sad that you are a traditonalist and a papist theocrat. I could bear an orthodox or shinto theocracy but not a catholic one. You're a great anti-capitalist though.
Innovativism - I think you're definitly well-intentioned and that, with a bit of developpement, your ideology could become quite interesting. For now, it's a bit sktechy and I am struggling to understand exactly how it works. Keep up the work ! :D
Rojoism - First, I'm going to sound harsh. Your goal of a transhumanist, postgenderist singular cultural is a monstruosity similar to the ethnonationalist dreams of cultural uniformity. And you're too authoritarian. However, I share your hatred toward liberalism, your revolutionary zeal, and your intentions are way more honorable than the reactionaries I compared you to. You're a fellow socialist and I respect you.
Meowxism - Average marxist-leninist with extra flavour (transhumanism, eww).
Evenoskyism - Christian transhumanism ? Seriously ? Not only changing the very nature of humankind, which was designed by God, wouldn't be very christian, but I have a deep distrust regarding transhumanism regardless of spirituality.
Altemism - Regarding economics, I mostly agree. A decentralised, socialist economy is the way forward to create unity and solidarity. However, except regarding the environment, the rest is quite awful. I can bear monarchism is the monarch is powerless, or if he carries a revolutionary legacy , but absolutism ? At least, it's not feudalist... Furthermore, it's reactionary so no thank you. Oh, by the way, Sweden is as much part of "the West" as western countries like Italy, Germany and Switzerland ._.
Savoinism - While I don't agree with most of your theory, I must say that you put a lot of work in your ideal form of government, which is quite honorable.
Casagonism - Average maurrassian. You'd be a great ally against the governing nihilistic capitalists , though.
Spooks !
Nitrism - Ah yes, furry eco-fascism.
Bayanihanismo - Basicly conservative constitutional monarchism with a mixed market. Not my cup of tee.
CHROMATISM - I like De Gaulle too but, except the patriotism part, you only kept the bad parts. Also, tf is libertarian gaullism ? It's a freaking oxymoron.
Reformed Lightism - You're an oxymoron :capitalism is inherently nihilistic because of its consumerist and hedonistic nature !
Carangejoism - Average liberal-conservative. Next.
Errors of mankind
Belinism - Traditionalism ? Feudalism ? What do you even expect me to say !
Narco-Aploism - Institutionalised drug cartels, unironic fordism and abolishment of the age of consent ? Seriously ? What do you even expect me to say... -_-Comments
Feel free to comment or ask anything.
- Markez Thought - add me
- Sure !
- Narco-Aploism - Add me
- Oki.
- Innovativism - add me plz
- Oki.
- Ilunaticism - hello fellow christian follower can you add me?
- Sure !
- Griffelster futurism Friwend :D
- Weeeeeeee :D
- Ok.
- Add Casagonism, Neo-Kyaelism, Reformed Lightism and Carangejoism
- I'll add them soon enough.
- Aploism - add me?
- Sure.
- Carangejoism - add me
- Oki, I'll do it soon. Add me back ?
- Ok
- Oki, I'll do it soon. Add me back ?
- Add Energeneralism, Altemism, Donutzism, WilliamCapo19 Thought, Evenoskyism, Belinism, Deivinism, Nitrism, Savoinism and Bayanihanismo please add them You fucking Heretic
Also read the Bible more and read Thomas aquinas and St Augustine.
- Alright, I'll check.
- Rojoism - add me plzz? :33
- Sure !
- Meowxism - ayo add me
- Alright !
- Venatrixism - add me(i forgor)
- Oki.
- Have you read 1 Cornithans 6.9-10 and Romans 1:26-27?
- Yup, I did !
- Nyhilism - Add me?
- I'm struggling to understand your ideology. I mean, I got that you are council communist and apparently vehemently decelerationist (while cyber communist ??) but aside that I am quite lost. So I won't add you since I don't understand your self-insert, sorry...
- Syncretic Kemalism - Add me?
- Sure !
- Social Individualism - Since I am different now, can you add me?
- Sure.