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    I am an authoritarian monarchist, convinced that order and stability in a society can only be achieved through a strong, centralized government, guided by a monarch who governs with wisdom and justice. For me, monarchy is not just a form of government, but the ultimate expression of the historical continuity and tradition that shape the identity of a people. The monarch, surrounded by an aristocracy that has earned its place not only by birth but by merit, is the guarantee that the values ​​that sustain our civilization will be preserved and transmitted to future generations.


    My economic vision is marked by corporatism, which I see as the way to harmonize the interests of different social groups. The economy should be organized into corporations that represent workers, employers and the State, cooperating for the common good and avoiding the destructive conflicts that arise from unbridled individualism and wild capitalism. However, I also believe in merit, in the appreciation of those who stand out for their competence and dedication. Society should reward effort and talent, but within a distributive framework, where property is distributed fairly, preventing excessive concentration of wealth and promoting the dignity of all families.


    Culturally, I am an ultra-conservative reactionary. For me, religious and cultural traditions are the foundation on which any healthy civilization should be built. Religion is the moral pillar that guides individuals and nations, and any attempt to subvert these ancient values ​​must be firmly resisted. Modernity, with its empty promises of progress and liberation, is a dangerous illusion that only serves to corrode the foundations of our society.


    My worldview is profoundly nationalist. The nation, for me, is an organic community that shares a common heritage of blood, culture and faith. The duty of every citizen is to serve the country, and the role of the state is to protect and promote national interests above all other considerations. However, this nationalism must be tempered with a respect for the natural order of things, where technology is viewed with skepticism.


    I am a staunch Neo-Luddite when it comes to technological advancement. I believe that technology, when uncontrolled, dehumanizes and alienates people from their true essence. I advocate an agrarian society, where contact with the land and nature shapes people’s character and promotes a simple and virtuous life. Excessive mechanization and digitalization of the world are forces that, if left unchecked, will destroy what is most human in us. I believe in the need for a balance, where technology is used in a limited and controlled way, serving society rather than dominating it.


    Thus, my convictions form a coherent whole, where monarchy and aristocracy, corporatism and distributism, cultural reactionism and nationalism, and the rejection of the unbridled advance of technology combine to build a society that honors its traditions, protects its members, and rejects the illusions of modern progress.

    How to Draw

    - Upon the completion of thy design of the flag, thou shalt declare it finished in its entirety.

    Flag of Belinism
    Flag of Belinism



    • JunoKya Thought - Thou art esteemed in thy ways; yet, shouldst thou embrace greater authority and a more steadfast conservatism, thou wouldst reach unparalleled heights.
      • Neo-Kyaelism - I taketh up the olde faith, for I’ll no more bend mine ear to those whose ways are fouled by wanton novelty and their hearts lost to folly.
        • - Rejoice, for it pleaseth mine ears to hear thy words. Verily, thou hast found the righteous path, and it is with gladness that I do welcome thee henceforth.
    • Energeneralism Energeneralism - I hold thee in high favor, for thou art most pleasing to mine heart.
    • Altemism - Thou art mine very reflection, yet endowed with a greater leaning towards the principles of socialism.
    • Donutzism - Thou dost bear the semblance of mine own self from weeks past, yet now art thou inclined towards the tenets of distributism.
    • WilliamCapo19 Thought - Verily, thou art most grounded in truth and wisdom, a paragon of sound judgment.
    • Evenoskyism - Likewise, thou art most esteemed, save for thine embrace of transhumanism.
    • Deivinism - Thou art, in truth, the very likeness of mine own self from weeks hence, yet with a deeper devotion to the ideals of socialism.
    • Savoinism Savoinism - Thou hast embraced a more centrist path, yet remain steadfast and grounded in wisdom.
    • Bayanihanismo - Thou art indeed most admirable; yet, shouldst thou embrace greater authoritative unity, thy virtues would shine all the brighter.
    • Carangejoism - Thou art most commendable; yet, shouldst thou align thyself with more conservative principles and royalist sentiments, thou wouldst attain an even loftier stature.
    • Lanceism - Thou art most admirable, yet methinks thou hast ventured too far.
    • Aploism - Thou hast some most excellent contemplations (save only for Galactcism and the favoring of technological advancements).
    • Ilunaticism - Same for you (But for Socialism too)


    • CHROMATISM - Why dost thou espouse liberalism and transhumanism? Verily, such beliefs are deemed grievous transgressions, particularly the latter.
    • Nitrism - Thou art exceedingly grounded in thine principles, yet I beseech thee to cease embodying the beastly fascist ways.
    • Reformed Lightism - Why dost thou lend thy support to capitalism and libertarianism?
    • Violet Enlightenment - Thou dost possess noble thoughts, yet thou dost uphold the ideologies of the Enlightenment to the utmost.
    • Syncretic Kemalism - Thou dost possess some noble thoughts and learned opinions; yet, verily, socialism shall ne’er prosper.
    • Markez Thought - Same for You
    • Socialist World Republic -Your Ideas Are Not Bad Just be Less Socialist


    • Neoconservatism - Verily, the Western manner is imbued with wokeness and governed by a globalist neoliberal system.
    • Zionism - Thou art no true Jew, but rather a practitioner of satanic rites within the occult elite, wielding dominion over the world in concert with thine exalted confederates.
    • State Liberalism - Thou art verily akin to the very model of the New World Order.
    • VMism - Progressive, Mutualist, Post-Left? Nay, let such notions find no quarter here, for they are but the fleeting fancies of minds unmoored from the ancient mores.
    •  Eleutherianism - It doth appear that mine reflexive thoughts, akin to those born of schizophrenia, art cast in a manner most communistic. Yet, in the truest essence, thou art naught but an Ego-Commune of the second age, reformed and renewed.
    • Meowxism - Bloody Hell!
    • Innovativism - Disrespectful... So (Hell) (Stop trolling)
    •  Dell'Artism - Socialism And Religion?! NO!
    • HopesDarkness - AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! HELP!!!




    Markez Thought add me

    Ok, Just let me add Others Bcz a Lot of people commented And idk who Are They...

      • Ok...
    • Brother why did you became a fascist

    Bcz I Want more Authority And strong Military But dont worry im Not like The Classical Fascists

          • - I removed some comments Bcz they Were Making a chaos so Now Its ok

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