Center-LibLeft Syncretism is the economic/authority thought of u/aChickieNuggie. It is a big tent ideology that consists of those that are ideologically pragmatic, eclectic, or tentative, all united under the shared belief that the LibLeft quadrant holds the most optimal solutions for protecting both positive and negative liberties (so long as those solutions don't disrupt the stability of society). Supporters may endorse one/few/all of these solutions, but always through the lens of realism in praxis, which more often than not results in some level of compromise or reform.
Center-LibLeft Syncretists generally advocate for some combination of economically paternal policies such as affordable public healthcare, food stamps, food waste elimination, housing assistance, investment in homeless reintegration, nationally accessible charity, lower "daily" taxes, an open-donation voluntary tax, land value tax, value added tax, green corporate taxes, abolition of corporate tax cuts, steeply progressive income tax (starting from 0%), pro-union policy, higher minimum wages (adjusted for cost of living), promotion of small businesses and the co-op business model, prioritization of the local economy, a left-leaning application of fiscal conservatism (budgeting without cutting welfare), and monetary policy to control inflation, all while retaining a moderately libertarian state outside of its economic interventions.
- Left Reformism - Shares my method and direction for change! (although some of your variants could possibly differ from me in our end goals)
- Welfarism - Perhaps not the end-all-be-all solution to solve economic suffering, but ensuring the survival of the needy is pretty obviously a necessary first step.
- Worker Welfarism - ...and workfare may be the best way to do welfare, not only to minimize fraud, waste, and dependency, but also to give no ammunition to the welfare naysayers (just don’t lump in the elderly and the disabled with the freeloading NEETS).
- Social Meritocracy - One of my most core philosophies! There is no achieving meritocracy without fighting for equal opportunity.
- Left-Liberaltarianism - Somewhere between liberal and (left) libertarian is probably the most realistic position I could end up at.
- Libertarian Social Democracy - Intervening when necessary and ensuring liberty when possible is the positive-negative liberty balance that defines my vision.
- Social Libertarianism - Pretty much the same as above, but less regulatory to some degree (which could be better or worse). That said, I'm not sure if I'm entirely sold on your other ideas like UBI, I just imagine there would be an undesirable waste of funds.
- Georgism- I'm not sure I'd want LVT to be the only tax whatsoever, but of all the taxes, it might just be the most sensible and fair choice. But I'm gonna need more than the one solution if I want to solve all the problems I care about.
- Libertarian Social Georgism - Now a variant of Georgism with welfare and a libertarian state is starting to sound like my ideal.
- Steiner-Vallentyne School ...which also goes for you, the more sophisticated version of the above.
- Fair Trade Protectionism - I love that you help right some wrongs of modern capitalism (
so maybe the far-left can stop calling me a global-south-exploiting imperialist). Plus, by integrating you, my more right-leaning followers should appreciate the push towards local industries. - Social Patriotism - I want my country to change because I care about it, not because I hate it. And we must better ourselves first if we want to be in any position to help others.
- Alter-Globalism - Now if we can cooperate with the rest of the world without exploitation or handicap, I can roll with that.
- Cooperativism - The perfect balance between feasible economics, appropriate division of labor, and an equitable work structure.
- Economic Democracy - ...which also goes for you.
- Social Economy - ...and also you (plus you're reformist, which is more of my style).
- Cooperative Capitalism - ...and also you
(I'm getting deja vu) - Mutual Capitalism - Okay now this is the coolest one out of all of these, I think you're onto something dude.
- Libertarian Market Socialism - I may not want to transform all businesses into co-ops overnight, but I certainly wouldn't mind if this is where society ends up. Close to optimal levels of both positive and negative liberties.
- Social Libertarian Market Socialism - Even better, we shouldn't have to choose between welfare and co-ops when we can have both.
- Geolibertarian Market Socialism - Same goes for LVT and co-ops, but I feel like a piece is missing...
- Social Geolibertarian Market Socialism - Ah yes, the holy trinity between LVT, welfare, and LibMarkSoc. Possibly the best position I could end up at.
- Democratic Mutualism - Pretty much him again, plus democratic reform. Very based.
- Liberaltarian Socialism - Pretty much him again, plus democratic reform. Very based.
- Socialist Third Way - A self-insert that is very akin to me, you are invited to the cookout.
- Blue Nephalemism - Another very similar self-insert! You are also invited to the cookout.
Associates (Primary)
- Participism - Exciting to see a unique economic concept, I just really need to read up on you more to figure you out, in all honesty.
- Social Credit - Another unique idea that I'm gonna keep in my back pocket.
- Keynesian School - Again, gonna need to study economics a bit longer before I form a strong opinion on you or your variants. But as far as I can tell, I think you're okay.
- Neo-Keynesian Theory - (TBD)
- New Keynesian Theory - (TBD)
- Post-Keynesian Theory - (TBD)
- Regulationism - I support you to the extent that we require fair practice and accountability from our corporations, just don't go overboard and get too close to an entirely planned economy.
- Monetarism - I agree that controlling inflation should remain a high priority, but too many of your adherents oppose other important interests of mine.
- Fiscal Conservatism - I agree that we should be mindful about total government expenditures, but I think there are far better ways to budget than cutting needed welfare programs.
- Meritocracy - Despite partially being a core philosophy of mine, in isolation you can neglect the fact that there's more to climbing the ladder than picking ourselves up by our bootstraps.
- Hayekism - You're probably about as LibRight as I can engage with. Based for understanding the importance of welfare and some level of state, but you simultaneously don't go far enough in some regards and go too far in others.
- Geolibertarianism - Your LVT and libertarianism are a part of my chemistry, but without any economic action, we don't share as many goals as I'd like.
- Anti-Authoritarianism - I sympathize strongly with the sentiment, and I agree to the extent that heavily scrutinizing our institutions is healthy, but it can become too easy to blindly oppose all authority even when it's somewhat necessary. Still, I respect the fact that you hold both AuthLefts and AuthRights accountable.
- Syncretic Libertarianism - Similar to above, but you're aided by the fact that you actively seek solutions between the LibLeft and Libright. That and the fact that you're probably the closest in concept to what I am.
- Radical Centrism - I share the same pragmatic methodology, I just happen to narrow down where I lean and hold none of the most radical positions (or probably any positions from the AuthRight).
- Moderatism - Technically you're one aspect of my identity, but you need to be driven by logic rather than sheer cowardice. Still, I gotta respect that your outcomes happen to be whatever's the most sensible.
- Big Tent Liberalism - I also am an ideology of big tents! My tent is just set up a bit further left. But your people are still invited to the cookout.
- Destinyism - You may go a bit unhinged sometimes, hold a few beliefs that are divergent from mine, and would probably ban me from your chat for playing devil's advocate. But, like it or not, I got the Daliban flowing through my DNA. You're a goblin but you at least know what you're talking about and you speak my language.
- Technoliberalism - We share very similar values when it comes to government (like adopting this guy). You're just missing some economic ideas that'd round everything out (which is why I've created this).
- Third Way - I approve of your pragmatism, but since the Overton window in the US is already skewed to the right economically, your level of compromise doesn't make you distinct enough from him in my eyes.
- Liberaltarianism - Like your left-leaning variant, I think you've got a solid level of state size that I could see myself keeping, but unlike him you don't do much for me economically.
- Ordo-Liberalism - Just not lib enough or left enough, but you're fine.
- Social Liberalism - Same as above, I may be moderate for leftist standards, but I at least aim to do more than you.
- Social Democracy - Now you're slightly closer to based, I just consider your libertarian version to complete my vision better.
- Social Georgism - ...and the same goes for you.
- Geoliberal Social Democracy - ...and you (aren't you the same as him?).
- Left-Social Democracy - ...and you.
- Nordic Model - ...and you.
- Sandersism - I may think you're sometimes a bit too idealistic, but you're the closest America's had to this and I wish you had a chance.
- Center-Left Populism - We might share similar attitudes (I can also be a bit of a dirtbag), sympathies for the common man, and skepticism of the elite. But those are somewhat surface-level attributes, and unlike you I factor in the opinion of experts, not just the masses.
- Liberal Socialism - Your libertarian version also completes my vision better.
- Market Socialism - ...which also goes for you.
- Social Democratic Market Socialism - ...and you.
- Ricardian Socialism - You're his weird uncle, but you've got a more fleshed out philosophy behind you, which I appreciate.
- Evolutionary Socialism - I respect that you're a big tent that includes market socialists (like me), but your tent also includes commies, which is where we diverge.
- Distributism - I don't necessarily share your cultural views on religion or family, and you can be a bit statist for me, but I do like your unique decentralized approach to all institutions (which, to me, makes you possibly even cooler than him).
- Social Distributism - ...same as above, plus welfare (which is cool), crypto-tech (which I could take or leave), and influence from him (which I'd rather just leave).
- Distributist Social Democracy - ...same as above minus all of the negatives. You've got the potential to be one of my favorites, all you need is just a libertarian variant (that isn't laissez-faire like him).
- Libertarian Yellow Socialism - Man if it wasn't for your cultural influences, you'd be so up my alley. Union-led reform sounds great.
- Libertarian Neosocialism - I'm pretty ambivalent on class-collaborationism and I prefer this over this, but the fact that you're still decentralized and libertarian gets you pretty close to solid.
- Geosocialism - You're cool if you favor market socialism, but it seems kind of ambiguous if you do.
- Geosyndicalism - ...same goes to you, but syndicates add some cool points.
- Geolibertarian Socialism - ...same goes to you, but libertarianism adds some cool points.
- Minarcho-Mutualism - You're probably about as LibLeft as I can engage with (but I do think you're a bit cooler than him).
Associates (Secondary)
- Transitional Social Democracy - I also would like to transition the economy from one state to another, but we diverge when it comes to our end goals (planned economy bad).
- Democratic Socialism - Love the reformism, just get a market economy.
- Socialism of the 21st Century - ...same goes to your Latin American counterpart.
- Reformist Marxism - ...and the same goes to your dad.
- Libertarian Possibilism - I also would like to gradually reform society to become more libertarian, but we diverge when it comes to our end goals (anarchism bad).
- Mutualism - Love the economics, just get a state.
- Mutualist-Syndicalism - ...same goes to you, but syndicates add some cool points.
- Blanquism - Your degree of radicalism is wildly unproportional and particularly archaic in a first-world society (regardless of its issues, which can all be worked on with a little intelligence), and nobody, even in your own circle, likes your little oligarchical dictatorship.
- Impossibilism - My biggest hater, and the feeling is mutual. You demonize my kind of people only because you're a hammer and treat every issue like a nail. Uprooting our society is going to explode in your stupid face, your fishhook theory attitude is braindead, and you should feel dumb and bad.
- Left Communism - Similar criticisms to the guy above (apparently none of you are capable of nuance). But at least you oppose this guy, albeit for different reasons from me.
- State Socialism - Yeah no you're a nightmare, both in economics and values. You're changing one form of oppression to another, just to run your own country to the ground.
- Barracks Communism - Not even worth mentioning.
- Marxism-Leninism - You're just him plus self-delusion and a history of mass murder. And your unironic apologists are as brain-broken as Holocaust deniers and flat-Earthers.
- Anarchism - Look I love punk rock, but think critically about the logistics of a stateless society for one second. Yeah the textbook definition of "anarchism" isn't "chaos", but try to operate a functional society without any regular legislative, executive, and judicial structure and tell me they're not the same thing.
- Insurrectionary Anarchism - Naive and a terrorist, Jesus.
- Anarcho-Communism - To be fair, most of your people that I've met have been cool dudes, but still ideologically utopian and consequentially incomprehensible to me. I'm still genuinely waiting to hear a sound argument for how you would even preserve your own existence without a state.
- Anarcho-Capitalism - And you still need to give me an intelligent explanation for how you won't devolve into , , & or how you'd uphold the NAP without reinventing a state. And I swear to God, don't say "guns".
- Objectivism - You're like a minarchist version of this guy, which is borderline sociopathy. You deserve no influence on the foundation of society.
- Austrian School - If you think a totally "free market" is going to right itself of all of its errors, you're blind to the point of willful ignorance.
- Neoliberalism - The far left might not be able to tell us apart, but you create the issues that I exist to remedy and I resent you.
- Reaganism - You can trickle my fist up your ass.
- Plutocracy - You're basically everybody's boogeyman, except you're worth taking seriously since you actually have a basis in reality. Before all else, I vow to kill you (legally).
- Corporatocracy - ...and you're next pal.
- Banana Republicanism - Actually a historical nightmare, this is the kinda shit that's made me lean more left than right.
- State Monopoly - I love that you're a system that both the left and right can oppose, really terrible stuff, congrats.
- Cameralism - Same to you, do you actually have people that support you?
- Neocameralism - ...shit, I guess there are modern cameralists, you people are freaks.
- Caste System - Probably the easiest system for everyone to oppose, you actually just hate fairness and merit and freedom. Truly groundbreaking.
- Fascism - Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, you're actually a real life cartoon villain ass cult leader and a complete non-starter (yet somehow it still kind of needs to be said).
- Nazism - But you're not worth the mention, and that should really go without saying.
- Innovativism - can I help you create this page? Look! New self insert arrived! Anyways you wanna join Libertarian Progressive Alliance?
- Hey man, welcome! Yeah I don't mind at all (assuming changes are within reason ofc ofc), I appreciate you taking an interest. & hell yea man, as long as center-libertarian moderate-progressive counts lol
- Wanna do self insert relation? + THAT COUNT!
sorry for being late
- Oh nah you're good! I'mma be off-and-on myself, probably gonna go to bed soon. But wait what do you mean by self insert relation
- Energeneralism - Add me?
- Innovativism - wanna join Libertarian Progressive Alliance?