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    Classical Marxism With Pirate Characteristics

    Scientific Socialism With Pirate Characteristics is a self-insert Communist Ideology that subscribes to Marxism and Scientific Socialism as means of achieving communism. It can be considered a "Libertarian Marxist" ideology . It is influenced mostly by orthodox Marxism but also council communism and some of Leninism . It calls for the creation of a revolutionary DOTP through workers councils to lead the path toward communism. It believes that true, freedom from the slavery of capital, is only possible under a communist society. It believes in a planned economyto achieve this freedom. It also believes in the destruction of bourgeoisie culture.


    Dialectical Materialism

    Dialectical materialism is the base of my philosophy. The unity of opposites in struggle drive sublation and change. Dialectics can be simplified as a process were a thesis and its antithesis unite in a struggle to create a synthesis. Idealist dialectics believed that this dialectical process happens through the progress of the spirit. The materialist dialectic focus on how material conditions and their contradictions influence the progress of society. Society is ever-changing and contradiction is always in motion

    Historical Materialism

    Historical materialism applies dialectical materialism to history, we believe that contradictions in material conditions are the primary drivers of historical development. We can say that history is a dynamic process characterized mostly by the struggle between conflicting social classes, which arises from the inherent contradictions between the forces of production and the relations of production. Contradictions create tensions and achieve sublation that propels society forward. Other contradictions can achieve change, but the primary contradiction is between forces of production and the relations of production (today labor and capital) This struggle between material forces leads to the emergence of new social formations (well still not completely negating the previous formation). Generally, history is a tale of the dialectical relationship between material forces that shape social relationships through the changing ways of living(changing system of production)

    Critique of Metaphysical Materialism and Idealist Dialectics

    I believe that both metaphysical materialism and idealist dialectics are both bad explanations of society. Metaphysical materialism treats the world as static, seeing change as just mechanical interactions between fixed elements. It ignores the internal contradictions in material conditions that drive real transformation, especially the class conflicts.

    Idealist dialectics, presents a more active view of change through the interaction of opposing ideas. However, idealism prioritizes ideas and consciousness over material conditions. Believing that changing consciousness is the tale of history. Failing to realize that material conditions shape consciousness, and the contradictions within those conditions, are what cause progress and achieve sublation. Idealist dialectics also rejects the dialectical relationship between mind and matter as seen in the base and superstructure metaphor.

    Base and Superstructure

    The base and superstructure is in my view, a perfect metaphor for society. The base consists of the forces and relations of production—how goods are produced and the relationships between those involved in production. A society can be defined by how gods are produced. The superstructure includes the political, legal, and ideological systems of society, such as the state, laws, culture, and religion. The superstructure, in turn, affects and legitimizes the base, often reinforcing the existing class relations and supporting the dominant economic interests.

    The relationship between base and superstructure is dialectical; changes in the economic base can lead to transformations in the superstructure. Shifts in the mode of production can lead to changes in the super structure. Shifts in the superstructure created by the base, such as changes in political ideologies or legal reforms, also impact the base by influencing the conditions under which production occurs, although its impact on the base is lesser than the base's impact on it. When the base and superstructure are aligned the contradiction resolves and society progresses faster.

    Opposition to Human"Rights"

    We can see that although the concept of human rights emerged from Christianity and the Enlightenment, it was adopted by the bourgeoisie as capitalism rose to prominence. For the bourgeoisie, human rights served as a tool in their struggle against feudalism, while simultaneously reinforcing their view of workers merely as labor value, separate from their social context

    I think that human rights, despite their claim to universal equality, often only provide formal equality rather than addressing maternal conditions. For instance, the right to a fair trial is undermined if one cannot afford a competent lawyer. Thus, human rights are entwined with the power dynamics of capitalist society, where rights are granted and revoked by the bourgeoisie state.

    I think that it's fair to say that the ideology of human rights is part of the superstructure that legitimizes the base of capitalism by presenting capitalism as just. Despite human rights claiming to be separate from the state, they must be materially enforced by a state—a state that serves bourgeois interests. This is in my opinion the fundamental contradiction at the heart of human rights.



    Hummnaity and Humman nature

    I think human nature exists, but it is not static because it changes based on material conditions. How humans behave, what drives them, and the relationships they form, their nature changes based on the material condition they live under. What sets humans apart from other animals is our ability to labor creatively, that is to transform the world around us through our labor. This ability to shape the world with our labor, and the social relations it creates defines human nature. As the way we produce changes, so does our nature.

    This is why I think capitalism is dehumanizing because in capitalism, instead of laboring for our fulfillment or communal fulfillment, we are forced to produce for the needs of capital. We are forced to generate exchange value instead of use value. This alienates us from the very thing that makes us human: the ability to create for the sake of communal or personal fulfillment.

    The Slavery of Capital

    I think a common mistake among leftists is to assign blame to individual capitalists, as though their moral failings are the root cause of exploitation. But I think this misses the deeper truth: it is capital itself—its demand for perpetual growth and its need to subordinate labor to the increase of profit—that forces all participants, regardless of intent, to obey its will. In a way, the bourgeoisie is only a little freer than the proletariat, though the latter bears the greater burden. The capitalist is merely the executor of the will of capital. Capital commands and those who possess it must answer, lest they too be destroyed by the market and its relentless pursuit of accumulation.

    The abolition of capital is not merely the dismantling of the bourgeoisie class, but the end of the structure of capital that binds human beings to the will of profit. Under capitalism, labor is bent to the needs of accumulation. If one were not to produce for profit but use value, their own fulfillment they would not be able to do so. Whether the worker or to some extent even the bourgeoise, all are made servants of capital. Their freedom is but an illusion, for their lives, are dictated by the need to expand and maintain profit at the expense of all else.

    I think that markets, by their very nature, compel individuals to act in ways that perpetuate the system of accumulation. Therefore I consider that the liberation of labor is not merely a question of ownership, as if the workers were to own the means of production within a market economy simply, they would just become the new executors of capital will and hence the slavery of capital would continue. The liberation of labor is a question of purpose. Under communism, labor must no longer serve capital; it must serve humanity itself.


    I think that True individual freedom is only possible within the context of a community. Many people see individual freedom as being stagnant and separate from the community, But I think the contradiction here is that when we separate an individual from their community, the ever-changing social context that defines their existence in the material world, we strip away what fundamentally makes them who they are, reducing them to an abstract, isolated being. So I believe that True freedom emerges only when the community takes the most important role in society. This is a society where the community and the whole of society collectively manage its political affairs, not needing a bureaucratic state.

    In such a society, labor is no longer driven by the interests of capital but is instead directed by a planned process to fulfill human needs. The will of capital no longer enslaves people. Individuals are liberated from the constraints of capital. In this new reality, people are free to pursue personal fulfillment and contribute to society.


    View of the State

    I adhere to the Marxist concept of the state, which holds that the state is a manifestation of class conflict. The state is the instrument of coercion and oppression in society used by the ruling class. The state functions as a dictatorship of the ruling class. The state emerged as human societies needed to develop more advanced governments following the agricultural revolution and the rise of class society.

    Today, that means it is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, serving the bourgeoisie's interests because they own and control the means of production. This makes it so that this state inherently serves the bourgeoisie's interests. The dictatorship of the proletariat must replace this system.

    Council Democracy

    Council democracy begins at the local level. Workers form local councils in one or multiple workplaces. These councils are responsible for local governance and planning while still following the national government’s plan. Members of the local councils elect representatives to higher councils.

    These elected representatives from local councils come together to form such as regional councils or industry-specific councils and handle planning and effects on that level while still following the national government’s plan.

    These assemblies then meet up at or elect representatives to the Central Congress of Councils, which oversees national-level planning and decision-making and drafts up the next 5-year plan. When this body Is not in session, a smaller body elected by the Central Congress takes up national governance.

    Also In the council democracy, delegates can be recalled at any time at any step of the process.

    This is a form of centralism but with a bottom-up structure that still allows for local self-governance.

    Centerlism and Bureaucracy

    In the council state, officials are paid workers' wages to prevent corruption and bureaucracy. As the proletarian state develops and class divisions gradually fade, society will increasingly manage itself, reducing the need for bureaucracy, which was already quite small. This system of governance is centralized but operates democratically from the bottom up. Unlike the bureaucratic centralism found in capitalist states, this model has genuine democratic participation, where the councils hold power, creating a self-governing society.

    The Issue of Political Parties




    I believe that the oppression of women and the enforcement of patriarchal norms are closely linked to the class system. Thus, the struggle for gender equality is linked to the fight against class society.

    Women's exploitation is deeply rooted in capitalism, which depends on unpaid domestic labor performed by women to sustain a workforce without an additional cost and reproducing labor for the capitalist system. The nuclear family raises children and prepares them for work in capitalism. The patriarchy also plays a role in inheritance, which maintains class society.

    Queer Liberation

    Under patriarchal capitalism, not only women but also LGBTQ+ people face oppression. Trans people, for example, suffer due to Capitalism because it relies on traditional family structures and rigid gender norms, and often marginalizes those who do not fit within these constraints. In a capitalist system, non-normative identities are often seen as threats to the established social order of bourgeoise culture, and to the patriarchy and therefore a threat to class society.


    I believe that Copyright is problematic because it commodifies knowledge and culture, restricting access to resources and ideas based on ownership. It allows a few entities to control and profit from cultural and intellectual products, often at the expense of broader societal benefit. Pirating, in this context, can be seen as a way to democratize access to information and creative works, challenging the monopolistic control that copyright enforces.


    Issues with Markets

    Historically, markets were essential for building productive forces, especially as capitalism took off. For instance, the 19th-century rise of factory production was driven by market demand, which led to new technologies and manufacturing advancements. Today, though, the market often fails to meet social needs because it focuses more on profit and infinite growth than usefulness. This profit and growth-driven model leads to too much production of non-essential items, causes crisis, causes significant environmental harm, and causes alienation (but I covered that already).

    Production of Non-Essential Items

    Businesses use marketing to create artificial demand, making non-essential items seem urgent and desirable. Planned obsolescence —where products are intentionally made to become outdated quickly — fuels this overproduction. For example, in electronics, frequent updates to gadgets—such as new smartphone models—encourage people to replace their devices more often, resulting in approximately 59 million metric tons of electronic waste in 2023.

    Environmental Harm

    Markets are inherently geared towards infinite growth, seeking infinite growth despite the finite amount of resources on earth. This relentless quest for growth leads to overexploitation of natural resources, pollution, and environmental degradation. For instance, the fossil fuel industry, driven by profit motives, continues to expand despite its major role in greenhouse gas emissions. In 2023, global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels reached approximately 36.3 billion metric tons. Continuous growth in a world with limited resources results in unsustainable practices, contributing to climate change and environmental destruction. A shift away from profit-driven market-based economic models will be needed to address these issues.


    During periods of growth, companies expand, receive investments, borrow money from banks, hire more workers, acquire more capital, and produce and sell more commodities.

    Because companies are focused on growth and profit, they compete for the market, leading to oversupply. When too much supply and there isn’t enough demand, many companies don’t make the profits they expected. As a result, they lay off workers(so they can pay for less labor power), and investors stop investing. This lack of growth spreads throughout the economy, causing more businesses to struggle, unemployment to rise, and as a result of fewer workers, profits to fall. So economic activity slows down, leading to an economic crisis.Economic crisis can also come from excessive demeaned but either way it is a result of the contradictions of the market

    Market "Socialism"

    In market socialism businesses compete in a market to produce goods for profit, but I understand that there is a difference: these firms operate as worker cooperatives. In this system, democratic control by the workers replaces traditional capitalist ownership or board structures. Workers "own the fruits of their labor," but as Marxists recognize, this does not address the core issues of capitalism. I see Market socialism is essentially a more radical form of social democracy; it maintains the profit motive and market forces, which continue to drive producer decisions and foster ruthless competition, and as explained earlier this often comes at the cost of humanity. Even if workers control a firm, the competitive nature of the market can lead to exploitation, with the most aggressive firms prevailing. Thus, the extent of worker control is limited by the constraints of capital. In market socialism, people are still slaves of the will of capital. Now it is simply the workers themself who explote labor instead of the capitalist. For Marxists, the ultimate goal should be to eliminate this, changing the mode of production entirely not just the mode of distribution

    The Democratic Economy


    Centralized and Decentralized Planning

    Due to the complexities and interconnectivity of a modern economy, I think a central government (the Central Congress of Soviets) is necessary to coordinate production and create a general social plan for production. However, giving all control to the top could lead to inefficiencies, as local councils are better positioned to understand and address specific local needs. Over-centralization may also result in bureaucratic delays a.

    So, I think a balance between central and decentralized planning is more effective. The central government would set broad objectives and coordinate major projects While local councils would manage small-scale local production to meet local conditions well still agreeing with the larger plan.

    In general, this would organized through bottom-up centralism.



    Labor vouchers

    I think labor vouchers, as a form of non-circulating currency, are a good way of organizing lower-phase communism and the DOTP. They will ensure that workers receive goods in proportion to the labor they contribute. When someone works, they will be given labor vouchers that represent of socially necessary labor time they have performed(under capitalism what is socially necessary is determined by what capital deems to be such whereas under socialism it will be what workers through the economic plan democratically decided to deem as such). These vouchers can then be used to "purchase" goods that require that amount of labor to produce. Labor vouchers can’t be accumulated, stopping the accumulation of capital because once used to buy a good, they become invalid, effectively making them a way of tracking labor contributed by a person and can even be used for tracking demand.

    I should clarify that being paid Labor vouchers is not a wage because they do not represent a commodity exchange, labor vouchers are not a commodity as they cannot be circulated, and only exist to track the contribution of labor.

    After the higher phase of communism is achieved, labor vouchers will be done away with and society will be run from each according to ability to each according to need.

    Social Fund

    I think that under lower phase communism and the DOTP we need a social fund. The social fund is a portion of the total social product that is set aside fund things like welfare programs rather than being distributed to individuals, the surplus value. This fund is used to provide essential services such as healthcare, education, housing, infrastructure, and welfare programs. Unlike capitalism, where surplus value is used for profit, under lower phase communism it is used only for the social fund (and managing state affairs but this will become less necessary as the state withers away and would be needed by the time communism is reached).


    Reform and Revolution


    Trade Unionism

    I realize that Trade unions can play a role in class struggle by organizing workers to negotiate better wages and conditions, improving their immediate conditions. However, I think that as trade unions became more conservative and bureaucratic as they grew larger. Their bureaucratic nature means they prioritize negotiating improvements within capitalism, like better wages and working conditions. Therefore, unions are reformist by nature. The leaders of trade unions are mediators and even agents for capital. This class collaboration makes them part of the capitalist economic system. Trade unions in themself are therefore not useful for revolution.


    The dictatorship of the proletariat is a transitional phase after a proletarian revolution where the proletariat hold state power. During this period, classes, a state, and money still exist. I do not see This as communism or lower-phase communism

    During the dictatorship of the proletariat, The workers must do more than just seize state power; they must also dismantle the existing bourgeois state apparatus. Creating a new proletariat state. Political alienation( when social powers that people develop collectively are alienated from them when transferred to the state bureaucracy) shall be done away with and replaced with radically democratic institutions (worker councils). I see this as a way to solve the contradiction between Civil society and the political state. The standing army shall slowly be replaced with a people's army (composed of workers and controlled by councils). This proletarian State must use harsh and brutal methods to protect the revolution id needed.

    In my view, the proletarian state is fundamentally the smallest, most libertarian state in human history because it represents the largest class dictatorship (the proletarian class dictatorship). It is barely a state at all, at least in the traditional way, more of a "semi-state". Over time, this state will naturally assimilate other classes until only the proletariat remains, and so the state will wither away as it is no longer needed. Additionally, the replacement of money with labor vouchers (not money because it can be used only once so capital can't be accumulated ) will facilitate the transition to the lower phase of communism. As society adapts to this new communist mode of social organization and as society reaches abundance, labor vouchers will be abolished, and Higher-Phase communism will be achieved

    Role of the Communist Party

    I believe that The dictatorship of the Communist Party is not the dictatorship of the proletariat. The true dictatorship of the proletariat must come directly from the working class itself, not from a bureaucratic party. History shows that a vanguardist approach often leads to bureaucracy and counter-revolution, as seen in the USSR, where the counter-revolution just had to take control of the party. In a council communist organization, workers could vote out revisionists preventing them from rising to power.

    But I don’t think we should reject the party form altogether. I believe the party is important in the pre-revolutionary period for raising class consciousness, educating workers, and helping establish councils. The party should also support but more importantly radicalize non-communist, lesser proletariat movements. After the revolution, the party should give up power to the proletariat themself but can still take part In government if elected.

    The party itself should be made up of professional revolutionaries and organized through democratic centralism for the unity of the communist movement.

    Foreign Policy

    On Imperialism

    As Monopoly capitalism took over, finance capital (the merging of industrial capital and bank capital)consolidated its power. And so capitalist economies sought new ways to expand profits. With domestic markets becoming saturated, capital needed new markets. This led to the focus shifting from exporting commodities to exporting capital itself. The export of capital involves investing in less developed regions where returns are higher due to lower production costs, lower wages, and abundant natural resources. This leads to capitalists of one country exploiting the labor and resources of less developed countries.

    As capitalists export capital and expand their influence globally, they begin to form international monopolist capitalist associations—alliances between powerful corporations and financial institutions from different countries. These associations divide global markets among themselves, spheres of influence.

    This is the division of the world among capitalist-imperialist powers. This originally took the form of colonization but today takes the form of neo-colonialism and post-colonialism. The capitalist-imperialist powers exploit the world’s resources and people for their gain. Conflicts and wars being as they compete for imperialist domination.

    Proletariat Internationalism


    The National Question

    I believe national liberation movements in the third world are inherently bourgeois revolutions, not proletarian ones. Local bourgeois interests drive them, and they aim to break free from imperialist control and develop independent capitalist economies. While such revolutions are progressive in dismantling imperialism and semi-feudal systems and bringing in capitalism, they ultimately serve to establish national capitalism rather than socialism. I also think that movements like Maoism despite claiming to hold socialist ideas, still collaborated with the bourgeoisie in class collaboration and was defacto social democracy. I do believe that national liberation creates conditions for future proletarian revolutions but is not the proletarian revolution itself, they were bourgeois-democratic national revolutions. I still do support national liberation as it is progressive.

    Past "Socialist" States


    In my opinion, the failure of the Soviet experiment has multiple factors, I think the two main being the collapse of the international revolution and the nature of the vanguard party. The failure of the international revolutions left the USSR isolated. To compete with the capitalist powers, the USSR was forced to build up capital that could only be done through wage labor. This labor exploitation was allowed by the Stalinist counter-revolution who I think were opportunists who were willing to (or perhaps forced to) compromise the revolution due to the failure of the international revolution. The structure of the vanguard party made it easy for them to rise to power.

    For the USSR to continue building up capital it required the oppression of workers and the turning of the USSR into a DOTB, this was done by dismantling the DOTP in 1936. Stalin's purges crushed any remaining resistance. Stalin-era policy also laid the groundwork for Soviet imperialism, which came into full force during Khrushchev’s era, when the export of capital surged, and the USSR transitioned fully into a capitalist-imperialist state. Finally, Gorbachev came in as part of the larger trend of neoliberalism trying to turn the USSR from a social democracy to neoliberalism.





    Critical Support

    • Lionheartism - trâns. You're almost based now . Just be more scientific also you're a bit to decentralized. Also your wayy to reformoid
    • Leninism- You were a true Marxist and I respect you a lot. You made great contributions to Marxism, such as the theory of imperialism. Vanguardism might have been necessary in 1917 Russia, but not so much in the modern-day Russia or most of the world plus it led to over-bureaucratization in the USSR. Also crushing the kronstadt rebellion was bad.
    • Rojoism- You are mostly pretty based but some of your takes are a bit terminal online leftcom tbh.

    Very critical support

    • MemAlephism - Demsocc, market socialist, mid.
    • Technoharmonism- Another lib left market socialist.
    • Reformist Marxism- At least you're a Marxist.
    • Market Socialism- They should call you co-op capitalism because you are just a more radical form of social democracy.
    • Meowxism - Saying the DOTP is a literal dictatorship is a bit crazy. Also, you claim to be anti-revisionist but you support Stalin. But tbh we probably agree on some basics and also you're a furry so I can't put you in Counter-Revolutionary.
    • Bergenism - Meh-average market socialist tbh mid
    • Five-Star Mutualism - you get points for being a furry but again market socialism smh
    • Marxism–Leninism- I disagree with you on a lot mainly the Vanguard party being above the workers and SIOC and Stalin was anti-communist. But most of your modern followers are pretty cool people tbh... and... Unity of Marxists...?
    • Marxism–Leninism–Maoism- Slightly better version of above. But the mass line won't fix the fundamental issue of placing the vanguard above the workers...also some of you are class collaborationists.

    Counter Revolutionary

    • Syndicalism - "So there comes a disparity between the working class and trade unionism. The working class has to look beyond capitalism. Trade unionism lives entirely within capitalism and cannot look beyond it. Trade unionism can only represent a part, a necessary but narrow part, in the class struggle. And it develops aspects which bring it into conflict with the greater aims of the working class." But hey, I critically support you in KRTL!
    • Social Democracy - KYS
    • Fascism - Wait are't you the same guy from above?
    • Dengism- You are just an Imperialist neo-liberal, in no way socialist.
    • Neoliberalism- Speak of the devil
    • Lassalleism- The servile belief in the state. Marx dedicated so much to fighting against you ...
    • Social Authoritarian Bonapartism- We disagree on almost everything(except for some of your anti-ideologies like anti-drugs). Also, you're Mussolini if he was from Finland.
    • Narco-Aploism-Same as above but worse because you're a degenerate drug addict



    - You are an absolute enigma. I cannot possibly understand what has driven you to blatantly spend half of your article regurgitating the most basic facts about communism and Marxism without introducing any substance to it, let alone the blatant usage of AI for your writing.
    It's just the autism bro lmao sorry
    - i didn't know you was chill like dat vro nvm

    done! add me back?

    done! add me back?

    • VMism - Would you kindly add me to yer pirate list, captain?
    • Bergenism - add me pls?


    • Five-Star Mutualism - Yarr, me hearty, add me to yee relatio-thingermablobber or yee'l walk thee plank! Incoherent Pirate Laughing

    done! add me back plssss!

    •  Eleutherianism - whoa adding me would be doubleplusgood and dont you wanna be doubleplusgood 👉👈?
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