12Wackies is a political quiz which tests people based off 12 off-compass dichotomies. The test is a joke more than anything else and shouldn't be taken too seriously.
- Altruity - Advocacy for collectivization of all property, regardless of the form of ownership.
- Avarice - Advocacy for all property to be privatized and competed for in the free market.
- Cosmocracy - Favors interventionism and aims for a one world government, or even a galaxy-wide one.
- Incognitism - Favors isolation to the point no one would be familiar with them, nor would they be familiar with anyone else.
- Self - Belief that individuality is what makes humans humans and that this can't be avoided. Advocates may usually suggest an anarchist or egoist government.
- Totality - Belief the individual has no power and only the state has power. Advocates may usually suggest an absolutist government.
- Morality - Belief that morality is important and should be applied to their beliefs and protected at all costs.
- Immorality - Belief that moralism does not exist, or should not be applied.
- File:Chaotic.png Chaotic - Belief that it's human nature to be destructive and suppressing this functionality would be detrimental to society.
- File:Systematic.png Systematic - Belief that humans are metaphorical cogs in a societal system and and its every humans job to do complete some role in society.
- File:Regressive.png Regressive - Belief that modern technology is harming society and we should return to a time of more primitive technology.
- File:Replacement.png Replacement - Belief that technology is good and the technological process should be accelerated until humans are replaced by technology.
- Egalitarian - Belief that no hierarchy is valid and and that all humans are created equal.
- File:Supremacist.png Supremacist - Belief that some people are superior to others and that humans are naturally in a hierarchic structure.
- File:Nihil12wacky.png Nihilism - The non belief in a god/gods or divine force.
- Esoteric - Belief religions are key parts of human societies.
- Universalism -
- Urbanism -
- File:Ochlocracy 12wacky.png Ochlocracy - Belief that the mob is always right and mob rule should is how society should be led.
- File:Aristocracy 12wacky.png Aristocracy - Belief that mob rule is uneducated and the elite are much more equipped to make important decisions.
- Panculturalism -
- Monoculturalism -
- File:Destructionism.png Destructionism - Belief that war should be promoted to solve issues and weapons of mass destruction should be used.
- File:Irenic.png Irenic - Belief that war should never be fought and that diplomatic and pacifist options should always be used.
Tests - https://github.com/Vizdun/values-common | |
uoiauai | 10groups • 12axes • 8dreams • AuthValues • InfValues • RightValues • SoilTextureTest |
Sebra - Al | 9Axes • PrismQuiz • SixTriangles |
Inky | Ideosorter • LiberationValues • PolcompballValues |
K-Tech | LibertyValues |
Afun | DiscriminatoryValues |
Other | 12Wackies • 8Values • AltValues • CenterValues • LeftValues • Political Sextant |