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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Biocentrism (not to be confused with Ethical Biocentrism) is ideology created (but not solely followed) by discord user Westman. It is neoreactionary, identitarian, Christian, extremely localist, and economically Third Positionist. Biocentrism, unsurprisingly, centers around Life and Species as it sees these two as the goal and means of politics. For this very reason it supports Organicism and Eugenics. It focuses on life because it shares some of the sentiments as Cosmicism (like the implementation of existentialism to politics) however it wants to build a new theory with that, a new focus, with the logic that "what is there else to focus on in this cold universe, if not life that you're part of". It can also be correlated to Christian Existentialism. Its worldview is strongly Faustian, however this isn't universal just preferred.


    Biocentric Government

    Biocentrism has a peculiar approach to government, it can be understood as localist, however it is based around first and foremost subsidiarity and understanding of the state as "Expression of the People" a sort of "state of being" rather than government a sort of "collective consciousness", this applies in different forms from the lowest to the highest level of pan-national (racial) groups, in lower parts through personalization in higher parts through law.

    It follows the idea of covenant community, however it doesn't see the point of it in supporting volutaryism and individual freedom but instead supports it for reason of collective freedom within personalist and commensalist network, essentially trying to create self-governance of each community based upon natural hierarchy within it. Community itself would be strictly hierarchical, tight-knit and very elitist, so it would invest in itself in long-term and would get the best out of itself. These communities are organized upon basis of kinship, which is essentially more localized ethnicity (examples could be Shires in England and Netherlands). It is also influenced by Bioregionalism, as it sees each ethnicity as the embodiment of landscape's soul.

    Hyper-Federalism strives to create society where power itself would be federalized, henceforth Biocentrism is against state sovereignty (Which it identifies with libertarian "monopoly on violence") and rather supports Neo-Medievalist layered system, where institutions would compete together and create inter-dependency, this can also be Ethnofederalist (each shire/kin within the complex taking over different institution). It tries to focus on economic and civic means creating healthy cooperation/competition balance. This all stands upon system-based society, where each natural region is united within this hyper-federalist complex (which is heterachical and polycentric). It is therefore both Pan-nationalist, as these complexes would also be based upon wider relation of the ethnicities within, and Urbist, as noted above. However conception of the role of state can vary from civilization to civilization, in Germany it sees the "state" in nearly anarchist way, seeing it as "state of being" (centered around certain more poetic conceptions of Reich), however in China, for example, it would be much more legalist (In the sense that the whole system would be much more collectivist and tight-knit). However it always sees it as the "expression of the Volk" making it fluid, based upon natural hierarchy and in line with traditional law. Volk is a German word meaning "People", however it was also used by certain thinkers in a different sense, being along the lines of genetic group however with structure in itself, so it can mean Race, Nation, Tribe or Kinship, this strongly connects to Identitarian view of ethnicities.

    Land isn't seen in Biocentrism as economic asset, bur rather as basis for human society, on the other hand it supports landowners and gives to them the duty of caring for community. Ownership is seen as centre, however it isn't seen in propertarian sense but rather sees landowners as "Stewards" given the land by God. This leads it to specific mix of Feudalist and Physiocratic ideas. For these reasons he is strongly environmentalist and for conservation of land.

    In similar fashion it sees law as layered. First layer is Theonomist law taken directly from Bible and Christian beliefs, this would in it's view would apply universally as God is the creator of life. Second is law of the people, inspired by German School of Jurisprudence, where laws regarding specific organization of the community are taken from spirit of the people (IE Traditional law). This would be dispensed through various judges, clerics for religious law and elders for the national law.

    Actual governance in Biocentric society would be done by adhocracy instead of organized system. Each issue would be solved by the people who understand it the most and have the highest position in general society (i.e. are the most valued within).

    Biocentric Economics

    Its economics are very broad, inspired by Historical School of Economics. It sees economic modus operandi and for each region and each people to be different based upon it's history. It also strongly supports agrarianism, but not enough to get into way of natural growth. In modern times however he sees information and genius as the means of economic competition and sees personalization and naturalization of society as the means to create competition based upon knowledge and information rather than quantity and productivism, it can be called economically technocratic in this regard. In many ways it combines Historical School and Schumpetarian Competition State (aforementioned technocratic competition) however it also has strong sense of Communitarianism which is manifested in Solidarist values of economy. In its moderate form it creates solidarist value system, in its more radical form it creates Autonomist Localized economy (in some cases Tory Corporatism, Reactionary Socialism or National Syndicalism) seeing it as way towards naturally hierarchical and communitarian economy. It sees the liquifying of culture in capitalist systems as extremely bad thing, and in similar fashion as with centralized state power, it criticizes centralization combined with commodification (which it sees as direct result of the former). It is also very anti-voluntaryist, instead seeing people as naturally tied to each other and having duties and privileges between them. For all these reasons it's truly Third Positionist when it comes to economics. Another important part of Biocentric economics is Prussian-Socialism, specifically the ideal of work for the sake of work and common economy that is strongly hierarchical.

    Biocentric Culture

    Biocentric culture supports organic eugenics (IE cultural mating values based upon eugenic practice). It is also very religious and reactionary, as it sees each tradition as both given from God and being there for specific reason which might not be known. This is all done with the goal of long-term development and furthest evolution of the species, for this reason it is not against change but rather sees the tradition as rational operation and processes and as duty of every individual to uphold it or change it for betterment of his kin. Faith is very important for Biocentrism, as it sees faith as centre of human life and God as the judge of evolution, in other words he who lives well is blessed by God and Faith itself makes life good.

    Another important point for Biocentrism is Heroism, it sees Heroes as important ideals for each society and each person. For this reason it supports Monarchism, it's power and process of selection however should be ethnically particular, although it generally can be placed within Anarcho-Monarchist boundaries. Another important part is wisdom, where Philosophers and wise patriarchs should hold special and very important position in society, making it Noocratic Patriarchy.

    Biocentrism is very Faustian in it's nature, seeing the West as summit of Human species and specifically Germanic or Northwestern Europeans peoples as summit of the West. It supports technological development and science as well as tradition with the belief that they support and complement each other. It is also influenced by Spengler and his view that society itself is organism, however it doesn't believe in historic inevitability of decline but rather sees it as result of centralization of power into hands of one vitalist complex which destroys wider evolutionary pressures. This relates to his view of "Biological Dialectic" where each civilizational complex is seen as organism, which has always fallen in time. This is because of dialectic between organic and inorganic forces, which he calls immunity - cancer, in his view decentralist and right-wing forces are immunity system and leftism of all sorts is the cancer. Organic forces in his view equal with the tradition, as everyone comes out of his own tradition but inorganic forces are illogical (and/or selfish) within their tradition (IE progressive) therefore they act as cancer for the organism. This combines science and reason with tradition, as being traditional is being reasonable and not selfish within your own environment, IE being organic. This paints a picture of being centre of right-wing as far-right is too strong of an immunity and far-left is expansive cancer, both of which kill the organism. Therefore he considers himself to be authentically Third Positionist even in this regard.

    Another important tenet of Biocentrism is its view of civilization. Civilization is seen as being on eternal path that is sometimes destroyed by civilizational cancer. This path is sort of "Perennial progress" where instead of progress being contrary to tradition or tradition being eternally correct it is seen as complementing itself, new situations create new understanding of the world as much as old amassed knowledge (the tradition) deepens our understanding of the reality. This is done in constant advancement into new order of civilization even if it's at time destroyed by cancer the human knowledge still grows. However he thinks that we gained enough knowledge to finally advance beyond cycles and dialectics and that if we learn from previous civilizations we can elevate ourselves to new level of stable growth and deeper metaphysical understanding of reality.

    Biocentrism also supports a variant of Neo-Jungian Memetics. Where human unconscious relates to eternal archetypes, that serve as allegories for actual reality. This means that it strongly supports Christian mysticism and National Mythology to better connect the individuals to God and their Community. This serves along obvious ethnic and linguistic lines. Overall this creates an image of the folk being dynamic superorganism to which all humans (that partake in it) are inherently and essentially tied.

    Biocentric views on religion vary greatly too, however universal is Christian faith and its core tenets and it wants to turn the whole world to it, however of course including national mythos'. Specific view of Christianity can be summed up in few points through which it strives to create Ecumenic, Puritan, Traditionalist and Fundamentalist view of Christianity which would unite all the churches (which would keep their own liturgy and structure). Besides common christian doctrines (like Trinitarianism, Salvation through faith...) important beliefs are: the Church is sublime body of Christ and communion of all believers, Scripture is unbroken and living entity but has to be understood and it alone is the core of Christian faith, Things in this world can be blessed by the Holy Ghost and therefore are picture of God (like Mythos', Nature...) but can't be taken as idolatry.

    It should also be noted that Biocentrist views on hierarchy aren't about control, biocentrism isn't about control (in the sense of centralization of power) but rather for authority, which stems from inherent goodness and heroism of a person. Authority is either in specific field or in leadership (not bossing) of a group of people. Control is seen as the centre of modernism and its expressions of Progressivism, Leninism and Capitalism, even individualism (where by atomization of individuals they are more easily controlled). This relates to Biocentrist view of Liberty and marketplace of ideas, both of these are inspired by Neoreactionary Youtuber Endeavour. Liberty is seen as having a position and through it being authentic and in organic position, meaning that the person is with what should be theirs makes him free in their thoughts and makes them happier, in contrary to that narcissistic, atomized, depressed people without culture are easy to control as they have nothing to hold into and their inauthenticity makes them more uniform. Similar to this is the idea about Marketplace of ideas. Biocentrism believes that ideas can't be chosen as they each rely on a standpoint of those who articulated them (IE their own memetic presumptions and background) therefore we can't really have it, this however does not mean that free speech isn't a right just is against ideologies that are foreign to the culture.

    Very important part of Biocentrism is Communion, where all people are united within one society. Communion is not just collective or community, it's inter-connected, tight-knit group where all individuals within it are bound by duty towards each other and the whole, this could also be taken in Christian religious sense in Communion with Christ.

    Biocentrism is strongly aristocratic, deeming that only those that are fit to rule should rule and hierarchy of individuals is a more fluid representation of more group based hierarchy based upon well-breeding. However, aristocracy in Biocentrism can't be totally understood as European aristocracy. It is aristocracy in its truest sense: the best, the elite. Biocentrism sees this as natural hierarchy within the Volk which is the result of development and application of the ideal. Core of this aristocracy are values of wisdom, education, intelligence, gentleness and first and foremost duty. This aristocracy could be seen as combination of classical feudal system with Noocracy and Technocracy, however what is most important is that it wouldn't be based around wealth, Aristocracy would need enough property to sustain itself but for the reason of helping the community and not for the reason of wealth. Their being itself would be entailed in strong noblesse oblige, total existential obligation to the Volk. Their specific duties would vary widely based upon the specific Volk.

    Biocentric Praxis

    The general ideas is that through localization of government we can create more organic communities. Organicism is large part of the praxis and therefore it strongly supports old social institutions. It would seek to decentralize states to size of US counties. However more pragmatic approach to politics would be general subsidiarity, localized economics and sort of "Reactionary Autonomism" close to certain movements in Europe (like New Right or Lys Noir), combining personal responsibility with communitarianism, solidarism and (aforementioned) subsidiarity (Specific Individuals and Communities fighting and not participating in progressive and capitalist system). He calls this system "People's Polity", in difference with Classical Polity it holds more monarchical approach overall, but with strong sense of subsidiarity. Specifically, it generally sees the abolishment of parties as necessary. It supports limited suffrage (like Athenian Democracy) and elective monarchism, and finally highly urbist approach to the polity. Suffrage itself would be based around knowledge and position in the community and those who hold it would not just vote directly but also help to coordinate the community and apply the laws (through adhocratic councils) this would form the bulk of Biocentrist aristocracy. Even if this isn't particularist approach it recognizes that this mix of communion, liberty and natural hierarchy would be more natural than current state and would be a step towards purely hyper-federalist and totally organic state. This can vary as the role of the state would have a different path to take in each civilization and each state therefore changes are ought to be made, this specific example is meant for purely Faustian states.

    Biocentric view of technology is Archeofuturist. On one hand it supports automatization of industry, on the other it sees this as a way to return to more natural rural lifestyles, this approach has been coined as Neo-Agrarianism. Together with this it supports decentralization of energy networks with peculiar interest in small scale nuclear power plants and small scale dams. However it also supports Green Farming and returning to old, more long-term, methods in land-development. In similar fashion, it sees both suburbs and inner cities as unnatural and atomizing for human society. Instead it supports creation of Arcologies or rural communities which would stay tight-knit and more organic. As bonus they would be more energy sufficient (Arcologies) and connected to land (Rural communities). When it comes to internet it seeks the abolishment of all para-social networks (such as social media) in favour of sites like Wikipedia, where the purpose of free exchange of information is kept.

    If Biocentrism would be applied into creators environment own state, it would be a Platonic republic. Tory Corporatism would be the basis for economy, Aristocracy would be the basis for governance as part of semi-feudal Noblesse Oblige relationship. Noocracy (Philosopher-Kings) would guard values of the people. It would be strongly German nationalist and Pan-Germanist, seeking to unite all of Northern Europe (from Baltics, Nordics, German-speaking countries, former lands of Prussia, Low Countries, Northern France and Britain) into commonwealth, or how he calls it "Reich", which isn't seen as Empire but as "state of being" as "collective consciousness" which relates to Neo-Jungian National Mysticist ideas and for this reason all classes would in this system would function naturally and together form "Volksgemeinschaft". This Reich would be based around Volk. Volk is understood as mix between Tribe, Kinship, Race, Nation, Ethnicity in this sense it serves as "Pan-Identitarian" concept for various blood relations (as mentioned before).

    Movements close to Biocentrism are, German National Liberalism, Dark Enlightenment, Young England movement and German Conservative Revolution. It's relationship to German National Liberalism is very clear, they both share sentiment for strong ethnic nationalism, national mysticism but they are both for liberty at the same time, only disagreements would be the position of nobility and centralization of state (However arguably some parts of German National Liberalism were more akin to Biocentrism in this way). It's relationship to Dark Enlightenment is more complicated, but it's mainly within the methods that it's using (like terminology, formalism and power dialectic) than conclusions (albeit even then not being that dissimilar). Young England movement was Anarcho-Conservative movement with strong emphasis on organicity, therefore the relationship is very clear. German Conservative Revolution influenced Biocentrism mainly through Spengler but large parts are also taken from die Völkishen and Landbund. They share similar organic view of society together with decentralization and strong ethnic nationalism (even going to tribalism) while embracing Faustian spirit, this partially overlaps with German National Liberalism through German Romanticism that is large influence on Biocentrism. Biocentrism also agrees with critique of Democracy in certain cases however disagrees with Ceasarian notions of the Conservative Revolution.


    He is very uptight and always formal and doesn't get jokes or irony very often. He might seem pricky but he just tries to be honest. He is very loyal and trustworthy. He likes to listen to classical music (especially German and English composers) and loves art and humanities. He also loves to read about Ecology and Anthropology. He loves J.R.R. Tolkien and H.P. Lovecraft. In his spare time he wanders around the mountains and country or sits beside the fire and thinks of all that he has seen.

    How to draw

    File:Biocentrist flag.png
    Flag of Biocentrism

    1) Draw the ball

    2) Draw the flag of Biocentrism into the ball, by adding there two thick green lines (but not thirds) and let the rest white.

    3) Add Caduceus, coloured by the same green you have coloured the rest

    4) Draw Eyes

    Additionally you can add his hats, these should be generally related to hunting, be it deerstalker or normal hat.


    The flag of Biocentrism displays dark green (to symbolize the nature) Caduceus on white background (to symbolize purity of spirit), as the two serpents grow together into one while keeping being different, staff in middle represent knowledge. As a whole it is the symbol of rhetoric, in this case symbol of the dialectic (cooperation balanced with competition) within Biocentric complexes



    • Reactionary Minarchism - My greatest inspiration, We will protect our values against centralized state! Just please don't be Capitalist.
    • Christian Theocracy - Will of God guides the natural law.
    • Faustianism - The West is the best!
    • Positive Reactionaryism - This creates heroes. Faith and Self-Improvement are path to glory, King!
    • Classical Conservatism - Bit too statist, but amazing otherwise.
    • Minnesotan Distributism - Dare I say, Based? (Basically, if we ever applied our systems, it'd look the same)
    • National Aristocracy - This is really, really based.
    • Anarcho-Monarchism - Kings, Tradition and Liberty? Sign me up.
    • Rhodesian Nationalism - Rhodesians never die! Just don't be Capitalist please.
    • Racial Nationalism - Complexes should be crafted alongside race.
    • Ethnocracy - Communities should be ruled and centered around Ethnicity. Plus South Africa was really based.
    • American Confederatism - Dixie was decentralized, agrarian and ethnocratic, really nice if you ask me.
    • Identitarianism - This is ideal structure, your Kin and Race are really important.
    • Eugenicism - I fully support this, just please don't be mechanic, the point is long-term development and for that we need to properly culturally establish eugenic practices.
    • Meridian Paternalism - Oh really nice, we might not agree on everything but your system would be great for long-term development. Also, PROTESTANT THEOCRACY GANG!
    • Cosmicism - My memetic father, we both support Science, separated nations, elitism and tradition although I don't get your total Atheism.
    • Aristocracy and Noocracy - Plato was Right, these two should be combined.
    • Neoreactionarism - We have our disagreements, but even then I come from your circles and you influenced me a lot.
    • Bioregionalism - Das Volk ist der Ausdruck einer Landschaftseele! (The People are expression of Landscape's soul)
    • Neo-Puritanism - B-bb-based?
    • National Feudalism - I really like this idea, even if bit too statist.
    • Black Lilyism - I really like your ideas, you're the most based movement currently in politics. And in many cases, we are nearly the same.
    • German American Bundism - A lot of my friends are American Germans.
    • Situationism - This is where I take my critique of Capitalism from the most! Even if it's Marxist, I'll give to you that you have really good points.
    • Autonomism - This is how we should fight the Capitalist-Progressive system! Even if we have different goals.
    • National-Anarchism - Very nice, you're worse than Lys Noir but still really good, just please stop being so LARPy.
    • Hereditarian Sovereignty - Mein Gott! this is based.
    • Neotrumpism - You are very based, but please decentralize, can't you see how it brings psychos to power?
    • Conseilism - BASED, nuff said
    • Reactionary Socialism - Very good economic system.
    • Fascism - I really like you ideas about community and some of your ideas about economics but you stress state over blutgemeinschaft and I am not a fan of that.
    • Frontism - Federalist? Corporatist? Identitarian? Protestant? WOW that's really based (except for the Anti-Semitism)


    • Jed-Pilled Thought - You're based overall, but too statist tone that down.
    • Etonianism - Too statist, again, also be proud of your race more!
    • Distributism - You're not bad, but respect Landowners more! Also, land isn't economical asset!
    • Nazism - Okay, you support community and kinship and you are conservative and for eugenics, but please stop killing people that is very sinful and evil and stop being so Authoritarian and LARPy!


    • Marxism - I hate you and all of your offspring, where is Pinochet when we need him?
    • Progressivism - You're the worst degenerate, you shall be ousted from our land!
    • Biological Leninism - You are a disgrace to our species and to the society. You're the worst to have ever come to life! Dysgenic practices should be banned.
    • Pink Capitalism - I do really, really hate you. You're a worse version of Neoliberalism.


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