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    Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

    Anarcho-Roastism says that your social statist should be decided on how well you roast in a stateless society. If you can not roast well, that makes you a social outcast. They shall roast you for as long as you live until you learn to roast.

    Personality and behaviour

    Roasts everyone constantly

    How to draw

    1. Draw the good ol anarchist black

    2. Fill the rest with (#7391be / 115 145 190) blue

    3. Add a flame in the center

    4. Add eyes and you're done!



    • Anarcho-Sports - Fans can come up with some amasing ways to roast the oponents
    • Anarcho-Gambling - Once you get rich you have the rest of your life to come up with the greatest roasts


    • Sex Anarchism - You're my half brother, but you don't have anything to do with roasting you so stupid that you forgot about humiliation kinks -ansex




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